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Kent T

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Posts posted by Kent T

  1. MA 5100, MA 6100, MA 6200, MC 50, MC 250, MC 2505, MC 2100, MC 2105, MAC 1700, MAC 1900, and MAC 4100 all sound superb with Klipsch Heritage and Extended Heritage speakers. And all will satisfy you with very musical and wonderful sonics. 

  2. Happy Birthday, IbizaFlame. It is folks like you who make the forum the awesome place it is. Enjoy your birthday, your Klipsch, and fine revelry. One more trip around the sun is survival and love. Enjoy it all! 

  3. Indeed, we wish Chad the finest, and peace and health to your family. If you need to vent, we understand here perfectly well. PMs have been sent, the chair is going Horn Loaded, Hope, Arkansas Style. High Efficiency, Live, Loud, and Proud. Or go home! This forum is truly awesome. It's people make it so! I'll need to get photo of surrogate legs up on forum when new decor arrives. 

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  4. Gentlemen, 


    I am a physically challenged Klipsch fanatic. I have cerebral palsy, spina bifida, clubfeet and limb length issues. Was born preemie and audiophile my whole life. Met PWK twice, an awesome teacher. I am a 40 year broadcast engineer, I take no BS, and love life, and my job, my wife (my work boss) and my kids. Chime in, your perspectives desired. Especially wheelchair users (Hint, I need Klipsch badges related to Heritage on my chair) Thanks! 

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  5. I am saddened by your father's passing. But elated you were there for his good care and to heed his wishes in the end. And since you are his son, you are by extension one of us. I lost my own grandmother and mate, the Halloween before last. I inherited her house, I still live here. And it is OK to be saddened and even overwhelmed. I understand. Please keep us posted about how you are adjusting. We are here to be friends and to assist you. Never forget that. 

  6. The older I get, the more world hardened I get, the more I am turning into Paul Wilbur Klipsch. And less tolerant of Bovine Excrement or muslc lovers wasting money for little to no improvements or even losses gained. Consider yourself warned. PWK was quite the engineer, the human being, the person and character. But he was honest, he didn't suffer fools, and did teach people a lot, I am one of those who learned from his firehose of knowledge of audio, of people, and of life itself. Being physically challenged he also told me in a visit, "You know a lot, you try to be friendly, you don't suffer fools like I don't suffer them, you don't like Bull*hit, explain why they are wrong, integrity is paramount". "You can understand this, it is your gain, you are ahead". Refreshing, we were too much alike. I think that is why I enjoyed PWK too much. I liked the fact he saw me as a whole person, and not physically challenged. He taught me too much and not to accept dull and mediocre and not to suffer fools. 

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