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Everything posted by JohnJ

  1. Probably all that was sanctioned by Pop! Know you remember being a teen!
  2. I'm not really far from y'all. We've had those clouds but not the foretold rain last couple days.
  3. I think it was the guy that loved ketchup as an entree!
  4. The description of what type of chocolate makes it sound delicious! I heard that there was one around here that didn't appreciate the wonders of the cocoa bean (the edible kind)... it's not me.
  5. "Should be Dancing"
  6. That's cool, sure your dad turned you on to a good bit of it! Enjoy the visit, game 7 in an hour. Shouldn't have gotten this far but this years team is kind of sporadic to say the least.
  7. I've never seen a kid that did not like a tie-dyed t-shirt. If they start to like early 70s music like the Dead and other groovy bands later on they might wish they still had it. & You've got another! The gal in the back with her hand raised has the best one over her shoulder. That's the way mine were with a few extra twists on the shoulders and around the edges.
  8. I'm trying not to myself, you know I've gone overboard before! *Game 6 on, later folks
  9. Can't put the other King here I'm one of the few here that likes him
  10. "And the people said "Amen"" We are half a world apart and feel exactly the same. Because things are the same the world over, although some refuse to see. After I finished the yards and showered the dust off I had the blues. No, not had... but spent a couple hours with three kings! BB King, Albert King w SRV and that other King.
  11. The jet stream and other related weather?
  12. Nice colors, liked the ribbons evident in that cig? smoke the other day!
  13. Sure she's not the one from when their company started. If you ever see her or him again tell them their sausage is the only brand that I'll eat forever. Sorry Jimmy Dean I have tried yours, and you can't compete! Grew up with Neeses in CLT. They have a "satellite building" on N 28th St just N of downtown. When in FL I'd come back 600mi buy the dry ice on 28th near their place take that and my excellent Spoon's BBQ about five lbs of each back down. Had a good deep freeze so it wasn't a problem as far a pork being frozen. Now I'm doing it again, bought five lbs a couple weeks ago when in the city.
  14. Nice @Subway Kingfish is certainly one of those that can make a guitar sing! Warren & Jim trippin' out good too! Been a long time since I've seen that mirror scene, they've digitized it!
  15. Smoke? Alien Entity? Epiphiny? nice
  16. Of course Micro! Seen every one at least twice and it was on for what ten or twelve seasons? Then they played the reruns for decades here! Those Carradines were good actors, he was the best!
  17. I loved to listen to him talk when I was little and he was Kato. Still do, listen to his cadence.
  18. ahhhhh since always, maybe I never posted them! I like how you can pan around the whole scene in that first one when you play it in 2160! The other not really loveydovey to me, heavy beat in there ruins that. It was just over on the right, new to me and different.
  19. Hey George, I've noticed that @AndreG. has been going time traveling for a while listening to some oldie good ones. He's nice about it and leaves a trail of hearts!
  20. I'll leave y'all with one... No, a few wild rides! * Wait, if you order right now we'll send you two! Two for the price of one. It slices, it dices and Ronco guarantees it will be one more thing in the back of your cabinet very soon
  21. They're getting better, not putting stuff I'd leave the coliseum upon hearing up on the right. One by this guy, it's alright. Not Beck doing "Scatterbrain" but inventive.
  22. postimages dot org download their little windows app, it's a .zip. No viri in there at all if you get it from their site! Unzip then double click on the .exe with the icon on it. It will put at their hosting sit the full gazillion gigabit pic your phone took and that you put in your pictures folder. By default it goes to your pics folder but you can point it anywhere. It will post here large and won't hurt the forums bandwidth. Or bookmark their site and you upload it to them that way, either way it will give you a link to copy and post.
  23. I'm back to normal again. got reminded of this old favorite of mine by the highway within a stones throw from my seat! Where's my elephant killer? Got the gold right here in the back of my memories.
  24. Can't say that I get my money's worth too much anymore. If there are more I'll let you know. Just breathing in the exhaust right now, SC car registration is lacking, used to think it was grand when I was a teen! I have to close the front window soon.
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