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Everything posted by MichaelShaffer

  1. yea, if I go I would leave here at 10pm to avoid the NYC early mornign rush
  2. I was thinking of driving up to Massachusetts to pick something up I might buy on Ebay. Is I95 pretty smooth sailing the whole way? What would the traffic areas be?
  3. Can anybody recommend some good headphones. I'd like them to also block the noise from my computers/dehumidifier, etc. I sold my Klipsch RB-35s so I want something of good quality but I don't have a lot to spend. Thanks
  4. Speaking of Ratshack, I went there a couple weeks ago and they no longer ask for your address.
  5. Forbidden You don't have permission to access /u40/canonken/upload/26089594.Bird2.jpg on this server.
  6. ---------------- On 3/14/2004 3:30:40 PM jt1stcav wrote: http://forums.klipsch.com/idealbb/files/VWhorn.gif"> My first VW Bug...what can I say? I like loadin' my roof full of goodies! ---------------- Nice Bouvier
  7. I don't see why people want to drill in Alaska when we can just keep getting oil from the middle east. I guess they have no appreciation for the environment, or they just can't think for themselves and follow everything the republican party says.
  8. Bull****.. we have plenty of oil for at least a few hundred more years and by then we'll have other sources of energy. Looks like they're just trying to sell books
  9. I just saw those on ebay, they look really nice..
  10. They demonstrated that on TLC or the History Channel a few months ago. It sounds kind of like a car alarm
  11. This one is awesome http://www.waterpump.f9.co.uk/hell%20bayext.mp3
  12. http://www.waterpump.f9.co.uk/FireworksMP3.mp3 (Gets better about 3/4 way through)
  13. You must listen to this with headphones, also turn off any other noise first.. http://wmlab.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~xdlai/Track01.mp3
  14. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3077813152&category=14991
  15. Yup that's it. Actually one of them is a 9000. 15" woofer, wow. No wonder the bass is so nice.
  16. How hard would it be to rebuild one of these? They sound really different than my RB-35s. Lots of low, soft bass but not as clear highs. It would be cool if I could fix them since they've been broken for as long as I can remember. Can you buy parts on ebay or something?
  17. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?s=e9744d33e932f0de0ec1d35d23523a44&threadid=830487&perpage=40&pagenumber=1%3Cbr%3E Warning: some foul language.
  18. There's a couple on ebay, but I think they might be C's.
  19. None right now (been using my dvd player) but I've been thinking about the Cambridge Soundworks D500
  20. Hi, what's a good yet inexpensive amp (separates I guess, but I'm not sure what those are) to go with the RF-7s? If I get "separates" do I need a receiver? Where does the signal come from? I mean can I just plug the cd player right into the separates? I'm looking for something under $500 Thanks
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