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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. 🧙‍♂️ I found me an emo... a little small
  2. would give the neighbors something to talk about ... it's the Fuller Bush man and now for something completely different listening to StevieWinwood Them Changes.... I have BuddyMiles Them Changes and Band of Gypsy's. Stevie ... I dunno. Just kinda missed the mark.Maybe if I listen to it more...First version I heard was on BoG. That will tend to color my opinion.
  3. be sure to tell him how much we admire his works. they are beautiful
  4. wow.. a baby poppin' Johnny. Went to an R/C airshow in Australia...Had opportunity to hear/see some planes with little radial engines. Micro turbines, too. Amazing that they can make them that small and still function. Tolerances get crazy small when you scale down like that.
  5. it's an hour [north/ish] to downtown Tucson from here...don't tempt me [further]....you might have some guy with long white hair and beard [I say gray. Wife sez white] at your door.
  6. these make poisonous honey.... bet ya dinna know that, did ya?
  7. when do we eat? I can get there in about 3 hours... 2.5 if I hurry
  8. excuse while I wipe drool off the keyboard. That is some very cool work.
  9. Mornin' All Been up for too long already Had several cups of coffee, watered the garden... watched a little tv, scanned the forum... Oh... somebody bought those CF-2 listed on Phoenix cl... $300 was last listed price. things should start happening around here ... besides me being up. Boy has to work. Kid is here. Wife is sleeping. Church??? I'm attending my own service. Sunrise with coffee and music. Don't know if wife is going to church or not. She can sleep in and still make it in time. Wife noticed the cats have been unusually active in the evening lately and asking why... Full moon. Wondering why the swallows are bringing their kids here. We have several more than hatched from this nest roosting there. Do they tend to keep their "family units"? The number trying to nest here is growing. They've been here for 4 or 5 years.. and the cats were here when they set up shop. They commandeered a sparrow nest. Stuccoed it over. Called it theirs. When I was participating in r/c helicopters... if I flew in the early AM or toward sundown, the swallows would fly around the field too.Good thing they kept out of the way... I was destined to never be a good pilot. Too slow. Never had good hand/eye... which is why I took up bowling, beekeeping... fishing. Funny thing about me and r/c helis... If I could fly it, it was too easy and I would modify it to make it faster, quicker. On the ragged edge of out of control fast. As a result, I have had some crashes. Mind you, a "crash" was a landing that resulted in bench time. Landing upside down didn't count as a crash if I could shake things straight and put it back in the air. One day I hit a steel post, filled with cement... to keep cars from driving thru the park "lawn"... Pasted that post a full throttle. Sounded like someone dropped a dozen eggs on the floor.There's a euphemism in r/c.... "re-kit". frig rambling....
  10. true I was headed that direction for a family gathering. That is why it took 6 months to get them. The stars kinda lined up for me. I just had to wait to pick them up. the LaScalas fitting in that tiny car was part of the fun, too.
  11. depends on if you want anything to grow there after the rhododendron... I have some things growing , I wish I could rid myself of. Some stuff called Graythorn. Lovely plant/bush. Every growing end has a hard point. Thorn like a hawthorn. Stout and long. Has another endearing trait... When it blooms, the pollinators it attracts are wasps and flies. Thanks. it does give edible berries, if you don't mind losing a pint of blood to get them. And they aren't that good to start with. Anyway.... Cutting it down doesn't work. Can't dig it up.... So, I pruned it into a tree form and sent it up out harms way
  12. I will listen to good music even if it is a junk rendering. If it is junk music, I listen to the speakers that being said, I do appreciate nice sounding equipment.
  13. by the by these folks are great enablers I bought a pair of entry level bookshelf speakers... R15Ms Liked them. Got on this forum, looking for something a "little more". Came home 6 months later, with a pair of LaScalas.
  14. I kinda thought the scales intersect around there. for the sake of the joke... oh well
  15. used to see these displays in stores How to Keep Your Child From Smoking..... that's easy. Do not set them on fire
  16. heard that causes brain damage especially when the pipe hits you on the noggin. just woke up... getting up to "speed"... slightly faster than slow
  17. as long as I'm about it back from my nap...
  18. A person can drink some pretty nasty water, after you get "accustomed" to it. I wonder if the visitors from Mexico get UncleSam'sRevenge? Here's a little irony... The place I ever had problems with water was in the high Rockies of CO. Don't think I got away from a toilet for a week.
  19. I have considered it. We get 20in of precip, in a good year. Didn't seem worth the effort. Pretty much stopped all of the runoff from the property
  20. was gonna post the opening of The Tuxedo... showing a waterfall, pristine water .... a deer drinking from the stream at the base of the waterfall and then peeing in it. but, they edited it out reminded of the WC Fields line Never drink water... fish fornicate in it
  21. my buddy in Australia has a cistern. Made good coffee. A little soap goes a long way, too. Speaking of water... they must have caught me in a soft moment. I paid for a commercial water hookup to Virginia's Taco Stand. No complaints. I'm sure she took dirty lickins' these past couple months. I'll bet no PPP or any supplements from the govt beside her stimulus check. My good deed for the year. It will show as a donation to the water co-op. Might see some of my recipes at her stand... Pretty nice out. Thought I should be sweating. Took the wheelbarrow and gathered a load of rocks and sand and gravel. Gathering the rock is almost easier than stacking it in the column basket. I can get my hand/arm thru this no-climb fencing, to arrange the stones. Told you, I am thin/skinny.
  22. just looked at the time and the volume knob .... and thinking how long I've been out here bet the neighbors are pleased as punch. At least it is good music been listening to a pretty broad mix... Otis Redding to Stone Temple Pilots, throw in some funk and fusion
  23. they made us wear long pants/jeans and SHOES when I was working [mechanic] at the bowling alley in HI. If I got called it for an emergency fix, I would show up in a swim suit and slippers.
  24. hope we can all say that. with me in my sarong Okay, you have covered the bottom half, what about the rest?
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