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Posts posted by Ljk

  1. He is not really a diy guy, he would like something with a warranty. Me I would get some heritage speakers and rebuilt them. He is open to suggestions but liked the reviews he read and the size (footprint)of the rp 260's. He does have a sub so bookshelf's may  work also, thanks.




  2. Friend of mine is looking for a pair of rp 260's, prefers cherry but would take ebony at the right price. Looked online best price I could find is 499 each, anybody seen a better price out there. He lives in atlanta if that matters, thanks.

  3. Been a long day and had time to think about these horns and decided to let them go. Far from a horn expert but decided I did not want to deal with a 1300hz bass bin. Looked at passive xover, nice but for the home they would be out of tune and would most likely still need an active xover to get right? Not sure if the driver would be easy to up grade down the road or if it could be used as a meh with those angled sides.


    I could not find a price on the horn by itself but with 2 15 inch subs as a bass bin it sale's for 1500.00 and change. Got to figure 125.00 each is a good deal for the horn if you could use them. Thanks for the replys, helped me to decide. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, wvu80 said:

    You're making me work too hard.  :lol:  Is "cls" Craigslist?  Usually abbreviated "CL?"


    I got on Atlanta CL and did not find the speakers you mentioned.


    I did find some really cool looking QSC desktop speakers.  You should definitely get these for your laptop, $5000 is a pittance for a man with your money.  B)




  5. 5 minutes ago, avguytx said:

    I'm assuming you mean QSC speakers and not QVC like the shopping channel.  This is the brand we are using in the old Rialto theater in town we are restoring.  They work like a champ with Crown and Peavey amplifiers.  No clue how they would work in a home setting but you'll definitely need some EQ'ing and tuning.  We have 3 of the large horns behind the screen for LCR with dual 15" woofer cabinets below them plus a separate subwoofer.  They sound good in there but we're talking about a big room and lots of power.

    Yes qsc, sorry. Looked on the net and did not find much info. If you go to atlanta cls look under electronics and do a search for qsc click on concerts subwoofers/speakers. Look at  the 3 and 4 pictured speakers, worth picking up, maybe?

    • Thanks 1
  6. Yes I believe it was tang brand, I would have to look up old post. Was going to build one but got side tracked when I bought some cheap magnepan's I am rebuilding. Are the subs musical or more for HT use, might be able to use them with the magnepans. Thanks.

  7. 12 hours ago, MookieStl said:

    That should be enough power, the anarchy subs are only rated to 100 watts but it would be nice to have some spare power. I have two of the 8 ohm versions of that sub driven by the Dayton SA230 with both driven in parallel. They seem to be able to keep up with my Belles in a small room with limited gain. What speakers are you pairing them with?

    Please post your results when finished. I was thinking about building one with a PE sub since the anarchy are no longer available. Thanks!


  8. On 4/1/2018 at 11:55 AM, analogman said:

    The Klipsch badge is already spoken for unless SiliconTi  tells me he's changed his mind

    See above

    But to address dimensions, it is the same badge used on all the Heritage models during this period as well as the Kg4, Chorus, Heresy II etc

    3" x 1/2"

    Wasn't sure which one he wanted, if deal falls thru let me know. Thanks.

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