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Everything posted by Dave1291

  1. THAT would be a fun watch. They'd have their work cut out for 'em for sure. Those hummingbirds around here move at warp 3. lol
  2. Work it! It'll sort cause it always does!
  3. Segmented tour so watch their site and adjust fire accordingly. Remember this though. The tour was announced w/ticket sales a week later so watch the site. It's on you! Have fun and enjoy! Man the cash flow from just t-shirt sales? I could afford a pair of new jubes and step my end game up considerably! 😂 Wait, would 2 pair of jubes be over-kill? Asking for a friend.
  4. Sittin here w/mah foot goin. You're as bad as I am Maynard. You've seen my posts. I'm ALL over the place BUT if it's got a beat or brings the heat I'm down. Everyone's different with their likes/dislikes I guess but this place sure is fun. Not a darn thing wrong with sharin what make you tick. THAT I learned early on in life. Let's roll brother!
  5. @YK Thom I've got faith in ya brother! 😂
  6. I NEVER did anything stupid when I was young. Did you? 😂
  7. @MicroMara I almost did a yeee-hawwww during the intro! Not too shabby though once ya get into it.
  8. Time to get off that gold card huh? Thank me later cause they're gonna kill it fo sure! NYC? BOOM! He might just leave it all there when he walks outta the office like most people. I would. He's more than paid his debt to society. Time to chill.
  9. Yup, that's the way it rolls @Marvel My girls are both great kids I just shake my head when I see me surfacing. lol The youngest decided she was going to Coachella when she was at OSU. Some ballers she knew won some 3 on 3 tourney and picked up 100k so they were payin for the airfare. Then she and her roomate realized the tickets were off the charts so called me whining a bit. I laffed and told her to find the weakest link in the fencing around the place and smooth the the dumbest looking dude in a security shirt tell him to close his eyes and go blind for one minute. Then I told her it was up and over the snow fence with the first one over holding it down for the rest. The next thing I saw was after it was over. It was a post on instagram. "Yea, we got in for free but I don't know how long it's gonna take us to heal after going up and over the fence. Thanks Dad!" I just shook my head. A chip off the old block for sure. I had to google it to find out what Coachella even was. That security dude didn't know what hit him and prolly didn't care. 😂 Gotta preach n teach!
  10. Scares me! 😂 @AndreG. Yes Sir brother, nothing like going right to the top of the food chain in a nano second. Ya get @Chief bonehead in here it's gonna get pricey. About the only thing that might draw his interest is the fact we're just a gaggle of red-headed step-brothers in here and he's always been a bonehead. Never know though. We could see a unicorn magically appear!
  11. Hey @Full Range you haven't seen heels LF wandering around down under yet or is there something going on we don't know about? Inquiring minds wanna know... 😂
  12. That's funny! Try having two daughters if you want to increase your stress level. I STILL don't have them figured out. With age comes wisdom? I call BS! My youngest is 26 and has never listened to much classic rock it's all been boom boom rap, yet we roll into that Eagles show a couple years ago and it's sing along time AND she knew every word to every song they played. What AM I missing? 😂
  13. @Invidiosulus from what I've seen you're knocking it outta the park. Good job! Those kids are takin notes for sure.
  14. @Full Range wellllll that's different! Not too shabby.
  15. So did you see somewhere where there were other tour legs going into 2025? That's what I'm wondering about.
  16. There ya go again @KROCK jerkin my chain... I've already ordered two. 😂 😂 😂
  17. @Buck115 I think the Forum was a box set maybe but can't remember w/o looking. The lp's are dialed right in as I recall. I can't see them not having something out there but who knows?
  18. @AndreG maybe we're related? You grab a pair of LS and go thru them and you're gonna have the same Klipsch gear as I do. In the meantime keep workin on that lp collection cause I wanna see your line array when it's done. lol
  19. First 3 are nuts, haven't seen 4 but they say it's great so now there's a 5? Kinda like buying lp's maybe??? lol
  20. @the real Duke Spinner Upstate NY is crazy cool. My neice and her husband lived up there in some lil burg btwn Watkins Glen and Ithaca. She taught there for a few years while her husband was a T/A @ Cornell Law School. Lived above some pizza shop in that lil burg on the cheap. That pizza was fantastic! They didn't eat much of it though cause living above the place kinda killed their taste buds. lol Guess that law school is one of the best ones. He was always on the list to get in but the icing on the cake was he had to wait for one kid to drop so he could get into it. When that happened and he didn't get in after three years workin for chump change he decided to come back to Ohio State and hit their law school. So they're all back in the Cbus area now. We wound up hitting the falls and goin up river on some flat rock somewhere which was great and I wound up spending 175 @ some farmer's market on a hand made knotted recliner I hang from a tree in. Like a cocoon but sleep like a baby. Best 175 I ever spent on outdoor furniture. Still goin strong 20 years later. Beautiful area for sure.
  21. @JJkizak gotta remember those salamander's have rights too! Ya see em all over out West. The balancing act completed by bored people out on the trails in the National Parks. lol Have to leave their mark somewhere I guess. Beats destroying things that have been there for centuries. The one's that do... That's another story imo.
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