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Posts posted by JohnA

  1. The Type AL xover is probably most of your problem. It is overly complex, unusually designed and does strange things to the response of the individual drivers. It over controls the system. My rear La Scalas had Type ALs and I though they were squawky, ill-defined in the lower mids and had a screech at high levels. I put ALK xovers in them and almost all of that went away. Damping the horns cured the rest. They are smooth and unaccented, now. The Type AA xover with high quality components is a good sounding xover, but it will have to be adjusted a little for your K-55-M squawker. My front La Scalas have modified Type AAs. Other than the Type ALK, I like the Type AA and Type AK-3, best.

    The AlNiCo tweeter IS a little weak in the upper treble and might also be contributing. The newer K-77-M tweeter is smoother and has more output in the upper frequencies.


  2. your KLF-30s dont *produce8 hiss, they are so efficient they show off the hiss in your receiver. Most A/V gear has it and is must be a product of the DSP. I have some trouble with it in my ACT-3 pre/pro. Acurus says it is a function the gain required to meet some Dolby Digital requirements.

    All you can do is try a different receiver until one suits you.


  3. The '99 drivers have all been unchanged since 1982. The fiberglass squawker horn started well after 1982, but I've never heard when. I doubt you'd improve much going to the aluminum squawker horn. If I had them, I'd listen to them as is for about 6 months before changing a thing. Only make changes to address a shortcoming you hear.

    I have the metal horns in my La Scalas, but damping the tweeter and squawker horns would be first on my list (use rope caulk from Home Depot, it's in the weather sealing dept.), then I'd tightly stuff the HF cabinet with polyester fiberfil from Walmart. Then, make sure the seals between the bass horn and the corner are good and it sits tightly in the corner. Finally, look into Al Klappenberger's replacement crossover. Your's should have Type AK-3 xovers. They are said to sound a lot like Al's, so consider it last.


  4. The KSF 8.5s are pretty good sized towers aren't they? If so, I'd set them to Large. Your receiver is setting the Low pass for the subwoofer, so I'd set the sub to a somewhat higher frequency so its xover doesn't cause uneven repsonse when added to the receiver's. 100 Hz should be O.K., but the frequency should be selected by the performance of your other speakers.


  5. I just got back a few hours ago. The trip was GREAT! It was beyond our wildest dreams! We got our pictures made with Mr. Paul. Miss Valerie is sweetest grandmother you'd ever want and a great hostess. She practically worships Mr. Paul. Trey, Matt, PhilH, Jim Hunter and everybody we met at Klipsch were Class Acts! We got several nice souvenirs. And we spent quite some time with the Jubilees. They are smoother than the K-horn and very powerful. I think they will further the "Legend".

    Pictures at 11.



  6. The K-33-E, the latest version, is optimized for the Belle/La Scala/K-horn back air chamber and compression chamber volumes. It is said there are few better for use in folded horns. If you have a -B, the -E is a nice upgrade. Al Klappenberger's xovers are flexible and very sweet sounding. You'll like them and they will help you match the output of other squawkers.

    You HAVE wrapped the squawker horn and tweeter with damping material, haven't you? Have you tightly stuffed the HF cabinet with poly fiberfil?


  7. Mondial has bent over backward to help with my ACT-3's "noise" problem. They've spent lots of time explaining the reasons they chose to produce it with such high gain and how I might solve the "problem". I had 2 choices, turn the amp input gains down, or send it in for modification. I elected to adjust the amps, but Tony practically begged me to send it back. It's hard to say too many nice things about Mondial.

    The Aragon line of amps are tough to beat, too.


  8. I have never heard a Belle, yet. I have 4 La Scalas. The Belle and La Scala use the same drivers and for most of their life used the same crossover network. The major difference is the squawker horn in the Belle. It is shorter and therefore has a higher cutoff frequency. Since the crossovers are most often the same, you can expect the Belle to have slightly rougher amplitude response around 400 to 500 Hz since her squawker operates nearer the horn's cutoff frequency.

    None of this is supposed to be audible, at all.


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