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Everything posted by Tremors

  1. All 3 pieces are black and priced pretty good at 80 bux. Is that better than than 40% off MSRP? lol Yes, it is. It's funny what a difference one letter can make. I never stated 40% "OFF", I said 40% "of" MSRP which would mean 60% off. Uhhhhh, I'm over today. Great deal nonetheless. Enjoy. I'm going to bed. Lol.
  2. If that was your goal then I hope you accomplished it and I stand by my comments in this thread which didn't have that restriction...To the OP, good luck in selling your speakers. I meant per person. I apologize if I've offended you in any way as it was not my intention.
  3. tdk, "complaining" as it relates to your post, is not accurate, at all. You "agreed" with a huge price diff. Your doing, not mine. I wanted to boil it down to one number, for the OP. The taxes example was simply one that everyone could understand, i apologize if you cannot or don't have to pay taxes. Seemed like an easy one to understand. My mentioning of a $13 dollar speaker was to give a baseline that Everything has a value, but that the lowest value does not signify its true value. "I have an extra one that I'm not letting go of". I have two tucked away, and...... Your mentioning this because why? So, you don't grasp how your 30% price range diff would be confusing to the OP? Yes, my example was exagerated, that was the point, as I stated.
  4. It's probaby because I stink at math. Haha. That's part of my point, they are still listed. Just because they are listed for a certain price doesn't mean that's what the going rate or market value of them is. I just did a nationwide CL search for Klipsch RF-7. Here is what I found RF-7's for $2000 - LINK . I bet they will be there for awhile. RF-7's for $1000 - LINK - Notice they were listed over a month ago and have not sold. No way of telling if they have been relisted either. RF-7's for $800 - LINK - Dents and dings but says "doesn't need....taking up space" which means I'll take a lot less and they too are still available. You know I'm just stirring the pot don't you. Funny thing is all this conversation and we are STILL ON TOPIC! Amazing. Math. You do realize this puts the range closer to $1300, lol.
  5. TDK....^^^Certainly, you're correct with respect to your own observations and opinions. Lost in context was my kidding about you agreeing with both. Kinda. I do think its funny though. Sure an RC-7 is worth $600, its also worth $13 dollars. Depends on the needs and wants of the buyer. You agreed at two totally diff price ranges (which you've quantified with respect to condition, but you didn't before). Lets magnify your statement, as it equates to an easily 30% difference. "Yeah, I'd pay anywhere between $9k-$12k in taxes each year. That's average" Big difference.
  6. I am with Vital and Youth on this one. You cant agree with both, as their opinions differ drastically. Are you two different people at the same time, lol? Their price ranges are totally different. Whom are you agreeing with? $800 or $1k-$1200?
  7. Youth. Additionally, you've totally glided over the point where you've actually agreed (despite disagreeing) with me on the % prices of used equipment. It's all good. All for a greater good, i suppose. We don't even know if he's buying or selling, lol. So that, in my opinion, is actually the greatest point of contention, lol.
  8. Youth, I was quoting your "What's wrong with a good deal?" Reinforcing your own opinion that $800 is the norm. I was simply stating that its not the norm, from what I've seen. Again, opinions. I paid $1400 total for MINT: Cherry RF-7's, RS-7's, an RC-7, and an RSW-15 in Cherry. This isn't the norm and to state it as such does nothing to help the OP form any estimates. Lots of "Two cents" being thrown around right now, all for a greater good.
  9. Gorm, essentially what you're saying is that you know their value is around $1k but to facilitate a quick sale you'd take $800. I can certainly respect that and have been there. But that's not the question. You can disagree and that's fine. In fact, that's kinda the idea, lots of opinions is what the OP wanted. But we're not talking about what you'd take if you "could probably find a buyer in a week for 700-800". I could sell my house for $500, in minutes. Was that the question, though? What you'd take right now, this minute, "cause I gotta run to another country and need to sell these". Or was it the "going" price?
  10. Jeph, I've only ever been in the market for Cherry. As I find them better to look at (and most do as well given the availability) and prices are different for Black vs Cherry. Your selling price is (for black) within Youths range, but for a pair that needed some work. I surmise the OP was inquiring as to the price of a pair that didn't need work as he didn't state them being "damaged". Given this, would you have not expected $1k pair for the 7's in good/great condition? Again, I think we're all on the same page here, just misreading certain statements.....
  11. Side note: I've never paid more than $300 for an RC-7. But the question wasn't what we've paid it was for perspective on going prices, currently, so I weighed in.
  12. Youth, I simply felt that your estimates were more towards the "good deal" range. To answer your question, there's nothing wrong with paying $800, lol. When did i say that? But good luck finding them consistently, at that price.. "Have to disagree there too" You're actually agreeing with me given your own estimates of 50/60% of (off) retail, and in fact going higher than what I stated. I said "40% of retail MSRP is normal" Not 40% "OFF" MSRP. You quoted prices you've found on 83's, I didn't realize we were now talking about those as opposed to 7's, or any other speakers for that matter. Either way, if you re-read, we're on the same page. I was just trying to help this perspective buyer form an evaluative price range with more than just one persons opinion. That's the idea right? If he wrote a post stating "I'd like one single persons opinion about the price of these" I wouldn't have commented, he did not.
  13. I've heard of the removing woofers method on here but never requested it myself from a seller. I've had four RC-7's show up with no woofer damage despite not being removed. Double boxing on the other hand, is a must have in my book. One fell prey to being thrown in a single box with only peanuts surrounding it. Well, after its travels the RC-7 was at the bottom, peanuts at the top, damage all over the place, lol. Not good.
  14. And the search for the elusive RC-7 begins (as said in my best Steve Irwin voice). Best of luck, amigo
  15. Nice score! I love the RB-5's. Which wood did you get?
  16. I'd say Youths estimates are a tad more towards the "good deal" range than the "fair deal" range. Paying 40% of original MSRP for used gear is typically where prices are falling in today's buying climate. I believe the RF-7's were 1100-1200 a piece originally. That'd put you closer to $1k, give or take, and that's what I've seen as well. So, $800 IMO would be a "good deal". Best of luck to you in your purchase!
  17. Actually, I wasn't teasing but since you are now making fun of me, I guess I'll keep them afterall. Good luck with that. I can see my 10 & 12 yr old daughters trying to carry the RF-83's to your Uhaul. Hope you bought insurance. Ha, you know I was playing. I'd probably need life insurance if I tried to get anyone's daughters to carry 90# speakers as their parents would prolly be gunnin' for me for being such a jerk :/
  18. Side note: when you do this "......:(" it looks like the frowny guy emoticon is sliding along and losing an eyeball. Which is really funny.
  19. Fine, you want to be a BULLY! You can have my Klipsch speakers. I QUIT! Oh you tease, I'd gas up the car and make the 25hr drive right now, lol. Scratch that. I'd catch a red eye flight and rent a uhaul. But only if I could convince your kids to do the heavy lifting I'm tired.
  20. ^^^I can't see any pics, Quiethollow.
  21. Agreed. Perhaps too insane for his room/house? The biggest hurdle (that I've yet to overcome) in my room is the walls. Wood paneled walls are a nightmare at a certain volume with the rattles that can occur. I can't imagine what this is doing to his home :/
  22. Jeez! I never realized so many of you guys enjoyed your tunes with the sound turned off
  23. Assuming he'd probably like this done in the next couple months, I'm just gonna say good luck finding those for a reasonable price
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