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Posts posted by dodger

  1. Thebes

    Daddy Dee






    Steve Bailey

    All Veterans and Emergency Service Workers and Volunteers

    A lot of these have been for support off of the board - one I have to check email - suggested Stone for Pizza.

    Some have been for humour. Some have been for guidance.

    Some have been for all.

    I thank you.

  2. JacksonBart, I didn't feel that you were calling my intelligence into question. We're fine.

    I think and I don't mind being corrected, that dragonfyr attempts to address every possible scenario, then someone says something and it snowballs.

    I believe that we surpass the eight year old intelligence point.

    Most of the answers given are on an easy plane as we do not know what the I.Q. level of the person is.

    It may take several readings of dragonfyrs initial post to see the criteria.

    Yes some have Engineering Degrees in one field or another. On the job expertise can rival some book learning.

    But there is no cause for either side to become personal. Once that happens, we have lost the point. We have lost some credibility.

    From one who knows first hand.

    It's nice in the point that revisits may be eliminated, adds to long Posts ( a Master speaks.)

    There is middle ground. Asking questions beyond the original Post. Getting a feel of the depth the person wishes to learn.

    From a bigmouth, going back to Audio, Math, Acoustics and Physics 101 is the starting point.

    Questions, not comments or remarks the next logical step.

    Dialogue, or the three Cs we abided by in Crime Analysis: Cooperation, Communication, Coordination.

    Some may question Coordination. We help one another out to Completion through mentioning logical steps.

    The selling and or trading of Components and the passing on of experience.

    We're not as far apart as we sometimes seem. And, there are numerous Members who have taken the time to expand their knowledge base with the help of other Forum Members.

    In our own way, until we learn where each Person seems to be coming from, that is how we learn.

  3. My point is neither defending nor disrespecting.

    I'm curious as to hearing sensitivity and its role in how people judge SET.

    ERIK: I have one of the old Koss units to be connected to an amplifier or pre-amp if none is on the unit. Yours for shipping. PM me if interested. In perfect shape.


  4. Paul:

    Take away your first sentence and you actually make sense. I must have missed you when you were on hiatus.

    Now read all of this sentence first - I have a hard time standing up and saying PP is better. LOL

    I do agree with you, there is room for voice, but you've been nailed, others have been nailed. The flames are no fun.

    But I do remember the picture that was posted of I believe it was almost all of your room. Very nice.

    Yes, I try to stay middle of the road. Don't really like the flames, but when the discourse is as you put forth in your two paragraphs, it does give people a chance to learn, to explore different options, to mull things over.

    I know some are bringing SET to Indy, but it would be nice to try the different topologies in our own homes. Kind of like TT Cartridges, see how well they do. And suggesting try this. More would be open, than an irritated sounding response. Somehow, if they allowed shots at us, we'd both be pushing up daisies. No type of amplifier is worth that. But you and I have disagreed, yet we can still email - kind of like two trial Attorneys.

    Thanks for a GOOD point.

  5. ----------------

    On 5/23/2005 4:16:25 PM mike stehr wrote:

    "If you are listening to SPL grater than 90dB you arr beginning to hear distortion and compression by virtue of the working of the ear itself (it is not linear, not distortionless, and not full bandwidth)."

    *That's nonsense.*

    Dunno about a little over 90 Db, but you get up over 120 Db and your ears will distort.

    Ears do distort, it may vary from individual to individual but they do.




    The International Society of Crime Prevention Practitioners

    The New York State Crime Prevention Coalition

    The Finger Lakes Area Crime Prevention Practitioners Association

    The Western New York Crime Victims Coalition

    The National Organization For Victims Assistance

  7. ----------------

    On 5/23/2005 1:04:58 PM DeanG wrote:

    "If you are listening to SPL grater than 90dB you arr beginning to hear distortion and compression by virtue of the working of the ear itself (it is not linear, not distortionless, and not full bandwidth)."

    That's nonsense.


    That really cannot be a blanket statement. That would be dependent upon one's hearing. I would say Dean is closer to accuracy.

    That would an interesting question for an Audiologist - what frequencies?

  8. You have hit some definite points regarding hearing that all must take into account:

    Sensitivity: My Mother's hearing was quite sensitive. Mine more than my Fathers.

    A reading of 100 db, 90 db on a MACHINE will be perceived differently dependent upon how sensitive a person's ears are,

    EDIT: the volume, possible distortion End EDIT

    Hearing Curve: As a speaker or a driver will have + / - the human ear does also. Factors such as age, exposure to loud noises or music for extended periods will have an effect on a persons hearing range.EDIT: The hairs, the bones, the shape of the ear canal, the size of the earEND EDIT

    Training: A person can be trained to notice clipping, early distortion, while others PERCEIVE it as part of the music.

    Knowledge: Actually knowing what the instrument or a close idea of the person's voice should sound like. If all one ever heard in an electric guitar was Jimi Hendrix' rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner," the light chording of "The Wind Cries Mary" would be lost. Much as we lose when listening to instruments and foreign instrumentsEDIT: for the first time, depending upon the musician. END EDIT.

    Choice: how loud do we want it.

    But that can go back to how sensitive is your ear/hearing?

    What is quiet to some is blaring to others and the reverse.

    So, as you all know I own McIntosh, I would have no problem in properly listening to a SET amplifier.EDIT I realize this means nothing except to be open minded. END EDIT

    And all of the facts, I pay attention as Dean does, but I have to give credence to a person's ability to have hearing that is either more or less sensitive than mine - at low end or high end.

    EDIT: actually the peaks and valleys throughout the range. END EDIT

    As my wife works in a Hearing and Speech Center, all I would have to do is ask one of the Audiologists to test my hearing and I am positive that they could find any number that are more sensitive or less sensitive. EDIT: Either in sensitivity or a change in the peaks and valleys depending upon frequency. END EDIT

    That type of graphing utilizing tones throughout the audible spectrum, with controlled volumes and the person subjected several times with the tones at different levels and different points in the test may show more than any Sound Level Meter or graph of amplifier output.

    Or you can just chalk it up to individual preference or choice.

  9. Last night aired the Season Finale Of Extreme Make-Over Home Edition.

    It was a very fitting tribute to the First Female Killed in Action.

    No matter how things have been in the past, there seems to be a point of enough funding also given.

    Klipsch participated, as Amy noted.

    It is very fitting that the products do not glaringly stand out.

    It is VERY fitting that there is now a place for Native American Soldiers to meet, including those returning from Iraq. It is right that the Native Customs were kept in mind.

    It is the time that we said Thank You to the Navajo Talk CodeMen whose gift to this Country was a Code that was not broken. The lives that saved.

    To hear "The Star Spangled Banner" sung in their Language was moving.

    No Parent should have to bury their Child, no Child should lose their Mother.

    As Memorial Day approaches, I thank Her, all Veterans and all who keep me safe. All Fallen Officers, May all of you be blessed, thought of and know that you have given.

    For those that gave their all, may your Spirits always soar with the Eagles, but if you tire, may you rest with the Doves.

    I thank you all, I would not have had my chance and I would not have what I do but for the sake of others, who are only truly recognized a couple of times a year, but whose contribution is here each day.12.gif

  10. ----------------

    On 5/22/2005 3:39:43 PM Parrot wrote:


    On 5/22/2005 3:21:43 PM dodger wrote:

    Take Care - tonight's the new Crossing Jordan - Paul, a lot of the times that it's just a female I found out it's Jill. Kinda Neat.


    Not following what you're saying here. I think Jill Hennessy was much better in "Law and Order." She's too glamorized on "Crossing Jordan," you know, walking in slow motion in ads, her long hair blowing back, that kind of thing.


    Sorry Paul: The singing.

    It's obvious she's taken some lessons from her twin the model.

    I remembered when I made a comment once before, you noted about some of the music used. Not the mainstream.

    To me, even though her sister is the model Jill has the looks starting back from Law and Order.

    I would love to have a Victrola like Dr. Macy's.

  11. There is one thing in using a Radio Shack SPL meter.

    However there is another to use a meter that can be professionally calibrated, can be be set for frequency ranges and the results stand up in a Court of Law if used as the factor in issuing a Summons.

    Plus there has to be a sense of humour in calling a 105 advertised watt RMS per channel a flea amplifier. Come on guys no-one said SET or PP was better. I thought I'd get a good chortle out Craig and a WHAT out of Paul.

    Erik did note that if needed the extra power would be there.

    Besides, they have those baby blues. :) I know I'd tire of it quickly, but it would be kind of neat to have bulbs that exact shade.

    But I'm still going to follow Shawn's advice on headphones. Compared to falling asleep watching the TV, listening to music, I feel much more rested.

    Unless you guys are pulling my leg again. Almost dinner, time to figure what to cook.

    Seriously, hope all have a relaxing enjoyable night. Take Care - tonight's the new Crossing Jordan - Paul, a lot of the times that it's just a female I found out it's Jill. Kinda Neat.

    Take care.

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