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Help in Choosing a Klipsch Product


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I am new to the Klipsch world but am surely going to buy one, owing to strong recommendations. Problem I'm facing is which one?

My budget is around $300-$500. I found the Bose Acoustic Wave music system II to be a good fit to my requirements - just so that you know what are my requirements.

(Exceptional clarity at low & high frequencies).

Can you help suggest a similar Klipsch product?

I found the Klipsch 300 on amazon. But, I dont want a woofer. Can I get this product without the woofer (I guess the big box in the image in this link is the subwoofer for bass?)


Thanks for your help. Appreciate even a quick suggestion,



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Yes that is the sub woofer, and yes you do need it, and that setup is a great deal at that price, get it.

Small speakers can only reproduce little at low frequencies, so the sub is needed, it will make all the difference as you will see.

Let us know what you think.

"I found the Bose Acoustic Wave music system II to be a good fit to my requirements - just so that you know what are my requirements. (Exceptional clarity at low & high frequencies). "

That is funny, good one !

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If you become less sure about Bose but can't find some satisfactory Klipsch, here's a suggestion from far-out left field: a Polk setup. A TV "sound bar" left the NYTimes reviewer quite impressed: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/03/technology/personaltech/03SOUND.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1&sq=Polk speakers and amplifiers&st=cse&scp=1 (copy and paste the entire URL). (FWIW, the NYT gave Klipsch ear buds a top rating a few months ago.)

I have a pair of compact Polk LSi-7 speaks for my TV, and am very pleased with the sound quality. Of course, Klipsch sounds most like the real thing if you can manage it.


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Thanks for this. Really appreciate your help!

Let me tell you the problem regarding the sub. I will be travelling from the US to India with this in a suitcase! And, I dont think I can ship the subwoofer. (Nah, I'm not going to buy Klipsch in India for it does not make any economic sense :) )

But, here's what I'm thinking. May be I can buy only the Klipsch subwoofer in India and the remaining stuff (speakers) in the US. Is that possible at a store of Klipsch or something?

Or do I go for an altogether different product?



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Hey Larry,

Thanks a ton! Sure, I will check out the Polk systems too.

But, the drift is towards great Television experience. While, I agree that's needed, I am more a music person than a TV person.

So, I listen to music 10 hours a week and watch TV for about 2 hours a week, just news & National Geography :D. May be sports at times.

What has been your experience with Polk from a music stand point?

Thanks again, great discussion.



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My Polks are just speakers of convenience for TV, at a just-right 13" high. The Polk's music quality is excellent. I'm a classical buff and very much demand systems that sound like real music. I thought they were a real find after a long search for small speakers that made classical DVDs and music programs sound good.

However, mine don't have much bass below 60 Hz or so, i.e., below subwoofer range. I think the Sound Bar is supposed to go lower, but getting that bottom octave in a suitcase may be a problem.

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If you need to purchase a subwoofer in a different voltage, you could always go with the Quintet sats. You can get the 5 pack for $500 from Amazon (make sure you purchase from authorized Klipsch reseller on Amazon, like this one), or if you just want a 2 channel set up, we offer the single speakers on our website here for $99 each. Then you could pick up a subwoofer of your choice. Most of our new subs are dual voltage, so if you needed to move it in the future, it wouldn't be a problem.

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