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Posts posted by MicroMara

  1. 1 hour ago, JohnJ said:

    My forced hiatus from vinyl might be over soon!

    See y'all then :emotion-19:

    YES SIR JJ,  that´s indeed good news, but might take a couple of weeks till your audiogear is re-activated in your new house and listening room , but it really doesn´t matter. Congrats !!!

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  2. wet , cold and rainy here , the tt is running since late afternoon


    I started with Kenny Burell´s Midnight Blue




    followed by Stanley Turrentine´s " Nightwings "




    then the debut from Simply Red " PictureBook "



    after dinner and right this minute Dave Brubeck´s " All-Time Greatest Hits " CBS Label from 1974





    • Like 7
  3. 26 minutes ago, AndreG. said:


    New stuff is colored - mostly, the older LPs are black. Have to watch out, if I wash the coloreds too often they will turn black too...  🤪🙃

    The key takeaway is that while black vinyl used to be the only option for best audio quality, the advancements in vinyl manufacturing have made it possible to produce high-quality colored vinyl records as well. So, whether you prefer black vinyl or colored vinyl is ultimately a matter of personal preference.

    • Like 4
  4. As I mentioned a couple of days ago ...New Cart in da house  😁 ....Grace F8-E . Have it in operation since approx. 2 hours ,


    Can't write much about it yet ..except ....fascinatingly elegant, beautiful spatial resolution, clean FQ in the entire spectrum, absolutely authentic





    • Like 7
  5. 16 hours ago, JohnJ said:

    Forgot to mention, it is on Sleepy Hollow drive!!

    Good Morning JJ ...you see , the last ten years I lived in a beautiful house , surounded by a forest , horse-cheep & cow medows, and a near by big lake ,  far far away from the civilisation , next neighbor was  1.700 f away , below the hill , where the house is placed, there was a riding stable , that´s it. The near by village had a population approx. 1000 citicans ,  a grocery store, a pharmacy, a doctor & dentist and a pub. W/out a car I would be lost ! Now I´m back living w/in the civilisation , that´s what I missed in the last years . Glad that these times are history now.  The human being is a herd animal

    • Like 3
  6. 5 hours ago, JohnJ said:

    Well hey @MicroMara I've got my fingers crossed because I might be close to obtaining one of two 1000 ft² houses I've looked at recently. One is in such a peaceful setting that it feels as if it soothes my soul. The other is more in the woods. They're both on the highest spots of their hood, one close to a large lake and built into the side of the hill like a hobbit house. That is the one that really is my best shot. It was built in 1992, the other in 1980.

    So it's about time, and I'm kind of an excited old f@rt tonight!

    Beware of living in the deepest wood , at some point they will come, the wood spirits, and get you 😂



    • Haha 3
  7. 4 hours ago, JohnJ said:

    Oh cr@p... I was supposed to learn all of that before 1980!


    Butter is bad

    Margarine from a laboratory is healthy


    I can't even count the times that "they" lied to me.

    But butter is a better flavor carrier than margarine, I like all dishes prepared with butter better than when I use margarine, especially when baking

    • Like 4
  8. It was a good start to the new week, I moved 2 doors into the basement, the ones from the kitchen and the bedroom. Instead I put very nice curtains in the door frames on tension rods, it looks great. Now all the rooms are freely accessible and the new apartment looks like an open loft. I also installed new lamps in the kitchen and the listening room. The new bed for the bedroom was also delivered last Saturday, so I no longer have to sleep on the air bed. Although I got used to it after more than 6 weeks, it's much better to sleep in the new bed.


    Everything is progressing, the apartment is getting nicer and nicer and I'm feeling dam´n good. My son will be visiting me soon, I'm really looking forward to seeing him, my daughter is still traveling the world and won't be coming to visit me until January 2024.


    • Like 6
  9. 6 hours ago, Islander said:


    You needed a heavier head shell?  You youngsters today are so picky.  Back when I was young, we'd just tape a heavy coin or two to the head shell.  No skipping then.  And we liked it!


    🤣, so true , as we were youngsters we didn´t took care about it because of missing aknowledgement , we didn´t knew so much things at that time , no we´re adult and learned a lot , so we know how to handle these things in order to do it right today .

    • Like 4
  10. 14 hours ago, KROCK said:

    Dirtbag, oh I mean dirtmudd (Thorens 125) & Me (Thorens) 126 & The mighty Dave (Linn). I can comment, being I have the both of 2 worlds...

    Ja sure , Sir @dirtmudd owns one , but do you see him spinning here ? 🥸and your´s 126 Thorens isn´t visible here as well , so far so good !

    • Like 3
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