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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. I did that once. Had a thread and someone didn't like the way I conducted it... told them "This is my house... You may leave"
  2. they have to time launches to ISS and stuff around the space junk
  3. something like that.... after a bit my curiousity got the better of me... I walked down to the corner to get a better look.
  4. I did check our out buildings while everything was going on... Don't want that crap spilling onto our place. Back to our regular programming... Boy got to drive his car today. Suits me.. My car is a beater, but he is not a good driver. Anything happens to it w/o it being the other guy, it is totalled. I kinda like the old girl. She's quirky, but reliable. Actually a nice ride. It's a grandma car. Nice for a long trip. Comfy seats and a soft suspension.Needs shocks/struts, but is still a soft ride tho I have seen some lil ol' ladies in some pretty fancy sports cars...
  5. 2 people shot... shooter is on the loose. Town is closed off to traffic - unless you know the backroad... They know who they are looking for... at least everyone in town knows.... I'm on 2nd pot of coffee
  6. three ring circus around here this AM We've had a situation brewing for a while with some neighbors. A slow motion train wreck. Squatters turned into a meth kitchen. Folks playing with guns and all kinds of fun... got up at 3 to hit the can... saw flashing lights at the end of the street.....An ambulance and cops all over their place. Thought I heard gunfire early on... around 2, but didn't get up to see. That's how often it was happening over there.... I'm guessing their fun came to an end....and we can relax... again. I'm sure it will be all the scuttlebutt in town...
  7. a half dozen tacos later.... don't know how well this one stood the test of time but...
  8. uh huh.... I used to go to quite a few shows when I was a kid... I am guessing dinner is ready. Wife came out with some pico de gaio [sp?] to sample. Time to stuff my face Talk more in a bit
  9. I saw Spirit at a club in Tucson. Was a fun show. Very intimate. No bad seats The place only had a couple hundred seats changed the doghouse system around a little. Had the sub inputs from speaker outs. Switched it to the Sub Out on the amp.... Now fiddling with it to get it to sound right... The Sub Out doesn't operate when on 2Channel or Direct... Blasted AVR and all its synthesized effects....
  10. speaking of singing voice My sister refer to Tom Petty as Bob Dylan Light
  11. was never a big fan... though my limited knowledge of his work did win me a stack of LPs from a radio station down here.
  12. I'm saving a few for later.... there are some that I haven't seen put up here, yet
  13. that is a whole mouthful of truth. If there is anything that can be done, don't be afraid to ask....
  14. me too. plus y'all have featured a lot of what I have.
  15. ... I just try to consider the source and pray for them I'm just sorry we didn't get to meet when I was on my road trip to pick up my system. Stupid hurricane My sisters and I are an irreverent bunch.... It would have been fun.
  16. Glad to hear they discharged. Too bad the meds don't agree with ya. I went to see the cardiologist for the results of my stress test.... y'all are just gonna have to deal with me. He sez I'm good to go. Everything shows "normal"... no Jack LaLanne.... but doesn't need to see me for a year... since we are on live performances
  17. Made the trip to the cardiologist.... I guess y'all will have to put up with me for a while longer. I have an appt for next Oct...
  18. would she be considered a cougar if the guy is 60? When I first started working at the bowling alley [age 35], I found some of the older ladies quite attractive. ... and was invited to dinner with a few... Of course I accepted. You can hardly say No.Ya just don't do that. what can I say? I like the ladies
  19. Another sunny and warm day. Bake the ground a wee bit harder. Can't complain about record high temps.. They're down to 100`, so it's not so bad with our record heat for the day [again]... my day is already mapped out. 11 o'clock Dr appt. It will be a 4hr round trip for a half hour visit. Boy had to drive the Olds to work yesterday. That car is near as old as he is. Gets to drive it again today. It has a lot of little quirks, but, it is reliable. His car has 2 worn tires that hold air and one worn tire that doesn't. Tires had to be ordered.
  20. kinda like a scene from the Addam's Family or The Munsters where they were dusting the house...
  21. Robert Redford was on Perry Mason... and Bette Davis sat in for Raymond Burr on an episode Several cast members from Start Trek have been on. Leonard Nimoy, George Takai, DeForest Kelley... haven't seen William Shatner, yet Vacuumed the house yesterday. Turned to be rather counter-productive. When I got done, looked around and there was hair and crap all over everything.... The retainer for the filter had come loose and the machine was blowing out all what it sucked in... thanks? I did knock down some of our organic flypaper [spiderwebs] as mosquito season is about done. Now we have a tree cricket in the house.
  22. Home-made lasagna makes me feel good, even if I'm not feeling bad Mike's COFFEE !!! answer doesn't surprise me.
  23. Perry Mason "The Case of the Unwelcome Bride" 1961 guest stars Alan Hale -- Skipper in Gilligan's Isle and DeForest Kelley -- the Dr in StarTrek
  24. well wife had kids today I forgot how much she missed seeing them. She came home all smiles. eating pizza. Frank [the cat that eats chicken bones] is begging. He's a pizza pirate. He's good around chicken, fish ... meat in general. Pizza...No He will snipe a slice from the pan and take it to his bowl. At least he's neat about it.
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