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Anyone out there with Zune 30 Gig issues

Jim Cornell

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I am afraid to use mine now!!

Insectinfo0 The Zune 30gb was the center of attention today, however not for anything good. In a device glitch, worthy of Y2K, it turns out that the Zune 30 is having an issue on December 31st, related to being the 366th day of the year, as we are in a leap year. It looks like the problem is temporary, and hopefully that Microsoft will have a patch available before the next leap year, in a distant four years from now. Then again, how many Zune 30's will be around them remains an open question. In the meantime, here's all you need to know about the issue:

Apparently, Microsoft "warned" Zune owners of the issue, but I don't recall getting that memo.

The fix to the issue is detailed here, but it does involve some Zune surgery, so unless you have a strong stomach for your device's internals, I'd wait for the official fix.

Then again, for those that tend more to the software side to the hardware, these guys have detailed the source code that created the issue with the date. Kind of neat to see what caused the issue.

Then again, it's kind of neat to see the Zune getting so much atention, especially their first model to the market. Now only if Microsoft could generate this much buzz about the Zune without this type of problem, they could gain the market share that has eluded them thus far.

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I had the problem with mine and my wife's both. All you had to do was let the battery run out then wait a day for the calender to get caught back up and then recharge and everything was back to normal. I can't believe how many people freaked. It was like it was the end of the world if they did not have their Zune's. IMO if you can't go a day without it then you have bigger problems.


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