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I hate kickstarter!  I invested in a thing called a stone tether, and those con men took everybody's money. Here is the thread of updates you can't see unless you are a backer. 


  1. Tony Parsons 5 days ago

    Del Marth you c u n ts

    Tony Parsons 5 days ago

    Hey Del Marth - I demand an update. You have taken a lot of our money and not kept us updated.

    Steve Mundy 6 days ago

    Are you still in business? Do you have e-mail? Why don't you have the courtesy to use it?

    Are you going to ZANO us?

    Eryck Ripke Donin on February 25

    Please update us, your ship date is late again... I didn't even receive an USPS tracking number, how long will it takes?

    Denise Stevens on February 22

    Please give a status update. Many of your backers have lost faith. Keeping them in the loop is key to preventing that...

    Rinna Her on February 19

    Update please. It's nearly the end of February and we backers have not seen or heard anything.

    Geoffrey Pelsise on February 16

    Any updates on Eta? Am getting really tired of waiting for these and having these on time would probably have helped me recover a stolen bike...

    Brian on January 26

    Hoping for a more exact ship date if you can??

    Manu Marrodan on January 9

    Im trying to find the way to obtain a refund. Is this shit a fraud?Im in Chile and very worried for this fkg delay... Product is available in alibaba .. How kickstarter can allow this situation??? There is a Stonetether victims of this fraud gruoup in facebook. somebody respond please.marrodan01@gmail.com

    Sheena on January 7

    how do i change my mailing address?

    Jasmine on January 7

    How do I change the address I have provided? I've since moved twice.

    Jian Li on January 4

    refund back!refund back!refund back!refund back

    Steve Mundy on December 28

    You should be able to tell us when you plan to ship. It is the least you can do for so many who gave so much.

    Mike Kabala on December 28

    People, when you pledge money to a Kickstarter project that encounters numerous delays, or fails outright, you are not guaranteed your money back. When you pledge, you are assuming part of the risk associated with that project. You could lose your entire pledge amount if it fails.

    I am not overly concerned about either the delays or the frequency of communication. I am still hoping for an eventual return on my investment. If that doesn't happen, oh well, better luck picking the next project to back.

    Nevertheless, haters gonna hate. ...

    Dan on December 28

    Sorry but I have lost all confidence in a viable product being delivered by this coming Feb/Mar or any year thereafter. 
    @DelMarth has replied to my request for a refund stating that they cannot issue refunds.

    So...would anyone still interested in the product like to purchase my 5 Stonetether units (6 units if you count the promo on Twitter)? 
    Will sell at a very good price! :)

    Irish74 on December 19

    @DelMarth, it's been a week since the update, where are the pictures and video you promised to post?

    Sebastian Schaefer on December 17

    @bitflung . Sure, but i can not see the 'honest try' part from material provided in updates or communication efforts or timelines provided. Its really hard not to think of scam. Look at the original videos, where an insane distance was shown and at least i was made believe that the core thing is prototyped and it is a matter of funding the production. No video regarding a functional device has been really shown. Just mockups and excuses. What's there to believe there is an honest effort, an honest try?

    Simon Granville on December 15

    @bitflung - I mostly agree with your comments - I tend not to call scam. The lack of real communication is exceptionally frustrating though.

    Alex on December 15

    I wonder how has the Credit Card chargeback process been for the select few who had wanted their monies/refund back. Sharing is caring.

    bitflung on December 14

    so much hate in these comments. i can't be bothered to stick around. 
    @creator: just know that the haters are driving the reasonable people away from the comments. we still exist but we just can't be bothered to constantly remind the haters that: 
    - they didn't buy a product 
    - projects can fail and still have been honestly worked on 
    - it is premature to conclude that stone tether has failed

    i do hope you'll ship the product but regardless i know this was never a scam. sticking around the comments, though, is like being an atheist at a megachurch and watching everyone have fake seizures as the minister rants on and on about the rapture.

    in other words: the doomsayers aren't rational and make the comments stream a horrid place for rational folks.

    to the few who simply vent that you are frustrated with Del Marth's lack of communication: i have nothing against you.

    to the ranting lunatics: you are a disgrace.

    Percy Irani on December 14

    Current Poll Results:

    When will the StoneTether be shipped to it's Kickstarter backers

    Selection Votes 
    December 2015 2% 1 
    March 2016 15% 9 
    August 2016 5% 3 
    November 2016 3% 2 
    2017 2% 1 
    2020 3% 2 
    Before your death 2% 1 
    After your death 13% 8 
    Never 56% 34 

    61 total

    Del Marth LLC aka thieves!! "Never 56% 34 " 
    Can you prove your backers wrong?

    Percy Irani on December 14

    Beginning Ship Date - Late January/Early February 
    "Which Year?"


    bitflung on December 14

    thanks for the update; i hope you'll find the time to keep us updated more regularly between now and shipments.

    Antonio LIMA SANTOS on December 13

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Louis DiVito on December 13

    By the way does Kickstarter monitor these notices ? Are they complicit in promoting frauds. This is my second BS investment in a Kickstarter project 
    How does Kickstarter have revinue if not getting a % of pledges ?

    Louis DiVito on December 13

    How, exactly does Stone Tether compare feature wise to such devices already commercially available. Be specific please 
    Thank you

    Doug Smith on December 13


    Ehrien Marth, the creator of this project, was featured as a success story at the Silicon Valley Crowdfunding Network meeting on December 3. I wonder what he said!

    James Hogg on December 12

    I like that update is for backers only as you need to limit the publicity of your failings. There will always be new features and different implementations to try, which is why we have versions of products. Release what you've got working to backers and then develop mark 2 with your new concepts. Already written this off and gone with competitor who has better project management skills.

    Darren Orshoff on December 12

    Class action anyone?

    Darren Orshoff on December 12

    Tile and Trackr work great. This is the biggest farce since Kickstarter began. StoneTether could have been great...now they are simply sad BS artists who have gotten away with stealing the money of 6,856 people on Kickstarter and an unknown number of others by the false advertising on their website.

    Ralph C Cavalli on December 12

    Thanks for the update. Things always take longer than we think. If you keep at it you'll get there. Good luck I hope you can ship in Jan or feb, but it is better to do it right than fast. Happy holidays!

    Eric on December 12

    Lies. All credibility lost. Nobody believes you.

    Buy Tile.

    Mike Brouillette on December 12


    Realize that Kickstarter will not do anything, so stop asking. Its not what they do according to their policies.

    Also, I can understand that these guys are having issues as most startups go thru these problems, but this does seem like a part time project for them and they all probably have day jobs and this was just a hobby.

    Also, have you noticed that Stonetether has some competition that have made it to market and have been successful with alot more features than they were going to be offering in their product? That would cause alot of re-engineering to get their product to be competitive.

    I'm not looking to defend these folks as I like you have been waiting forever, but I want a usable product out the door, and not something that is gens behind and only salable at the dollar store.

    Willie Dillon on December 12

    Looks like I'll never be using Kickstarter again after this and the Agent watch.

    Willie Dillon on December 12

    What about the freaking Windows Phone app you said you were going to make? Only reason I backed this god dang project.

    Tim Cox on December 12

    I'll believe it when they arrive and do everything that was promised. The last communication from you on 23rd November was to refer me to your previous update saying late November/early December shipping. Presumably you should have already known you wouldn't be shipping then; it's either incompetence or a scam.

    marie.A.r on December 12

    Sadly, I do not believe a word of what you say. 
    You are not credible anymore, 
    Same disappointment as 
    - ArcLighter - Flameless, Electronic Candle Lighter by Ignite Lighters Ltd. 
    - Cabin - The Easiest Way to Recharge your iPhone by Hevo Labs

    Time lost, money lost, and the higher... confidence lost

    Before saying "we are the Best", you should work hard and offer a strong and valuable product.

    We are many, so many, too many, doubting, and whatever you may say or show, there is between you "creators", and us, credulous backers, a bottomless pit.

    I am not showing any anger (leading to heart attacks..), but sort of disinterest.

    Luke Parker on December 12

    Yet another bullshit update that really shows nothing, for all we know these guys are chilling out with a new car and house with our money and I think we will get something mid next year but will be utterly terrible and not work at All

    Robert Ryan on December 12

    I was up when I received a notification that I had a message from StoneTether, but I was unable to retrieve it at that time. However I instinctively somehow knew what that message was going to say like I had ESP or something!! But must of my comments have been said already except to repeat that your nothing but a CON ARTIST! I have backed many projects on Kickstarter and at most they were ever behind was a month or two and these were sophisticated items. So you keep up your song and dance routine and remember me day you'll be called to pay up!

    Dan on December 12

    It's been long enough and I would like to request a refund please! Then I can use the money to buy a similiar product that is already available. 
    Again, REFUND please!

    Mike riley on December 12

    Total rip off. I have to agree with the other backers. This is a scam. Kickstarter, you have some responsibility to at least communicate with us. Honestly, I'm very hesitant to ever back another project of any kind.

    Doug Smith on December 12

    I see a pattern here. I predict the next update will be Feb 12 saying shipping will be in late March or early April.

    Brian Thomson on December 12

    @creator Unbelievable! I have used this word quite often when explaining my disgust in this company and your lack of transparency. The last time I checked all of us backers gave you our money with the belief and expectation of receiving a product in a qualified and known time frame. You received our money 1 year ago and still no product. Your company is doomed prior to product release and launch. Why? Because you're incompetent management. I suggest you look up the words proactive and reactive and determine which one your company represents. It's pretty sad when your backers are more motivated than you are and have been.

    If for some reason I receive my stone tethers I plan on re-selling them. Why because I don't believe in you or you lack luster performance. I'll be looking for a replacement type product in place of this one. You technology is now duplicated in multiple products it should be easy to find a replacement. Why am I so angry? Well you should ask yourselves that. Oh by the way this was my first product I backed on KS and will be my last. Way to go guys you ruined it for other projects that may have received my backing. You should be so proud. One last thing how about you all work more than 1 hour a day and you may be able to reach your projected goals. Just sayin.

    Doug Smith on December 12

    At this point I don't believe any of it.

    Ro Olufunwa on December 12

    @'creator'...It's amazing that this is (not was) one of my first Kickstarter pledges and it still has not completed.

    I have backed 300 Kickstarter projects since then, many of which have delivered. What's going on? It's really easy to answer to silence criticism - 'publish or be scams'.

    Silence is the current choice you are making and as a now veteran backer I am sadly unimpressed.

    James Cattanach on December 12

    Yet more excuses. Kickstarter you need to look into this !


What is the difference in these and the surround sound headphones that have been around for years that gamers use? Turtle Beach has 3 different 7.1 surround headphones ranging from $70-110.

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Don't know. I haven't invested in new headphones in years. The only time I use them is when I am working out or working. I use the old Bose TriPorts due to the hard over the ear cups. Saved my ears more than once when I am in an attic. Hurts like hell if you clip a roof rafter hard on your ear!

They are cheap and cup cushions are really cheap now. Did I say I was cheap?

Edited by Rivervalleymgb
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