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Everything posted by Bosco-d-gama

  1. I know that not all of these kids are the same but I too raised a ‘special’ needs child. Like you we paid close attention to his every need and adjusted his goals as he progressed. Once old enough he figured out how best to learn. We fought the systems that told us to keep him back and compartmentalized. He found his niche in numbers. He is a college graduate, married and works as a city planner for a major metropolis. They’re a moving target on an individual pathway. IMHO all you can do is help them navigate towards the best solutions.
  2. Supposedly type “O” is less vulnerable. Then again they say that covid19 is very bad amongst the amerindians and they’re predominantly type “O”. Type “A” is the worst, they say.
  3. https://theweek.com/speedreads/926104/icu-death-rate-covid19-fallen-dramatically-since-march-study-finds
  4. Bosco-d-gama


    Not really. You can wear a mask over a cannula. If your lung problems are so bad that a cloth/paper mask exacerbates them you could wear a face shield. In all cases avoid sources of ignition. If ignited an oxygen saturated mask would be a quick and furious burn......not pretty. I doubt that this photo is covid19 contemporary in any case.
  5. Bosco-d-gama


    Anyone notice that the man is wearing an oxygen cannula? You can see it on his face and the supply tube falls from under his bearded chin, down his gut and over to the shopping cart.
  6. Here’s a new approach for treating covid19. https://www.foxnews.com/health/lung-radiation-helps-coronavirus-pneumonia-patients-recover-faster
  7. FYI there are good reasons why most who work in critical care settings are specifically trained to function in them..... and that very, very much includes physicians. On many occasions as a Respiratory Care Practitioner I have had to countermand doctors orders. That was part of my job, to see to it that patients were properly cared for. And critical care is complex stuff. What occurred in NYC was a systemic overload. The systems were so burdened that they were no longer able to deliver proper care. Yes, they will assign a covid19 diagnosis to untested people based upon clinical presentation. Covid19 does have enough characteristic symptoms where it’s infection can be presumed especially in an infection rich environment. Where NYC failed miserably was in how it managed nursing homes and in not using the available temporary hospitals. Their nursing home fiasco was unconscionable, nearly criminal if not actually criminal. They may not have used their temporary hospitals for lack of healthcare personnel, they could not staff them. Can it happen again? To some degree absolutely it can. Too many critically ill, too quickly and it will unwind. Regionally there are just not enough trained personnel to provide 24/7 critical care to masses of seriously sick people. This was known from the outset and the public was begged to ‘flatten’ the curve. They failed early and now it appears that they will fail again. I know for certain that where I live, if covid19 loads our hospitals that people will die unnecessarily. It is the same everywhere. This is nothing new. When our leadership touted to the world that the USA could manage Ebola my skin crawled. You can thank whomever you pray to that they stopped bringing Ebola into America. If Ebola had gotten as loose as covid19 is - we’d have been using old strip mines for burial pits. Our bodies are frail. Infectious organisms chew them up from the inside out and you die, miserably. So wear the masks. It is not that tough.
  8. They are changing from counting each ‘unique’ test to counting each ‘unique’ test per day. There is not any policy of intentionally testing positive individuals more than once. If it happens to occur they MAY be counted twice...... or even more. But multiple tests are not routine nor expected to be routine. So the impact should be minimal. And no billing is associated with a 2nd test. They do not get another $35k (which would be fraud BTW).
  9. Reference? There’s no medical need to retest someone with covid19 this frequently. If they feel the 1st test may have been errant then maybe. But it’s like being diagnosed with cancer and then getting rediagnosed in 2 weeks time....... you stilll have the same cancer. No covid19 infection resolves in 10 to 14 days. No need to retest unless they’re in a research protocol.
  10. My friend w/covid19 cannot even taste salt and has no sense of smell whatsoever. It’s the strangest thing she’s ever experienced. So far things remain manageable. Her daughter is a social worker and contracted covid19 at her work. My friend watched the grandkids daily and they’re all infected as well. The iterations of contamination echo on and on. We must wear these masks and do the things needed to hamstring this awful virus. My friend is elderly and ultimately could die from this and why? For being a good grandma she now juggles death.
  11. Again.... the cited study was a contained study unrelated to the general statistics. One of the reasons it was undertaken was to clarify the confusion seen in the general statistics and if proven correct it does just that. You need to discriminate individual works from the boiler room reported statistics. A work that stands alone can be interpreted based upon its own design and method validity. If anything this is what we need for this paper. We need peer review to confirm its accuracy.
  12. I’m not sure about why you have reservations. This particular report seems fairly straightforward. A large group of asymptomatic people were tested for covid19 and 31% tested positive. This reflects the number of people who are infected and showing no symptoms of the disease and who may be infectious. It provides clear rationale for masking, whether you think you’re infected or not. Having a complete data base for covid19 would be very helpful in showing factually how serious, or not, the disease can be. If we’re not seeing such a high number of occult cases then our statistics are seriously skewed. And, as you note, the long term health consequences of these infections could become a huge burden in time. I’d say that this data does reflect Florida’s incidence of covid19 and it may indicate how pervasive covid19 is everywhere.
  13. If correct this is a sobering statistic.......... https://www.foxnews.com/health/over-31-percent-florida-children-tested-florida-positive-covid-19-report
  14. Our close friend has tested positive for covid19. We’ve not been near her so we’re not in peril. It’s sad to know somebody who’s facing this problem.
  15. States are reporting that the mean age for critical covid19 cases is lowering. In other words covid19 is putting younger people in ICUs more frequently. The dynamics as to why are complex but medicine has identified one foundational relationship. Smoking and vaping..... any sort of inhalant history places a covid19 patient at a greater risk of progressing into more dire conditions. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/507131-smoking-habits-double-number-of-young-people-vulnerable-to-severe-covid-19
  16. Glad to hear your good news. It does seriously look like avoiding covid19 is going to come down to individual plans. All levels of gov’t have ‘waffled’ their containment efforts in to ‘free fall’ failure. It is looking more and more like some insane Hollywood horror script come to life.
  17. Well - no - it mutates without purpose and can become better or worse with regards to its human interaction. Sadly - if it mutates into something worse it will be manifested en mass as the virus is now free to infect or reinfect in a target rich environment. In other words whatever mutations occur will occur as the virus percolates through humankind. If the virus becomes less severe humankind will be less impacted, more severe - more impact. But we now live with covid19 and as it mutates it will change how it effects humanity. The very best thing humankind can do is rigorously enact every known method to stop the spread of the virus regardless of its genetic makeup. This is what we CAN control that will alter the course of covid19........ and we’re not doing a very good job of this.
  18. I have had some lonely times in life. I’m an introvert and never did go in for ‘social’ scenes. I looked and found volunteer roles in the community to try and bridge into some connections. They did keep me busy and provided some purpose but they did not gain me connections. I started going to gyms and found some similar people’s. Eventually I survived the gap and was stronger for the endeavor. Health status is an inescapable conundrum for us elders. Soon enough we’ll all be shopping for Depends w/splatter guard 😔😗. For myself I try to keep balance in my low keyed life. I have a creative hobby. I do go to the gym regularly. We must reinvent ourselves as need be. I am not what I once was. I’m at least 3 inches shorter (hate gravity), I creak, I do not sleep 8 hours, I can’t hear well. But I do keep busy and I am fairly content with all my deficits and aches and pains........ and my dog loves the hell out of me. Low points in life are inspirations to reach higher. Go for it.
  19. Bummer. Hope all is good. We have a close friend whose daughter has come down with covid19 and our friend has been watching the grandkids consistently throughout. She’s scared witless.
  20. Yes! Seriously if you knew or (worse) watched what was done during surgery you’d baby that arena until all was healed. You gotta keep in mind that if you re-injure a recent surgery that it can be tougher to correct the 2nd time around and it may not heal as completely if you’d let it fully heal in the 1st place. This is easier said than done...... plan ahead for these needs. Chores, mobility aides, food shopping and preparation. If you live alone you might even benefit from a stint in a rehabilitation facility before being discharged home. So, yeah. There’s more to come. Plan on it. Plan for it. Getting old sucks...... it always has.
  21. DOTERRA has a wasp deterrent recipe using aromatic essential oils that we’ve had success with. The wife loads up a cotton ball with the stuff and places them where we know wasps try to nest, or are nesting already. They just abandon their work. There are wasp traps that use pheromones to attract wasps in for capture, but IMHO a chunk of fried chicken works better.
  22. Here’s yet another poorly written article on mechanical ventilation and covid19. The title is correct, mechanical ventilation was not the ‘fix-it’ cure for covid19. But the authors do not get to the true scope of why. There are 3 elements to respiratory failure in covid19. 1st is covid19 viral pneumonia that in itself is a daunting problem. 2nd is ARDS, adult respiratory distress syndrome, that in addition to a viral pneumonia brings a nearly insurmountable chaos to acute lung troubles. 3rdly are mircoembolisms, or what is term emboli showers where blood clots clog up the circulation in the lungs. All of these occurred simultaneously in acute covid19 illnesses. What is required to achieve adequate respiration is effective alveolar ventilation. You require enough match of ventilation with proper perfusion to clear CO2 and deliver O2. The combination of the 3 conditions above makes getting adequate alveolar ventilation impossible regardless of advanced ventilator modes and care. This is why so many died regardless of using mechanical ventilation and why so many advanced to using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation instead. There was just not enough lung left to work with and the less lung you started with the faster you tanked. The article is worth a read. https://www.fastcompany.com/90526637/ventilators-arent-the-coronavirus-cure-alls-we-originally-thought?partner=rss&utm_campaign=rss+fastcompany&utm_content=rss&utm_medium=feed&utm_source=rss
  23. https://www.foxnews.com/media/gordon-chang-china-coronavirus-cover-up-credible
  24. “Something as simple as music can restore your equilibrium.” https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/neuroscientist-covid-brain-is-a-real-thing-heres-how-to-deal-with-it.html
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