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moray james

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Posts posted by moray james

  1. they are solid ply construction not sure if brace work has been added or not but the parts are good and the box is good not out of line and pricing is always a regional thing. I have seen a lot worse go for more. Well worth a look and a listen they may take less you never know if you don't ask.

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  2. There is a joke tape of a guy who says he got the Chinese vaccine and saying that he has had no side effects from the shot but while he is speaking he slides from an American accent into a thick Chinese accent. Funny. I can't find a copy of this. Does anybody have a link? I heard an audio only of this so not sure if there is any video to go with the audio. Thanks. Important to be able to retain a good sense of humor.

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  3. There is a joke tape of a guy who gets the Chinese vaccine while saying that he has had no side effects from the shot but as he is speaking he slides from an American accent into a thick Chinese accent. Funny. I can't find a copy of this. Does anybody have a link? I heard an audio only of this so not sure if there is any video. Thanks. Important to be able to retain a good sense of humor.

  4. 2 hours ago, Chief bonehead said:

    You can do whatever you want to do to your klipsch speaker. The speaker was designed and produced with a certain spec in mind. Once you put in something that is not klipsch approved then it is no longer a klipsch speaker. I really don’t understand why this is so hard to comprehend  

    You are 100% correct. my comment was made because the guy who was looking to play with his speakers was being told over and over that he would no longer have a stock Klipsch loudspeaker which ought to be obvious right from the get go as you said. A one time reminder in a thread ought to be all that is necessary for a first time modifier given many are also concerned with resale value in which case they should only make changes which are reversible and then they can reverse the speaker back to stock to sell the loudspeakers and part out the upgrade parts or keep them to use in another project. Everybody wins everyone is happy new owners get to hear stock Klipsch which I think is great and very much worth while for all concerned. I know I would rather purchase stock used Klipsch and do my own work as I see so many botched jobs and I don't want to spend my time and money fixing someone else's ideas of what needs to be done and or shoddy workmanship.

  5. 3 hours ago, Outrider 6 said:

    Thanks for all of this, but especially for the dialogue on ports vs passive radiators. I just assumed if the choice was for an industrial style cabinet, then it was also a choice for ports rather than passive radiators.  

    ports are obviously a lot cheaper than passive radiators are and with a pro cabinet there is usually room for ports on the back side of the cabinet if the front baffle is taken up with woofers and horns. Pro rigs generally have more available space so vent location is less of an issue unless you are talking small clubs so you will find small pro cabinets with front mounted vents. I like to have vents on the rear of the cabinet where possible but this will depend on the individual room. Rear vents do a better job of hiding upper bass frequencies which may escape via vents and it also covers vent chuffing better than front placement. I had one pair of KLF20 I upgraded for my daughter during her university days living in smaller rental accommodations I placed the vents on the front of the cabinet so placement would be easier and open up more available floor space since the speaker could be placed close to the front wall if necessary. On my other two sets of KLF20 I left the vents on the rear of the cabinet. It all comes down to trade offs and your priorities.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Marvel said:


    Then it won't be a Klipsch product, just like it really won't be a Corvette.

    are you a member of some secret Klipsch society which avails to educate those who might want to modify a Klipsch product which they own that they are somehow unknowingly destroying forever a Klipsch loudspeaker? If you have no assistance to offer by way of information or help then leave the guy to it. How many warning do there need to be, is there a set number he can at least look forward to when the warnings stop?

    • Like 2
  7. you need brace work n matter what you build the only tine you don't is when you are making a very small cabinet and you use thick rigid wall material. Brace material should be rectangular a good ratio is 1:1.5 always fix the brace on the narrow edge so if you were using 1: thick material you would cut it 1.5" wide.

    I told you what I did with my Quartet re the woofers. As for ports you have no room on the front for ports with a Quartet and ports on the back are much more problematic than are passive radiators.If you want to you can re tune your Quartet passives by adding 2 - 2.5 ounces of dead weight to the inside centre (cone apex) of the passive used large flat washers to keep the centre of gravity low and centre the weights to keep the passive stable. Hope this helps.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 3/15/2021 at 10:01 AM, Little Wolf said:

    I got to listen to Forte II's: great speakers! 

    I really like their richness on high frequences and the reality on mid.

    I was only a bit disappointed about low range: they lack bass! How is that possible?

    They should have more bass than my KLF30's (they start from 32hz vs 36hz KLF's)

    Maybe they was placed too far from rear wall? (about 3,2 ft)

    The tweeter and the mid in a Forte 2 is the same as used in a Chorus 2 only the crossover of the Chorus differs as the mid is used to play down a little lower. Chorus can generate chest pounding bass but it is worth remembering this is in the 120 -140Hz range. KLF30 does not play quite a s low as either Forte but it pushes a lot more air so it has greater impact than a single 12" Forte.

    The tweeter in a KLF20 or KLF30 is the same tweeter used in both the Forte and Chorus model lines. While the mid drivers used in Forte Chorus and KLF are also the same the mid horn of the KLF is a newer and wider band design than that used in the Forte 2 or the Chorus 2 (both use the same mid horn). Hope this helps and is of interest.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 3/9/2021 at 8:40 AM, sparton175 said:

    I'll be picking up my very first pair of Klipsch Heritage speakers this afternoon, a pair of Quartets. Are there any recommended mods/upgrades that people do to these models? I saw something about a weight on the passive radiator and some talk of tweeter upgrades. I don't want to spend an arm and a leg upgrading them but some basic recommendations would be very much appreciated.

    I dropped a set of KLF20 woofers into my Quartet added weight to the passive and added some damping to the cabinet in the form of high density fiberglass on the struts only and put them on four post stands which placed the centre of the mid horn at my seated ear level around 40" up off the floor. Best Bass I have achieved from any Klipsch I have owned and modified. see brace work below.

    Quartet rebuild 011.jpg

    Quartet rebuild 017.jpg

    Quartet rebuild 021.jpg

    Quartet rebuild 016.jpg

    Quartet rebuild 020.jpg

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  10. 6 hours ago, SWL said:



    Key words = well functioning.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    Issues with KLF series  to know about #1) loose baffles (front and back) due to defective hot melt adhesive on the melamine. Remove the melamine at the joint reassemble with white wood glue will be much better than new and last forever. #2) Black poly tweeter diaphragms the worst Klipsch ever used replace them. 3) Woofer dust caps coming loose easy to repair. 4) Upgrade crossover caps. 5) Brace work. That's all the big stuff there are lots of mods folks can do to take them further if they want to. Excellent speakers.

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  11. 8 hours ago, Jvitti1970 said:

    Which one and why. ?

    i am a 2 channel listener.

    System is used primarily for Music 

    I have owned three sets of KLF20 and a set of CF3 and two sets of Forte2 and one pair of Forte but I have not owned the Chorus but I do own a set of JBL L200b which now have installed in them a pair of JBL 2226 woofers (these are 15" based two way speakers not so different from the Chorus). I think the only way for you to know which will suit you best is to listen to a pair of well functioning KLF20 and also a pair of Chorus ll. The thing is that both do great stuff but you will have have to make this call.

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  12. 53 minutes ago, Chris A said:

    It's a 4-way that's 17.4 inches wide and 45 inches tall, weighing 195 pounds(!), and is an active loudspeaker that loses directivity at 400-500 Hz (the 8 inch "woofers").  Dual 15" subwoofers are built into the base to extend the frequency response down to (a claimed) 14 Hz.  It has a lot of amplifier power capability (400w to the tweeter and midrange, 750w to the woofers, and 1500w to the dual 15" subwoofers). 


    It clearly uses DSP and FIR filtering to achieve this kind of SPL and phase response:




    It's not my cup of tea, but it is interesting.  I bet the price will reflect all of the above. 


    I wouldn't call it a multiple entry horn (MEH) design, per se, but one that makes use of a MEH top end.  It has all the disadvantages of a direct radiating loudspeaker and few if any advantages that a full-range MEH has: efficiency and full-range controlled directivity.  The only thing it really has is flat phase and SPL response due to the extensive use of FIR filtering. 




    wow would love to hear a pair of those. thanks for posting.

  13. On 1/21/2016 at 10:22 PM, marems said:

    Here's one of the completed recapped xover.


    Fremont wow you are almost close enough to visit.I could walk across the boarder (from Calgary) and claim asylum then come visit you and hear your newly re capped CF networks.

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  14. 1 hour ago, BigStewMan said:

    why would they want to kill me ... I'm not that important. 

    my cousin is afraid that they'll plant a microchip in her.  again I say, why do they need to track her? besides they already know her whereabouts from her cell phone ... and probably smart tv.

    you are not important but you are taking up space and resources, you are a huge liability and that's a good enough reason. gotta cull the herd.

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  15. 2 hours ago, EpicKlipschFan said:

    personally i notice no difference on my recaps from the first 5 minutes to an hour to a month or longer... 

    well we are going to have to disagree on this one and I don't just base my findings on my own experience. I also find there can be a wide range of difference with brands and types of caps. I disagreed with Bob also regarding this, rest his soul. Lots of folks don't hear or notice lots of things, happens all the time.

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