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Tube Selections


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I have been listening to tubes now for about 8 months. I have aquired some pretty nice monoblock amps and have heard the differences in sound that each one produces. I am back now on the first set of monoblocks that I bought. Every since I bought them which was 4 months after demoing them they just have not sounded the same. I know the fella I bought them from told me he put a new set in about a month before I got them but I am not convinced they are new tubes. Anyway I am wanting tp purchase new tubes and would like to get some feedback before I do. These are 35 watt monoblocks with JJ E34L tubes in them. I am looking for a better choice and your help would be gretly appreciated.


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Guest davidness

I am surprised you're looking toward the output tubes, rather the the input tubes. Haven't you found the input/small signal tubes to play a larger role in shaping the sound?

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I am surprised you're looking toward the output tubes, rather the the input tubes. Haven't you found the input/small signal tubes to play a larger role in shaping the sound?

I have never changed out any tubes yet so I dont have a clue what different tubes sound like. The imput tubes are Telefunkin EEC 81.

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I personally like the JJ EL34's. I also prefer vintage NOS input tubes over newer versions. Many of the old military tubes are superior to my ears. Just ask anyone who has heard NOS Western Electric 300B's. It's more personal preference and theres good and bad in all types.

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Guest davidness

The imput tubes are Telefunkin EEC 81.

I think you'll find the input tubes will make the biggest difference. On my Bob Latino ST120 I tried a LOT off different 12at7 tubes (which the eec81's are a variant I believe), including a lot of expensive vintage tubes like the Telefunkin Ecc801s. The best tube for the money, in my opinion, is the CV4024, a military variant made by Mullard. And they aren't too expensive. Bob Latino has a stash he's selling for $30 a piece, true NOS stock made in the 1980's, I believe. Ymmv.

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Guest davidness

Are you still having trouble with one shutting down? I thought taking off the bottom plates did the trick?


I think one of the amps has a bad regulator. It shuts down after 30 minutes max ! I have left the other amp playing for 2 more hours with no problems

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I think Davidness has it right, but in addition" there are other variables in your tube selection. Whats good for one -is not always good for all of us, which amp- which room- whose ears. I see it like fine tuning, that's some of the fun & flexibility with tubes - to be able to tune the sound for ones on ears. Know what change you are looking for (may include just testing what's possible) & you will find lots of choices.

Best wishes, Cornman

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I just put together some Baldwin monoblocks and I'm running the Groove Tube EL34 "M" in them and couldn't be happier with the sound or price. I got the quad from Brent Jesse for around $120 to my door

I've got about 250 hours on them now and they're a heck of a good sounding tube once burnt in. They're a bit similar to the old Mullard XF2.

I bought them to put into the new build amps as a "Burn in tube" before I put in a high $$ quad of the original Mullards. They sound so good I've left them in. They've come in very nice with more hours on them. The low end and low/mids are really smooth and strong.

They're a bit ugly with the "GT" decals on them but I can live with it since they sound so good.


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I just put together some Baldwin monoblocks and I'm running the Groove Tube EL34 "M" in them and couldn't be happier with the sound or price. I got the quad from Brent Jesse for around $120 to my door

I've got about 250 hours on them now and they're a heck of a good sounding tube once burnt in. They're a bit similar to the old Mullard XF2.

I bought them to put into the new build amps as a "Burn in tube" before I put in a high $$ quad of the original Mullards. They sound so good I've left them in. They've come in very nice with more hours on them. The low end and low/mids are really smooth and strong.

They're a bit ugly with the "GT" decals on them but I can live with it since they sound so good.

Very nice looking amps Harry. Thanks for the advice on the EL 34 M, I will look into them.

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Guest David H

I have a forum member who is willing to send me some Amperex Bugle Boy 12-at7,s to try.

I suggeset you try them, I didn't put much faith into tube swapping for other than microphonics and noise til I tried the Bugle Boys. I love them.

Before the Bugles I tried new JJ, EH, Sovtec, Mullard, and even some old GE, Nos Mullard, Phillips, Conn, etc. All of them were good. The quietest low $$ tube was the NOS JAN Phillips 12ax7 $15 each. The Mullards were my preference for new tubes.

Everyone prefers something different, Dave

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I have a forum member who is willing to send me some Amperex Bugle Boy 12-at7,s to try.

I suggeset you try them, I didn't put much faith into tube swapping for other than microphonics and noise til I tried the Bugle Boys. I love them.

Before the Bugles I tried new JJ, EH, Sovtec, Mullard, and even some old GE, Nos Mullard, Phillips, Conn, etc. All of them were good. The quietest low $$ tube was the NOS JAN Phillips 12ax7 $15 each. The Mullards were my preference for new tubes.

Everyone prefers something different, Dave

Thanks Dave, I am definately going to try them. By the way, do you still have your Fastrac,s touring the country for demo ?

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