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Everything posted by colterphoto1

  1. try projectorpeople.com, they have most brands and good discount pricing. Myself, i went with a Canon 7105 obtained at a local photo store. It's XGA quality and works great with my computer for client presentations (I'm a photographer), but it has plugs for everything S-vid and component video for your HT setup. It's only drawback is 800 lumens, but it's only $3600 for awesome detial! I use it in a light controlled room on a 100" diag. screen and it's fantastic!
  2. Thanks Russ, This article would lead one to believe that the benefits of bi-wiring are negligible, as I suspected. Apparently, you must use different wire types, each optimized for a particular driver within the cabinet. The article points out that this configuration can cause problems as well. Think I'll just stick to normal wiring. Michael
  3. I'm an ex sound-engineer, so I understand all the technical stuff about bi- and tri-amping speakers systems for concert sound for better efficiency, driver protection, less distortion. I cannot understant Klipsch's concept of 'bi-wiring'! Two sets of leads coming from the same amplifier posts to speaker posts wired in parallel should have no effect but to double the amount of copper used to pass the signal. I have not found an answer in product literature of this site. Can someone explain how this works to me? BTW, the RC7 'tapered array' is one of the best ideas I have heard in years. It avoids the timing difference between two similar drivers in the critical vocal range if the listener is off-axis of the speaker. (common in home theatre installations- there is commonly only one 'sweet spot') Michael
  4. Some acoustical treatment might help you avoid listening fatigue. Even with upholstered furniture and carpeting, your cabinets are dangerously close to major reflective surfaces, ruining any possible sound stage you are trying to create. You might try some sound absorbing foam or tapestry wrapped over building ductwork insulation (hard yellow stuff 3/4 thick) placed on the sloped ceilings above the mains and toward the listening position. In terms of surrounds, as close as you are seated to the surround speakers, the efficiency of these may not be a problem, so I'd try the bipolar designs. You might also benefit from getting a real center channel speaker. I could not believe the difference when I added a RC7 to my Cornwalls (also 1976- open walnet style). i was using a Altec 7 12" three way design and the imaging was funny. the RC7 is amazing! Michael
  5. Great start on a system! Your is almost identical to mine! Yamaha RXV850 Klipsch Cornwall mains Klipsch RC7 center Definitive BP2 bipolar rears There is a huge problem with our systems in that the receiver is an 'old style' dolby pro-logic, not even 5.1. The rear channels are designed for limited bandwidth and only carry 30 watts compared to 80 for the front three. Therefore, you need super efficient surround speakers to keep up with your Klipsch mains. I just got the RC7 after using an old Altec model 7 (12" three way) for years- THE IMAGING AND SMOOTH FREQUENCY RESPONSE of the RC7 is amazing! The best $$$ I have ever spent on my theatre! The centre channel sound is SOOO critical you should spend top $$ on this speaker! You might find that it is almost too efficient though, so maybe a smaller Klipsch center would be in order! I'm upgrading to the Yamaha 3300 soon! 6.1 surround, with 100 watts all around, the same rec out/zone 2 that you're used to on the 850, and bunches more surround modes. It still has phono input and something I use on the 850 which are pre out/ins, which I use for a 10 band EQ to flatten the response of my mains to my room acoustics. The 2300 does not have this.
  6. I'm trying to help a friend with the same problem. Wife insists viewing across the short (15') dimension of the listening room. 53" set is 2' of depth, sofa on opposing wall is 3' of depth, leaving 10 feet viewing distance. Room is 20 feet wide, so frontal speaker placement is no problem. However, what do you do with rear speakers when listening position is on rear wall? I told him to experiment with rears on stands 1 foot above seated head height, pointed OUTWARDS, so the sound diffuses off the rear and side walls. Any other suggestions, other than rear speakers in the ceiling? Michael
  7. Welcome to the Family! You will find that you can get by with very little amplifier power, thanks to the efficiency of your new Klipsch speakers. I favor Yamaha receivers and surround sound processors. The surround modes seem more lifelike than with other brands, and Yamaha lets you vary the amount and timing of reverb. Be careful, though, many of the newer 6.1 theatre receivers DO NOT have inputs for phonograph, if you still play records. If you're not using this setup for surround, they have some kicking stereo receivers, with full complement of inputs, including phonograph and much better damping factors ( the way the amp controls the speaker cones- related to the 'quality first watt' theory mentioned 3/5/03. Hope this helps! Don't forget to get Klipsch surrounds when the time comes, any other speaker will not be as efficient so you won't hear the proper sound mix. Michael - Cornwall mains, RC7 center, YAMAHA 3300 receiver, Definitive BP2 surrounds
  8. I use Klipsch Cornwalls for my main stereo/theatre speakers and finally purchased a center channel speaker that can keep up- RC7 kicks butt! I actually have to turn it down slightly at my Yamaha receiver. My problem is that my 27" tv and RC7 reside in a cabinet. i have the RC7 mounted on a sloped shelf just below the TV, aimed at the main listening position. This leaves some space behind the speaker, and about 10" clear under it for the port sound to 'escape'. I wonder if I'm adding a 'boominess' frequency by housing the RC7 inside a cabinet. Would it be best to rethink my furniture so that the ports fire into an empty space along the wall behind the components? Currently own a pair of Definitive BP2 bipolar surrounds that are not keeping up at all! Guess Klipsch surrounds are next in line! Michael
  9. If the general theory for home theatre sound states to have direct, localized sound for the front speakers and to have diffuse sound for the surrounds (witness the design of Klipsch surrounds), it makes no sense at all to utilize a beamy, costly, centre channel-type cabinet design for the rear center. I believe that using three similar speakers across the rear will aid in de-localizing the sounds from each rear area. Michael- Klipsch fan for 20 years- cornwall mains, KC7 centre, KSB1.1 all over the house
  10. ---------------- On 11/1/2002 1:14:28 PM Stu Pidass wrote: Definitely use your best speakers for mains. Surrounds provide mostly ambient sound anyway. ---------------- Stu, I am also using old Cornwalls for theatre mains. My question is - since these were designed for wide diffusion pattern in theaters, do they not function well in todays home theatre environment where narrow pattern across the front channels is necessary for a proper soundstage? I just listened to the RS/RC7 system when I bought my new center channel Klipsch speaker and you could definitely tell exactly where the director wanted the sound to come from. thanks, Michael
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