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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. staring at this "bottomless cup of coffee", I have.... no matter how much coffee I put in it, it is always empty
  2. Mornin' All Ya feeling "stimulated"? Me, either. Even if I got mine, no place to spend it. I presume the bank sites crashing because folks are checking is because they [the banks] are still hitting us with overdraft fees? I haven't tried to see if mine is in the account. What reminded me of Demolition Man is the social distancing... No touching or exchange of bodily fluids. The 3 shells is timely, too.
  3. anyone see the movie "Demolition Man"?
  4. ... and then I get on at 5AM ready to rip and you are thinking "What are you so happy about?" This lockdown is stressing me, too. No routine.... the wife and boy around all the time is a big adjustment for me. I'm sure wife is adjusting to being around me all the time, too. wish I could go to the lake. Before the "Stay Home", 4 or 5 boats was a lot. Last time I went out there, I counted 15. ????
  5. .... I remember it doing that [about this time of year] the last time I tried to live up there. I only get up that way for a visit any more. Been to MT and ME to meet with friends at this time of year. Predictably, it snowed. Asked if I wanted to go for a walk..."NO !!!" "I'll keep the fire going for yas" how times change A few months ago, if you walked into a bank with a mask and sunglasses, you would draw the ire of any law enforcement w/i 20 miles. Now, if you aren't dressed it such a manner, you will not be allowed in.
  6. my BIL called them Popeye...no idea how they got that name. For sure his mom called them that I did a 3 egg cheese omelette and a thick slice of toast. Then did the dishes. Wife usually does them before she comes to bed... She woke to a pleasant surprise. ...now I can rest knowing I have done something productive today. Got that out of my way early.
  7. ... and you will still have those damned ear worms looping in your head.... but the sound system is perfect... everything you imagined. how's things today? folks getting back on line after the tornado/s? Can't say I miss those black walls of death storms.. We do get tornados... rarely... Wuss little things. back to the doghouse. Really enjoyed listening to the LS, even if I was doing housework. Wife is home today. Think we are gonna have the kid. Boy needs to go to the ranch.. I dunno. We are the last ones to know when she will be here. Boy must be getting bored. He is talking about planting a garden --- chiles in particular. Told him it is too late to start from seed. He should have started them in late Feb.... I would guess there is some soil in his "yard". The weeds do very well there. Told him to plant is those places. One way to get the weeds cut. He needs to go to wally for a tire. If he is lucky, might be able to get a couple ponies of Anaheims and jalapenos while he is there. If we look, I bet we can source some locally. We have a community garden... If he follows through... this will be his first attempt at a garden. It will prolly go great guns... beginners' luck Crap... I brought this coffee cup with a hole in it.
  8. what's that, Dave? CRS and Givashit or just simply OLD. I still call that a pre-existing condition... if you live long enough, you WILL get it
  9. she liked Jeff Beck +... the day she wanted LOUD
  10. but the good stuff is in the house. She might tolerate loud... like it, probably not. In the 12 years we have been married, only once did she want for music. Then she wanted concert level Hair music... Otherwise, it is early Beatles.
  11. I think wife is happy with going in to work today. She can get much more done there. She has all of her resources, printers, space .... I'm too used to being home... alone. I had planned on going to the lake once a week before all this I get more social distance at home. Guess I'll move "operations" into the house now... there is a problem with my coffee cup, so I need to go there to fix that.
  12. "pulling" it, Chuck sposed to let it "breath".... if my understanding is correct. easily entertained I sit around and balance Bic lighters on their edge. It's not as hard as it sounds
  13. You may have to resort to alternate preservation means... we had some massive BBQs after the hurricane. When frozen stuff ceased to work as ice, it got cooked.
  14. well such as my "stride" is nowadays... more of a feeble hobbling along. I'm mentally active, unless I take measures to slow/stop that crap. Thinking gets me in trouble... ask my wife I have the house to myself today. We will be pumping the jams... Kind of my way of letting the neighbors I am still alive. Wife keeps telling me it is OK to listen to music when she is home... I keep telling her she wouldn't like it. I don't go sensory overload... just drown out all ambient noises. Those AF jets can present a challenge... Boy decided to start making his own coffee. About time. He has one of those "4 cup" coffee makers. Told him that if he put the coffee on before he goes to the bathroom, it will be done by the time he finishes in there.He still has a way to go before he's cowboy tough. Made one big step... doesn't use milk/cream and sugar any more. Don't think he is ready for cowboy coffee, yet. You know... the coffee you sieve grounds out with your 'stache ...."boiled" Boy was asking me about the different roasts put to coffee. First thing was to tell him the diff between dark and strong. Had to straighten him out on that one. Enough about me How is everyone in the storm affected areas? Getting electricity back? DC looks like it took a shot. Y'all OK over there?
  15. I'm kinda up past my bed time. An hour after dark and up well before sunrise. Nocturnal is not me. I am waking up and drinking coffee, watching the night people going home. I've had a couple jobs that I worked 4A - noon and 5A - 1P respectively. Suited me perfect. Explains why I seem a little wound up at 6AM. Hitting my stride about that time
  16. Hi @Moosh Bronsun Best thing I can tell you is to shop the used market. Listen to several models and get what you like...since Klipsch doesn't do the home demo of their lines ..... but don't sell the LaScalas [when you get there] You will see many "I sure wish I had not sold my LS" comments around here
  17. well, there's your problem... "A couple hours ago" not after dark....why John?
  18. sorry for ya. No electricity is adding insult to injury in the lock down. Everyone is OK? we have our windows and doors open already. W/o a fire, the outside temp passes the temp in the house pretty quick. 75` today.. I went back to bed for a few. Surprised the kid wasn't over early. She's conditioned to getting up at 6. Bus comes at 6:30 for school. Have half a feeling she is coming down from a sugar buzz. Might be cranky today.
  19. that's what i like about here. Our bad weather is pretty mild compared to tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzards. That storm front y'all experienced, showed here as a 20` drop in temp and 0.25in of rain..... Everyone OK after the storms? Wife spent yesterday in the kitchen. Made Devilled Eggs, apple pie and corned beef/cabbage and potatoes. With the new normality, looks like I'm needing to build a dedicated stereo room... not attached to the house. I can put a 12 X 10 w/o permits.... Too small for LaScalas? They will fit OK. Can be "corner loaded", too. .... or.... I can occupy one of our larger sheds. Will still need to build a storage for crap that will come from it. This might sound short-sighted... not really. Wife will be retiring soon. I will need a place to be noisy. My summer garden is coming up. Have more planting to do... but things are coming up. We have a narrow window to plant if some shelter isn't provided. Not from cold... the sun. Wife was talking about putting up a greenhouse at the school. Told her that that is a waste of time. A lattice house is far more useful. It will moderate the temps. Greenhouse is a solar oven.
  20. stuffing credit cards in the eggs now? sorry ...... it was too easy
  21. Mornin' All thanks Mike! A little early for sunrise services, yet. Another hour. Nothing exciting here. Just want to wish all the best possible day. Been up since 2;30... Not up that early considering I went to be shortly after sundown. Kinda cool this AM. Mid 30's.Don't need to go to the kitchen for hot coffee. A comfortable fire in the stove. Mexican in the cup . Watching the Easter[n] horizon for signs of day. We don't have anything special planned for the day. Other than touch base with friends and family....Well, I can't speak for "we"...Wife might have something cookin'. I dunno. Now that the 'stimulus checks" are being dispersed.... w/o getting into politics, are we going to have to pay this money back? I tend toward scepticism when the govt says "We're here to help you"... There are usually strings attached. guess I'll stir the wife and see if she wants to observe sunrise. hmmmmm my fingers seem to have dyslexia lately. When I'm typing...all the right letters in the wrong order.
  22. I like the devolution of the swimsuit. From cover everything twice to a string or two. ... was watching a Perry Mason from 1960... a little known actor guest starred Robert Redford "The Chief" from Get Smart was in another one... I'd guess it is gonna rain sometime today. Weather person said the dew point at 5PM was 4` and I believe it. I smelled water this AM. ...........desert rats first thing I thought when I got off the plane in Lihue [Kauai]... "I smell water"
  23. Mornin' [almost too early to be morning] all hope you all had an uneventful Good Friday. I went down early... wife stayed up late. We crossed paths as I was getting up. Might have gone back to bed, except the tweakers are about....a problem that self-corrects if you can wait. Wife and I took a cruise into the hills yesterday. Some nice patches of flowers. Mariposa lilies, BlueDicks [that is their real name], penestemons, lupines and no excess humans. We did see some BorderPatrol. Hope to, when you're 3 or 4 miles from the border. Creek was running enough to keep the pools fresh. All in all... beautiful. No pics. Midday sun is difficult to shoot in. The sun is soooooo bright that colors and detail wash out. Need to take pic during the 'golden hour" just after sunrise or before sunset. Lit the "furnace", one more time. 60` and rain predicted. Not complaining about the rain... those temps are on the fresh side for us. Average is 80. Boy did some work at a branding. No RockyMountainOysters this time. Fine by me. Not a fan of organ meat...especially those. I might try them, if I don't know what they are. Said to taste like liver... automatic out. I hate liver. Not food in my dictionary. Anyone here, eat dinner at dark thirty? How does that work out with DST? Wife is one that likes to dine later... sure glad we don't change times. Eating at 10P would kill me. That's the middle of the night, to me. ---------------------------------------------------- halter tops are nice. Tube tops are fun, too. Both are "wardrobe malfunctions" waiting to happen
  24. I set $2000 spending limit for my "new" stereo. Got an amp/receiver and LS .....still have $500 ya don't have to break the bank
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