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Everything posted by MeloManiac

  1. This man knows his business! Some classic beers are presented here! One of my favorites is the 'Kwak' (special glass with wooden handle): its name mimicks the sound it makes when the glass is half empty. Due to the form of the glass, a 'kwak' sound (onomatopea) will be heard. Also, it tastes amazing! Second fave is 'Hoegaarden', an unfiltered white beer. Excellent when the weather is hot. Must be served in a frozen glass, with a slice of lemon. One has to be careful with so called 'triple' beers: they contain triple the amount of alcohol of a Belgian 'Stella Artois'. For me, it means I can only drink 2 of them per night, or else I'm drunk. The socalled 'Lambiek' beers have a special ingredient: cherries. Very fruity and sweet, in Belgium, mostly considered a beer for women, but with great respect! Thanks for this video. It took my mind off corona for a while!
  2. In Europe, Germany handles the Corona crisis best of all. It is also the country with the highest number of IC-units per capita: 30 per 100.000 (compare: Belgium has 15, The Netherlands 6, Italy 11) https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
  3. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Belgian beer is a class apart high up there... and then you have the rest of the world. Putting Danish and German beer next to Belgian beer in the same sentence? Come on man. 🙄😉
  4. Having the flu *and* Corona may lead to severe complications and total collapse of the immune system, they fear...
  5. In Belgium, the government is using cellphone data of all providers anonymously to learn if the population is respecting lockdown. Long-distance movement (+50km) is down with 95%, which means lockdown communication is efficient. The video in this tweet illustrates the incredible impact of spring break in Florida.
  6. This is what the start of 'a flattened curve' looks like. The red line indicates the maximum number of ic units in Belgium. If the dark blue line stays under it, and we have the personel to take care of the sick, we should be alright.
  7. In Belgium, panic buying ('hamstering') has stopped now. All discounts were forbidden (buy 2 for the price of one etc.). Some supermarkets sell only one pack of toiletpaper per customer per day, this is their own initiative and they legally can do this. Now that panic buying is over, the government is at the point of allowing discounts and promotions again, because they saw a substantial price increase (for instance crisps saw a 30 per cent increase when promotions were not allowed). My son got a diving mask from his aunt last summer. If asked, I will happily bring it to the local clinic. It may save lives or protect the healthcare workers.
  8. Belgian robotics professor Albert De Beir turns €20 Decathlon diving mask into approved medical mask. EDIT: There is a note now (see encircled area) stating that the mask is of now only available for medical purposes.
  9. PWK once said that all recorded music is a 'caricature' of live music. I've been reading a lot of reviews lately, esp. of DACs. It struck me how often reviewers would mention their 'reference system', sometimes a high-end system they've had for 15 years or longer, sometimes a 200K topnotch up to date system they like to boast with. Then they would compare the system under review with it. My personal reference system is my wife playing her 113 year old cello. Last night there was a bit of a panic in the house because due to the dry cold air, the strings had loosened completely. Panic! So my wife went to the procedure of putting them on again, and then extensive tuning, and then playing through some music. All this was done in our anechoic chamber (our home office). The way this instrument is filling the room with music is unequaled by any speaker system I have when it comes to detail, dynamic range, resolution, low frequencies etc. I admit, none of my gear is high end so the cello here is the easy winner. Still I wonder why so few reviewers have 'live music' as their reference system. So, what is your 'reference system', whether it is gear, an instrument, or even the human voice!
  10. In Belgium, the government is using cellphone data of all providers anonymously to learn if the population is respecting lockdown. Long-distance movement (+50km) is down with 95%, which means lockdown communication is efficient.
  11. Yes, I did. He 'heard of one person with cancer'..., whose death was attributed to Corona. That's conspiracy theory in the making....
  12. We Belgians love to eat horse meat and muskus rats. The latter is rare, very rare though.
  13. https://www.buzzfeed.com/michaelblackmon/bizarre-american-foods-that-shouldnt-exist Stop being xenophobic. Americans eat squirrel and possum meat.
  14. Here: https://www.politico.eu/article/charting-europes-capacity-to-deal-with-the-coronavirus-crisis/
  15. In Northern Italy, a soccer match with 40,000 in the public spread the virus to all the corners of Lombardy. Spain's government is responsible for the disaster there: due to the financial crisis of 2008, the healthcare system has been underfunded and understaffed for many years. Spanish nurses and dentists have come to work in Belgium because they can't find a job in Spain... https://www.politico.eu/article/in-spain-austerity-legacy-cripples-coronavirus-fight/
  16. The Netherlands have quit their herd immunity already, just like the British. They are crying for ventilators now, and masks.... The Swedes are the only walking that path now in Europe.
  17. In Europe we heard the same early on: it 's just a flu.... Well it is not: no-one has antibodies, there is no vaccine, there is no cure. When you get it, your survival depends on your general health, your luck and if ventilators and medical personnel are available to help you breathe. Some politicians spread disinformation because the want to save the economy rather than people....
  18. That must have been the coolest station in the country, our your dad was the coolest dad ever!
  19. Spring break could become what the ski-season did to Europa. Spring breakers will infect one another and then spread it even further in the US. In Belgium, 9 out of 10 deceased corona victims are: male, +65, history of cardio-vasculaire disease.
  20. More context here https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/608854/coronavirus-hospital-italy/9
  21. This video shows what the covid 19 virus does to us, filmed from one meter away. WARNING: hard images!
  22. Denon and Marantz are bringing roon to many of their devices: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/marantz-denon-adding-roon-tested.12204/
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