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dtel last won the day on April 26 2024

dtel had the most liked content!

About dtel

  • Birthday 09/21/1957

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Mississippi
  • Interests
    Yes, on a good day.
  • My System
    2 ch

    MWM 402/K69, Br player, Cd's, DVD's, internet streaming and satellite, into a Pioneer Elite VSX-82TXS out the pre-outs into a EV DX-38 into 2 Emotiva A-100's and out to the speakers. Klipsch 1502 sub and Crown XTI 1002 amp bridged.


    65" Vizio 4K , Sony 4K Blu Ray player, 2 Forte lll's front L&R, and Forte ll for center and 3 Forte ll's across the rear. Pioneer Elite VSX-82TXS, 1502 sub with Crown XTI 1002 bridged, thank you Cory.

    Cornwall 3's with HK 930 and a Cd player

    Shop and yard, MWM singles with DIY split laScala tops

    Heresy's in the yard tiki bar

    Other speakers, in ceilings, Rb 75's, Heresy 1 and 2 versions

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Keeper of the Sound (9/9)




Community Answers

  1. Audio goals for 2025, hoping nothing breaks and just keeps playing along when the buttons are pressed. That would be just fine with me.
  2. I know I am not here much except to approve new post but haven't forgot about everyone, so Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. And be safe.....as you can anyway and still have a good time.
  3. dtel


    I think you have the name wrong. As far as I know Klipsch does not make an electric bike. Need a great audio system then you came to the right place.
  4. I don't know the dimensions, I have heard them and just wanted to say congratulations, they are amazing.
  5. If is not the driver going bad you could use an external amp and just run a wire inside to feed it. Leave the amp to cover the hole to keep the same internal volume. External amps rarely go bad, well less than plate amps. imo
  6. Just seen this thread, living room is 24' wide and 18' deep with a 65" tv and 2 large speakers for 2 ch and 6 smaller ones, Fortes for ht both share a x- large sub.
  7. Very good review MMurg, also accurate, thanks for the pictures. Also thanks JWC for the pictures and it was nice to see you and Mark. It was nice to see everyone else also, a big part of what makes these things fun for me. And of course Chief Bonehead or even Chef Bonehead at times did great job as usual with another new design, well done. Much more bass to the LaScala, just what it needed + new horns/drivers for a total improvement in a big way, PWK would definitely approve. ps, I like the active
  8. The bottom half is not classic, but better, but your right an amazing speaker.
  9. Congratulations on the cancer, hope it turns great for you. And great choice of speakers, no way they are to big for that room.
  10. It's been a long time, I don't remember but glad you said 400. I remember asking this a long time ago for something I was wanting to put together and still use. I asked because I put a split LaScala top with MWM bass bins on the bottom, one bin for each top. AA crossovers and they sound really good in the workshop, listen to them almost every day.
  11. The first part is almost how you season a cast-iron pan, just different oil. The second part verdigris is about my favorite finish, might have to try that, just not sure on what ?
  12. Very nice story, the whole UJ thing was different the way it all started and became popular, although not surprised at all.
  13. Well it's that time again, if interested it is the next few nights, the 11 - 13. They say it should be visible as early as 10 PM with somewhere between 50 and 100 per hour. Well that's the guess anyway.
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