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  1. RIP to the greatest fighter to have ever lived
  2. First of all congrats on your new speakers I would recommend that you get the surrounds since the towers already produce bass so no need for a subwoofer now. This way you'll have an almost 5.1 setup: right and left speakers center speaker right and left surrounds bass from 2 towers Enjoy
  3. Yes this bluray player can output HDR. I got one too and the details and colors are absolutely perfect
  4. Thanks Ceca Will definitely try to make it. Yeah traveling half the world would land me a prize for sure hahhaha
  5. hahahah yeah everyone here is amazing. Everyone is very welcoming and that is also one of the many reasons i bought Klipsch speakers. I'll let you know asap how they perform. i"m sure i'll be half deaf after my first listening session
  6. Awesome. Thanks buddy. I'll definitely try to make it
  7. I would love that Mallette. I was actually i Houston a month ago. I'll definitely try to make it soon again It's ironic, Mallette (Dave) moved from Houston about a month ago Really? Wished i could've met up with any of you guys
  8. Thank you Mungkiman. Will definitelt post pics tomorrow after i finish setting up
  9. I would love that Mallette. I was actually i Houston a month ago. I'll definitely try to make it soon again
  10. Thank you willand. I bet it will
  11. Thank you Ceptorman. hahaha yeah the sub is like a coffee table. Getting ready to piss of the neighbors
  12. After almost 3 months of waiting they're finally here. I'm absolutely terrified and happy with the size of these beasts. Still waiting for the receiver being cleared at customs (stupid Egyptian customs). Will be setting up very soon. Couldn't be happier for purchasing these speakers
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