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lighting guy

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  • Location
    Rhode Island
  • My System
    2- Klipsch Cornwall IIs
    2- Klipsch RSW10s
    Wright Sound WPA20 tube pre
    Wright Sound Mono 7 (300b) amps
    Rega Apollo CDP
    ProJect TT

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  1. 18.5 years for me. And this is my 135th post. Don't know if I can keep up this blistering pace!
  2. Now THAT'S a great price! Can't quite tell about cabinet condition from the photos, but at that price one could do some refinishing. No affiliation. Darrell https://utica.craigslist.org/ele/d/sauquoit-klipsch-cornwall-speakers/7769113038.html
  3. IMHO, more like a factor of 3. I bought a pristine pair of II's a little over a year ago for $1600. Those are pretty, but.......
  4. The 2a3 seems to be a pretty special tube to design an amp around. I recently put my Wright Mono 3.5s back in my system (replacing the 300b-based Wright Mono 7s I've been running for the last 10 or so years). I'd forgotten how realistic and true the presentation is. I had put them aside years ago in search of more bass, which I have now achieved by adding subs with my Cornwalls. I think the 3.5s are back in for good. I once borrowed a 45-based home brew "Bugle circuit" amp. The realism floored me, I owned Khorns at the time. After a while though, I felt the sound was maybe a bit dry and clinical. I wouldn't mind having another amp designed around that tube someday. Especially now that I have subs to fill in the bottom end.
  5. Hi Kippy, I hope you get to host another get-together, they certainly were a lot of fun, but the primary participants of our group have either died (Josh Nichol) or moved away (myself and others). Maybe post something in the Lounge section? There was another group, the Bay Area Audio Asylum, but it fractured apart around 2010. If you PM me I can send you a small list of K avatars who may still be around and interested. Darrell
  6. Hi Kippy, I haven't heard the 225, but I have heard a MC240 on a pair of Khorns. You're right, they are a great match. Maybe a little rolled off on the highs if I remember correctly. This was at a Bay Area amp shootout we had 15 (or more) years ago, so my memory is fuzzy. My favorite is still single ended, I'm a little partial in that regard. In my opinion, the winner that day was a pair of Welbourne Moondogs (2A3 based SET), mainly for its 3D soundstage. Never heard any First Watt, but I'm sure it's great. Darrell
  7. Don't know about the bay in particular , but I've been to Cape Breton in the summer. It is at the eastern tip of NS. Gorgeous! We flew into Sydney and rented a car. They also have a (Gaelic) fall music festival there, always wanted to go back for that. I'd imagine the Bay of Fundy is just as beautiful, if not more so, as it's very near there. I know I'm not telling you anything new, but at 94 you should spend as much time with your dad as possible. I just lost mine last month, he was 91.
  8. Years ago, I lived in Hope, AR and my father was a construction contractor. He once did a remodel for Bob Moers, the president of Klipsch. In the corners, where the Khorns were to be placed, he built a solid 3-4 feet of 2x4s out from the corner for bass reflection. Kind of like your idea, but taken to the max. Not sure how this would play out in terms of transmission THROUGH the lumber to other parts of the house, but I imagine it helped as far as getting the most bass extension from the folded horn.
  9. Hi Kippy, you have a PM. Darrell
  10. Rex Everything, not sure where you're located but there are what appears to be 3- NIB NOS GE 7591As on Craigslist among a collection of "ham radio tubes" in Mercerville, NJ. The whole workman's caddy is listed for $100 so it could be a good deal. There are other stereo-related tubes in the photos. Mind you, you only see the boxes in the photos, but you never know. Good Luck, Darrell
  11. Well, if you're one of the lucky few that haven't ever had chickenpox you might not need the vax. Not sure, I'm not a doctor. All I know is that if you HAVE had chickenpox, the virus is inside you. It can lay dormant for decades (mine did), but when it attacks the nervous system, it is very painful. It's not just about having an itchy rash, it's more about explosive pain. Mine was on the back side of my head, behind my ear.
  12. Dave, you WILL regret getting shingles. Trust me, I've had it. It's not something to fool with. Get vaccinated. D
  13. Flevoman, you could also try a set of stepped attenuators instead of a passive pre. I have a pair made by Scott Endler in the US. They were built 15 years ago, so I'm not sure if he's still in business, but you could do an internet search. I ran them inline between an Apollo CDP (2v output) my Wright 3.5's (2a3 SET) which have an input impedence of 100k. They give you volume control without adding much to the signal path.
  14. Thanks! It was 5 hours round trip, but worth it. I've been looking for a second one to complete my setup. D
  15. Bill was a real gentleman, and has the best HT setup I've ever seen/heard! D
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