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Everything posted by mopardave

  1. My son has a pair of Jamo's i bought him some 15yrs ago. I don't know the model or how they compare to Klipsch, but they are a very nice sounding pair of speakers. I think i paid $800 for those back then.
  2. I see there are some old posts about these. They must not be that good that not many have them.
  3. Nice parts, but sure does look complicated. Thats beond my level for sure.
  4. ok, sounds great. Here's what they look like. I'll just put these right in the Supers and i'll have music again. Sweet!
  5. Ok. Yes. How long are they topically good for?
  6. Gonna pull the home built B xo from my home brew CW's to use in the Super Heresy's . They are now 15yrs old and probably need new caps. Currently using Musicaps. Whats now recommended?
  7. I searched a little more on this topic and found some old klipsch forum threads and craig said back then(2003) to try it, but i might hate or like it. Think i'll just order up some new gold lion KT77's and be happy. Wounldn't want to hurt my amp. Cant do any hard listening as all my gear is crammed into my computor room at the moment. Looks like you have alot of nice gear. I have never researched those KT150 tubes or the others. Thanks
  8. Thanks for your response and experience in tube rolling. Just the person i need info from. I'm not sure the amp will support the kt66's. Way back some 15yrs ago, I had Craig@nosvalves mod this Audcom amp(HK citation 2 replica) and he gave me a quad of valve art kt66 to try. The bias would run away to a point i could not turn it down. Thought i might try again with a new set of cold KT66 GL and see if it will bias. Where should these KT66GL be biased at? I want to try a set of the KT77GL as well. I used to think the Electro Harmonix fat bottles were the cats *** in this EL34 amp til i tried the JJ KT77. Simply one bad *** tube with Cornwalls. They go low with strong punchy accurate mids and cristal clear highs. So, thought i would try the KT77GL to compare to the JJ's and the KT66's if i can get then to bias. Thanks again
  9. Anyone here ever AB these two tubes. Thinking about ordering a new quad and not sure the differences in the two. Will be used with my CW's and Super Heresy's. Thanks
  10. What is the big deal about the Sophia Electric EL34 tubes? Look over priced to me. Anyone here ever try them?
  11. Tubes work real nice with those. I would look at getting the cross overs up dated. Crites or others can help. Wouldnt cost much if you can solder. Just new caps.
  12. Where they currently set are at my fathers in storage for now. Good place to store them. When i was using them, i had them about 1.5' out of the corner and 8' apart. Then i had them in a basement spread apart 12'. I think they sounded best 8' apart in my carpeted living room. I'm now building some Super Heresy's for my temporary smaller living space.
  13. who said i was spending $900? The UD7007 on Audiogon is a buy it now for $500. If i can snag the one i bid on for less than $400, I'm done. What would be a decent DAC in a Marantz? What am i looking for there?
  14. ok, I bid on a UD7007. Will see how this goes. The UD5007 looks good too. Would the UD5005 be just as good? Really don't care about HDMI's or streaming, just want a smooth player for tube and horn listening.
  15. No need to be sorry. I appreciate all the suggestions. The Denon 2900 may be one of the good one's. Last year i was looking for Marantz and settled on Yamaha and that was a big mistake. I currently have a Sony c333es modright and it constantly gets stuck, having trouble reading the disc with SACD being the worst. This may be up for sale soon if i can find a better sounding player. Sounds good when its reading ok. No more Sony;s for me. I have been using anolog cable with it because thats all my tube amp allows for. The rca's are high quality cables(oval one analysis). So that will stay the same. I will take a look at those Marantz UD5007. Thanks guys
  16. ok, so the 5007 is the same machine internally?
  17. If i could spend $500 right now, i would pull the trigger on the UD7007 listed. Thats just a no brainer. Just looking for a $200/$300 single drawer player that works well with tubes and horns. I currently have a Modded Sony C333es . Would like to compare. I just dont know which of those older players were the good ones. Thanks
  18. I asked same question last year and got simular answers, so i tried a yamaha suggested. Dead on arrival, so i sent it back and second one arrived DOA as well. I sent that one back and gave up. Still interested in trying Marantz.
  19. I found a few Denon 2900's on ebay in my price range. Looks nice, but to the guys that have used them, how do they sound with tubes? I'm still partial to the Marantz and that UD7007 sure does look good.
  20. Thanks guys, but i am really wanting a marantz. Been wanting one a very long time. I will check out those 2900 Denons thou as i dont want to spend much, maybe $300. That Marantz UD7007 is a smoking deal and if i were not contemplating buying a new tube amp as well i would be after that as its just what i'm looking for.
  21. I think your right. I have a Yamaha DVD player natural sound that I think sound nice compared to mt Sony C333es SACD player. I would really like to get a Marantz player thou for my 2/ch.
  22. still kickin around the idea of a used marantz sacd player. What are the models numbers of the good ones to look at. This is for 2/ch listening only. Thanks
  23. I believe a pair of Heresy 1's go for about $300-$400/PR on ebay. I sold a pair of 85's with slant risers back in 2003 to a guy in Australia for 400+800 shipping.
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