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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. it was a major pita. We had to raise all the machines the thickness of the overlay... about 1/2inch. Adjust all of the scanners [for scoring] the same no, we didn't do the install... but we had to clean up [the dust] after. You could skate on the approaches wearing sneakers. Neil, Was he involved in the one that showed which pins were left standing and displayed on the masking unit [the panel that hid the machine from the public]. The first scoring system I worked was rather primitive.... by today's standards.That was in '88. It shown a beam of [visible] light across the pins and counted reflections. And yeah ... it was expensive to set up. There were modification to the pinsetters to integrate it. The pinsetters were A-2s... Some had 4 digit serial #s. Actually, the machines I worked were converted A's. Cast iron... over-built. There were a few items that required attention... Belts, bearings and bushings... nothing else wore out. The factory A-2s were another story. Replaced cast with stamped. Brunswick went a little overboard making them cheaper.
  2. when I was working at the bowling alley,.... I had to learn to repair/maintain the computerized scoring system. Then I had to learn the CCD [camera] system. The one up-tech I appreciated was changing out the overhead scoring monitors from cathode ray the LED. We had a block and tackle to deal the the CRTs. Serious
  3. like me???? I'm not [too] intimidated by multi-disc cd players. I don't try to program it to do anything other than play the discs in order. I can set the clock on the stove!
  4. a word of caution concerning the use of experimental vaccines and/or cures thalidomide
  5. we'll find out soon enough. I hope it is a green light for personal reasons. I'll be able to go to the lake w/o all the folks that are staying home being there.
  6. Say Chuck, You about got that sub fine tuned to your system? Was/am still thinking I want a sub. 2]SVS PB2000 was suggested as a good start. Don't think I want a sub that bad, yet.
  7. I don't think I wanna click on that, Mike Good Mornin' All the "cone of uncertainty" is about 1500 miles wide on that storm. It could go due east or west when it gets up there. was up just in time to see the crescent moon rising. Got my cold coffee, a cigarette ...I'm almost ready for it... whatever "it" is.
  8. now that I'm thinking about it Why would someone flavor their good honey? See where I'm going with this?
  9. I tried that "spicy" honey on a chicken....made the skin crispy and taste like honey. Didn't get the spicy part. It was OK.... not that good OK though. As in, we will eat it.... but I won't do that again
  10. I'm allergic to bee stings [ant, wasp]... I do not get a severe reaction every time. I was keeping bees when the allergy developed. That happens Generally 1:100 people are allergic. For beekeepers, it is 1:10.
  11. We have a choice of electric or propane. I took electric. No crazy about having an all electric house. We suffer outages. Not days --- any more. An hour or three. We do have the bbq and woodstove. The stove will do, but is hard to get at. We are using it like an insert. We can get to the stovetop... just takes a few gymnastic manuevers
  12. Hi @Coytee glad to hear you're on the mend yeah, cats do miss their humans. They get angry if you are gone too long, also. I was gone for 3 weeks. One of ours came up, said hello, and then gave me the cold shoulder for a day. "I'm over worrying about you. Now, I'm angry because you were gone so long".
  13. are you speaking of amdro? we can get it here. I use it our Harvester ants. There are fire ants down in the valley. Never seen any at this elevation. They seem to like the lower desert. I think I've grown a similar variety of corn. I went into reverse looking for corn. Found Cocopah. An heirloom from around Yuma. The indigenous folks grow it. Not that super sweet stuff. It tastes like corn, not sugar. It seems to be more digestable, too. You get colored ears. Red, white and blue.
  14. with the creamed corn, it reminds me of green corn tamales. They are a little sweet, with cheese and a chile.
  15. that is getting close to what I know as Mexican corn bread... Folks will throw creamed corn in it ... sometimes Knew there was something missing music. Mo' bettah now A little boogie woogie for breakfast... How's everyone this AM? I'm doing OK. Knee is still a little iffy. OK for walking. No lateral movement, yet.It tells me every time I try. Coaxing some seeds to sprout. They don't like to sprout when it's 100` in the shade .... and they are in the sun, where it's closer to 140`
  16. I wasn't sure and hoped you would fix me... Thanks
  17. well I guess you don't like okra... OK I'm a pretty hard core mustard person I will use ketchup on fries once in a while, on the odd fried egg sandwich and on loko mokos. That is one or two scoops of rice, a fried hamburger patty, a couple eggs and brown gravy. Ketchup and hot sauce for it
  18. that is my cookware wife wonders why get looney when I see her soaping and scrubbing it. I've threatened to put it away unless she cleans it properly. She would wash all of the seasoning off the pans if I didn't stop her.
  19. can't say I've had pickled okra. I spose if you don't like it, try someone else's brine. ya ever eat eggs pickled in the brine from pickled jalapenos?...
  20. never used it on scrambled eggs did use ketchup on fried egg sandwiches, though
  21. slice it across the pod Egg wash .....roll in corn meal and fry it with some onion ... you will like it
  22. hey ya tried it... I spose you use ketchup on brats? Even my wife will concede to mustard for a brat Gave the neighbors something different today. New Riders of the Purple Sage. It was nice for a change. I'm more into LittleFeat. SIL gave us a bottle of spicy hot honey. Been thinking on this stuff. Not gonna put it on toast. Maybe put on chicken as a bbq sauce while it's roasting or in baked beans. IDK???
  23. kinda why we get together here.... We come here to "talk story"
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