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Posts posted by JohnA

  1. The K-33-E is the best woofer for the La Scala basshorn. The K-43 pro woofer is said to have higher output and will therefore sound warmer. Nothing can be done to make the bass go deeper, the basshorn size controls that. You'll need a killer sub, or two (I use 2), to match output and distortion of the La Scala basshorn.

    Check your woofers to see if they are K-33-Es and if not, upgrade.


  2. Klewless pointed out a notable problem with big amps. I have fried 4 subwoofer drivers (at one time) with an amp that was capable of power output about 100 wpc greater than my subs were rated for. I was listening to heavy metal with a STRONG bass line.

    So, you CAN have too much power, but it's normally less of a problem than too little being pushed into clipping.


  3. Monster Cable in the innards can't hurt, adds marketing cache and looks spiffy, so why not. It IS a perceived value-add by most consumers so the speaker price can be higher for just a little more cost. My experience has bee like Gil's; wire above a certain size for a certain run, even hand braided CAT-5, makes no difference. BTW, hand braided CAT-5 looks so cool I just couldn't take it out. It comes in colors, too, so braiding 3 pair of different colored sleeving would look tremendous and be equal to about 10 ga. I didn't hear any diference with it on my La Scalas.


  4. The rich pay the taxes! The rich deserve the most money back and the most decrease in the tax rates. A couple of years ago a survey showed the a large part of the population thought the government had its own money! That's because the lowest 50% of wage earners pay only 5% of all federal taxes paid. I paid less than half of what cybergeek did and I feel sorry he got clipped so hard.

    We should ALL pay a flat 10% of whatever we make and there should be no deductions. If the federal government can't survive on that it ought to go bankrupt (or quit doling out my money, really). At least that way everybody feels uncle sam's blight, equally. This country used to stand for fair and equal treatment.


  5. The Jubilees we heard in Hope should really be considered prototypes. They used the pro bottom and the pro tweeter on a new horn. The Home Jubilees will probably be modified from the ones we heard. They will have an nice wooden tweeter horn using the pro tweeter driver. It will not have a squawker like the pro system has and the bottom will look just the same, but with wood finishes and maybe black like the pro version. They had a POWERFUL sound and the tweeter can throw a very good stereo image.

    A Belle made a great center channel speaker and I believe we used K-horns as the ultimate rear channel speakers! Gunshots made my pants legs move!


    This message has been edited by John Albright on 06-04-2001 at 03:33 PM

  6. Don't the Heresey II and Cornwall II have the same Squawker and tweeter? Looks the same in pictures. If so, the HII would be a great match. I have a C7 mated to La Scalas and it is a good, but not quite perfect match. The C7 is smaller than an HII and is shielded, so it might be the best match if you have a direct view TV.


  7. decibel man has pretty much made my points except for one. Sony's 9000ES DVD/SACD player is supposed to have a digital out for DD/DTS and a pair of analog outs for SACD. I haven't been able to see one, but there is no mention of a sub out for bass management. Nevertheless, My ACT-3 will take an analog 2-channel signal and do all of the bass management, prologic and other surround effects it's supposed to do. Surely these other receivers and pre/pros will, too. How do you feed your subwoofers with a tuner or VHS input?

    5.1 DVD-Audio is another kettle of fish!


  8. Probably the best you're going to get is the La Scala reviews on AudioReview.com.


    The Belle differs from the La Scala in 2 basic ways. The Belle's bass horn is wider and shallower, but is said to perform identically and the Belle's squawker horn is shorter. The La Scala uses the K-horn's K-400 (400 Hz) horn and the Belle uses a unique K-500 (500 Hz) horn. Since the crossovers have been the same for most of their lives, there should be little difference in their sound. If there is any, it would be because the K-500 is operated closer to its cut-off frequency than the K-400.


  9. I think the Outlaw 1050 looks like a great buy. You should get it. If it has weaknesses, I'd say the power supply is too small (power ratings fall with more channels driven), but you won't see that as a problem with Klipsch speakers, if you want to keep your hearing. The S/N ratio in the tuner section could be a little better, too. However, for $500, you can't touch it anywhere else, it seems. Go for it and save the $200 left over for books!


  10. Well, I got the joke!

    Your friend's La Scalas probably have a K-55-V squawker (midrange) driver. It should be grey and about softball-sized. That is the squawker driver I prefer.

    Since they won't fit in his entertainment center, he really need Doug's help. I know Doug and he will give them a good home. Smile.gif


  11. Well, Max, You've spoken well and have described my experience with K-horns perfectly. I have La Scalas and 2 subwoofers in an attempt to achieve the same thing in a room not designed for "The Horns." I get close. The experience of hearing the music in the room, without speakers, is the reason Klipsch speakers exist.


  12. I've purchased several items off of ebay. I've never been burned, but I used iescrow.com for all big ticket items I didn't pickup myself. My last pair of La Scalas were $446 through ebay (plus a $50 stupid tax speeding through Columbia, SC).

    If you know what you want and what it is worth, don't be afraid. Use a service like iescrow.com and don't get bidding fever and you'll make out.


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