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Everything posted by Heritage_Head

  1. Is it just one of the speakers?…. I would return it personally.
  2. Just a tip.. for best results….you want that fan blowing the the other direction (blowing the heat away, pushing it into the room). The way you have it the heat will just spin around. If you look at any electronics that have fans, the air is always going out not in. Sweet amp btw.
  3. What’s in the 396 box (is that a full speaker or did you take the drivers out)?
  4. I don’t know if I would say the word hardest, but I definitely feel like I can keep turning it up, and the speakers never really show any signs of complaining… like if I turned the RF7 way up (for example) that I used to own….at a certain point you could definitely start hearing something would start complaining…..whether it was the speakers, the amplifier, or my ears. (I don’t know)… but with the 396 I never really feel like anything is reaching a critical point. Almost like a car that you don’t even realize you’re going 110mph until you look at the speedometer.
  5. The Rotel is the only amp I’ve run on them so far. They definitely suck more power than the La Scalas did (for example). When I run Odyssey on my Denon AVR, it sets the La Scalas at around -12 and sets the 396 at around -5… definitely a big drop in sensitivity compared to the LS.
  6. Heritage_Head


  7. I switched out the new drivers and put all the originals back in.
  8. Shred your ears? Everybody’s ears are different of course , but I’ve never experienced anything close to that with anything I’ve listened to on the 396s. Do you use any room treatments? What kind of surfaces do you have in your room? Do you have tall vaulted ceilings? A few pictures of the room layout might help for some of the people on here to give advice. If you’re experiencing any harshness, I would definitely look at the room. It is just as important as any other piece of equipment that you can have, and probably the most overlooked. The room is a literal speaker box enclosure. I personally have acoustic panels all over the place. I know a lot of people think it’s snake oil, but they are so wrong.
  9. Well, it’s been about three months and I thought it was about time I share a small review after giving a lot of hours listening to the 396s…I really believe that sound is a muscle memory and anything different can seem better, worse, or just different. So I believe it needs time to give a good true impression… First things first the 396s are just fantastic speakers.…. They are definitely right there with the KPT904s… especially in the voice (wow just wow)… I know a lot of you that have time with the 510 or better (402) know what I’m talking about…. the 510 is so much better than other commercial speaker drivers I’ve heard... It’s really hilarious.. I have owned so many speakers, and they just wipe the floor with them. So I have been pushing them mostly with just normal listening level music, movies, tv, and even a lot of basic podcasts….I work remote, and spend most of my time in the room they are sitting in (these speakers do not collect dust). I have also opened them way up with music, and movies as well and they sound amazing on everything…I have said this in other posts (and forums), but it’s worth repeating…the VOICE … right away you hear it. It’s so big compared to other speakers… for example I would go to the movie theatre, and I would hear that giant voice. That was the one thing in the home that I missed… I could replicate the bass…I could replicate the surround-sound, but the voice was always smaller. Only the 904s, and the 396s (510s) match that in the speakers that I have owned. For as good as La Scala sound, they don’t have that, the RF7s they don’t have that, the Cornwalls they don’t have that etc. etc. Spending $3500 on a pair of speakers Is a ton of money, especially when I think back to what I would spend 20 years ago….I can’t necessarily say that they’re better than a $1000 pair of speakers when you’re talking bang for buck (everyone’s ears, and wallets are different). But as I sit here today writing this review I couldn’t be happier….. Well done Klipsch.
  10. It could be acoustically transparent.
  11. No stands yet. The grills have that foam. I wonder what it’s there for? they’re not normally behind a screen so I don’t get it…. has anyone gotten any technical data on the purpose?
  12. I haven’t done anything yet. Been super busy. I have had them on for watching normal tv, but other than the day they came last week I haven’t done much with them.
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