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Everything posted by SteevG

  1. Quartet's for $850 all day. Spend the money you save on tubes. I use a vintage Sansui 5000X receiver as an amplifier and also it has pre outs for my Dynaco ST70. If your Marantz is in good shape you'll have no issues. Quartets also have a high WAF (wife acceptance factor) as they're beautiful speakers. Mine are Oiled Oak.
  2. If those are true old stock 6ca7's then they should be Sylvania's (possibly rebranded RCA's). I would save those as they're worth some money and replace with some JJ el34's that have been matched (you need matched pairs per side or a matched quad). Take the advice here and have it looked over eventually/soon. Also, the 7199 driver tubes tend to last a long time so if you need new ones find some that have been thoroughly tested. I tried the 6u8 and the 6gh8 with the adapters and didn't care for the way it sounded.
  3. +1 on the Viva Tube store. Have purchased 3 or 4 quads for my ST70 and have been taken care of. Had to send 1 JJ el34 back due to red plating and they replaced the entire set. Also had to return a quad of EH 6ca7's that wouldn't bias correctly and they turned around a new quad in about a week. Very happy with them, their tube stock and their service. Prices are good too.
  4. Sorry for the mis-quote, They're back with an ad for Forte II's with Crites updates for $150. I can forward the email address to you if you want to investigate. Seems like the same M.O. Gmail address in the body of the e-mail My point was that these are ruses to get you to respond. Sorry if I came off as callus.
  5. Same here in Chicago. $200 KG4's with a gmail address. I flag 'em.
  6. I've used two different sets of matched quads to power my Dynaco ST70/Klipsch Quartets . I must say they hold their own against some RFT EL34's and much better than some generic EL34 Chinese tubes I have. The sound is clear with plenty of power and excellent balance and tube 3D sound. You can get a matched quad for under $25 per tube. I use them and really like them.
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