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Everything posted by mopardave

  1. Decware makes one, The Switch Box. It has rca plugs, i assume i could plug speaker leads into them with banana plugs.
  2. I agree with the flavor 100%. I read thru the Cornwall testing papers and Klipsch set attenuation on the mid at 5db. Currently mine is at 5db as well and i like it there. The zxpc horn could ask for a different setting compared to the 600 horn in the Cornwall i suppose. At 5db it sounds very balanced until you pump it up around 90-95db, then the highs start sounding just a bit too high, but that may be the DE120 as i run that with 0 attenuation. Primarily listening around the 80-85db sounds and feels very nice. Next up i will get some heavier wire inside the cabinet and dampen the mid horn to see what that does if anything.
  3. I watch the vid of someone dissecting a cornwall4 and thought the mid driver looked to be a screw on type. Thanks for the info.
  4. I have been playing jazz all day at 80+db. Should be there now. Definitely an improvement. All smiles.
  5. It will need 8 inputs, 4 from each amp and 4 outputs for the cornscala.
  6. I was just thinking. Neither amp will be on at the same time, so no issue there. I just have to be certain that the tube amp is off when junction box is switched to AV amp. Now, what is a good brand junction box that wont degrade my signal?
  7. yur right, thanks for reminding me. Do you know of a tube amp compatable switch box? Looking at something like this.https://www.ebay.com/itm/144038614764?hash=item21895ed6ec:g:Oo4AAOSw-7Zgneph
  8. I borrowed a couple of the cast 1526c woofers from a friend a couple years ago. I thought they were too boomy in my CornScala, but its been awhile now and these stamped baskets may be same. I don't think so, i would have to try them back to back to be sure. The 1526c would be great in a Khorn thou IMHO.
  9. Can anyone tell me if there is anything available? What i want to do is use the CornScala for 2 channel/tube amp listening and front monitor av use and just be able to turn a know to switch speakers from one amp to the other when needed. Would be much nicer than moving cables around ever time i switch from one amp to another. Ya know what i mean? Thanks
  10. I received and unboxed the R115 sub. What a behemoth of a sub. Yet to get it hooked up. I will work on that today. I have a very complicated Marantz 5.1 AV and all adjustments have to be made on screen. I hate this. Give me controls on the front of the unit. If i cant get it figured out, it goes back on Ebay.
  11. UPDATE: Bought 2 new Crites 1526 woofers and although Crites suggests 5-10hr breakin, once installed, i could hear more bass. They filled the low end hole i was hearing. The Kappalite 3015LF i was using might be a better woofer for the combo at 100db listening levels, but not where i listen(70-85db). Has a richer sound, i really like it. Still attenuating the B&C DE85 mids at 8db on the zxpc horn. Checked out the B&C website for specs on the DE85 and the list the sensitivity at 108db, the 1526 is 95db. So i am running my mids 5db above the woofer, so a bit hotter. It does sound very nice and balanced. Will have to experiment with that more once the woofer have some time. So do you think that 5DB hotter than the woofer is in the range for attenuation or what is the norm?
  12. Purchased a pair of Crites 1526 for the CornScala. Crites says they need 5-10hr breakin. Right out of the box they sound better than the Kappalite 3015LF. No mistake about it, they go lower at low volume. Very nice improvement.
  13. I received the r51 this week. Unboxed and unbagged them. No paper work of any kind and one speaker was covered in dust and had no rubber feet. They were in a original sealed Klipsch box. The seam to work ok. Purchased off Ebay. Will see
  14. True, but i do like these projects and i think i did improve the cornwall with the cornscala. I would have Dean build the crossovers and i know he would use better components. Use the DE120's and crites woofers, but than again, it would just be another cornwall. The most difficult part is locating a pair of those mumps horns. I haven't listened to them yet, but i do know where there is a Klipsch sound shop a distance from me. Need to make a trip, i may not even like them enough to mess with it. What would be a fun project is something large dual woofers per cabitnet and 3 way with a passive xover if that can be done.
  15. I'm sure whatever it is, its something special for Klipsch. The 1740 with the Polyimide diaphram looks closest. The celestion looks too similar not to be what there using for Brand. I may just give them a call and see what they have to say. I still want to build another pair of cabinets, cornwall 4 or maybe something with twin 15's per cabinet.
  16. The 1740 looks closer, but its Ti. Who knows what it is.
  17. Thanks for the correction. Somebody is making that for Klipsch and it does look like a Celestion driver.
  18. With the horn, looks like they use a 703 horn, but the 510 is a bolt on style. Looks like i will need a different horn.
  19. I took a better look and i think the Celestion is it. Now, to find a matching horn. Pretty good bet i wont find one with mumps, but i think the 510 is the same horn without mumps.
  20. Looks like the specs match. Ever listen to one? If you were doing a home built CW 4 , is this what you would use for mid?
  21. Who makes this k-702 driver for Klipsch? Looks similar to a B&C driver in appereance.
  22. An up on surrounds. Ordered the R51M. Will how they do. Thanks
  23. Just wanted to update. I purchased a Klipsch R115 sub. Just waiting for it to arrive. I see many have had issues with this sub. I decided to roll the dice on it. What was the fix?
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