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Posts posted by krustyoldsarge

  1. 1. What Heritage speakers have you owned, currently own, or want to own?

    Owned Heresies from 1974-1991

    2.  What was your age when you first purchased a Heritage series loudspeaker?


    3.  What is your current age?


    4.  Why did you choose Heritage loudspeakers over another Klipsch model?

    Back in '74 Heritage was all there was!

    5.  If you currently own some Heritage loudspeakers, and could purchase some more Klipsch speakers(new or used), which ones would you purchase?  Why?

    Don't own Heritages now. Am currently living in S. Korea and bought KG4's because they are mailable through USPS (barely!). Because floorspace is limitied here, would like a pair of ChorusII. Forte or ForteII or Quartets.

    6.  Do you think the upcoming Jubilee should become part of the "Heritage" line, since it was also designed by PWK?


  2. Audition, audition, audition!

    If you're on a budget, you might want to consider a senior Marantz receiver from the '70's. Driving kg4s with a 2385 now. Bass is awesome yet the Marantz has a nice, warm sound. Really rocks!



    Your RB-5's are 2db more efficient than my kgs, but both are two way. The old Marantz, of course, lacks the digital stuff, so it may not be for you.

  3. Just be prepared to fix what you find!

    My prize score at a yard sale was a Fisher 400 receiver driving a pair of Jensen speakers in a custom console: $30. I sold the Jensens on ebay. Also picked up my Dynas at yard sales: $40 a piece.

    My Marantz 2385 came from a hole in the wall second hand electronics shop in Korea. $280 and it works perfectly.

    Good hunting!

  4. Looks great! Thinking of doing something similar to my ST-70s with 3mm fiberglass PC board.

    I'm going to relocate the power switch to the front, too. Gonna use shielded wire in hope of keeping the humm down. I'll really miss burning my forearm, though....

    But none of this is going to happen anytime soon because I'm spending all my time at this board (and plotting a delicious revenge on an ex-girlfriend who didn't like my Klipsch's)


  5. I'd try to audition it first. People like me who rave about Marantz generally own their OLD equipment from the '60's to early '80's. Afterward Marantz was acquired by Philips and quality went to hell. Maybe they're making a comeback, I certainly hope so. I haven't heard any of their new gear. Might take the time to do it during my next exile to Seoul.

    As for old Marantz gear, my 2385 receiver is indeed musical and warm. Amazing since it also pumps out 185wpc and bass like a 900lb gorilla! Build quality is incredible. It's one the most amazing pieces of equipment I've ever owned and the best $280 I've ever spent (my divorce cost me $4000 and counting).

    The 2220b receiver it replaced was a musical little receiver, more so than the Fisher 400T SS units I owned a long way back. After I slapped in some film caps and fast diodes it picked up a bit of detail, too.

    You might consider hunting down some old Marantz gear to listen to and then compare it to this new unit.

  6. Such a thing has been done with Dynaco ST70s, here's the URL.


    I bought of these circuit boards and can tell you it is very good quality, besides being clever. I haven't yet fired it up in my ST70 so......


    Don't know, but it might work in an Eico. Triode also sells multisection caps and you might find one here that will work.


    Solen makes some film caps that are suitable for tube power supplies, but they are big enough that mounting them can be a challenge.

  7. Ditto, go ahead and get the Heresy's. I owned a pair for 17 years. Drove them with so many different receivers I've forgotten their names (kinda like old girlfriends). My favorite was the old Fisher 400T, however for SS these days, you'll get my Marantz when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!

    It's really hard to go wrong with Heresies, I miss mine. One poster among us has even figured out how to mod one for a passive radiator on the rear. That ought to pump up the bass a bit.

  8. Okay, here's my two cents.

    I've been driving a pair of KG4's with a '70's Marantz 2385 receiver (185 wpc rms). To my ears at least, the combination is magical. I have yet to experience clipping of any kind, so much headroom has the senior 2385. (The 2220b it replaced did clip) Bass is prodigious.

    Your RFs have a titanium tweeter and my KG use phenolic (I think). Could affect your results with a Marantz. I do keep the treble knob at 11 o'clock to keep the KGs tweeters from getting too bright. Treble reproduction is nonetheless airy and accurate.

    The old SS Marantz units were built like Iowa class battleships. Even though they were made in Japan, they were engineered in the USA. I tear mine down (right now have 3) and have never ceased to be impressed by their build quality.

    Marantz units were rated according to their maximum distortion free rms output for 48 hours. Have never cranked my system up to check for clipping for two reasons:

    A. I'll get evicted.

    B. I don't want to set the KG4's on fire (senior Marantz receivers can do this to big woofers).

    Picked my 2385 up for $280. Have seen them go on ebay for $800.

    Would really like to hear from other SS Marantzers on the board.

  9. Gotta agree with Ryan on the cap answer.

    There's a whole world of info on caps out on the web, it takes time to digest. And of course with everything audio, there's snake oil, too.

    I try not to take chances with old electrolytics that have sat for a long time. Even if they function for a while, under a good load they can blow and you can kiss some expensive downstream components goodbye.

    Caps are much smaller now. In some of the lower uf values you can find film caps small enough to fit as substitutes for electrolytics. I subbed some out on a Marantz 2220b (along with fast diodes) and the improvement was dramatic.

    I might replace the mylars, too, but that's just me. Every rebuild kit I've seen for old stuff (i.e. Fisherdoc) includes new ones at least for coupling and other high voltage spots.

    Never substitute a lower voltage rating, though it's okay to go up. Sometimes I've doubled the voltage rating AND the uf value in a circuit with a physically smaller modern cap. ERO makes a 1uf 63v film cap that is as small as the 1uf 16v electrolytics you'll find in a '70s Marantz.

  10. This is a scary thread!

    I must smell like dead meat cause there's a clutch of divorcees here in Taegu circling me. On the upside, one of those cheap diamonds might be right for the one of them "slightly used, greatly reduced"....

    I should have mount a Klipschorn to my first wifes ring, after five years she was as big as one...

    Since I'm obviously in denial, I have no useful advice to offer.6.gif

  11. This is a scary thread!

    I must smell like dead meat cause there's a clutch of divorcees here in Taegu circling me. On the upside, one of those cheap diamonds might be right for them: "slightly used, greatly reduced"....

    I should have mounted a Klipschorn to my first wife's ring, after five years she was as big as one...

    Since I'm obviously in denial, I have no useful advice to offer. 6.gif

  12. Good for you, a girlfriend who writes you a blank check on the speaker thing! One caveat, though, sometimes when they get a ring on their finger they can have you back to listening to Bose 8.gif

    My latest girlriend (a graduate student music major) stopped by my place briefly and heard the first movement of Toscanini's Beethoven 9th through my system. She was delighted and begged me to let her come back and hear the rest. Maybe if I stick with her I'll get that audio "blank check", too. Doesn't hurt that she's tall and elegant, either.

    The girl she replaced didn't want to listen to music, anyway. Good riddance!

  13. I upgraded my KG4's wiring to Oehlbach Silver Stream from Switzerland. Used 2x2.50mm blue stripe for the Woofers (probably overkill) and 2x1.50 to the tweeter.

    The wire is somewhat flat to reduce skin effect. It was about $8-10 a meter to reduce your wallet.

    I did this mod at the same time I upgraded the caps and inductors in the crossover (that was some circuit board acrobatics!), so I can't tell you what effect the wire mod had by itself. Crimped, then soldered on new connectors I got locally.

    I did the right speaker about a month before I did the left one. During that time the modded speaker seemed to have a little "dominance" over the unmodded one. It also seemed to have a slight advantage in detail. Both being complete now, they sound great driven by my Marantz 2385. Strangely enough, off-axis soundstage is great.

    But as others here have suggested, I could have been imagining the whole thing to make myself feel better about spending all that loot on caps and cable!


  14. 1. Owned Heresy's from 1974 to 1991. Want to own Klipschorns.

    2. Age was 23

    3. Current age 52

    4. In 1974 all Klipsch speakers were Heritage. However the Heresy's were the only speakers I could accomodate in my living space and budget.

    5. I currently own kg4's and love them! Would like to buy some Forte II's. The Fortes have an outstanding reputation, power and sound quality. Am toying with the idea of building a set of Khorns.

    6. The Jubilee should absolutely be considered a Heritage.

  15. I owned a pair of '73 Heresies from 1974 to 1991, and don't recall any ringing from the metal squacker. They were fine speakers, especially when I was a single GI living in the barracks '74-76: I never, ever lost a "stereo war". Then in '84 I saw and heard the Forte and KG4 for the first time and was a little surprised at how they seemed to put out a bit more bass. From that time 'til '91 when I sold them, the idea of making a new plywood back panel for my Heresy's and sticking a passive radiator in the middle of it has never left my head. Kinda radical mod (though reverseable), anyone ever tried this? I suppose if I had the luck to pick up a pair of Heresy's on the cheap, I'd try some Earthquake SLAPS passive radiators on 'em. Meanwhile, I love my KG4's, no matter what the neighbors say......

  16. Here's another vote for "I Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty. We've got a little war goin' in my hood, and it's "our" side's anthem... "Dreams" by Van Halen "Vital Idol" by Billy Idol, the whole album "Do You Think You're Better Off Alone" (by I forget who) especially some of the club remixes. "Sons and Daughters" by Level 42. A lot of the cuts on the "Scorpions Greatest". Sorry for the lack of paragraphs, my computer's having trouble with that right now.

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