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Ok guys here is a question that i have been thinking about way too much. RSW12 vs RSW15. The speakers that i am getting are

front rf5 maple

center rc7 maple

rear rs7 white

surround back rs3 white

My only deliema is what sub to get, my room is 2 small for any of this equipment (11x15) but o well, is the rsw15 worth the difference from the rsw12?? any help would be great in making my decesion. (damn klipsch for not making the rsw12 in maple!!)

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I just made that decision myself. Went with the RSW-12. To be honest while the 12 is great since I'm maxing out the size of every other channel I'm using within the next month or so (RC-7 center and RF-3 for rear), I'll end up getting the 15. The 15 will give the extra oomph in movies compared to the 12 in the 30hz and under. For music, both are great. Assuming you are looking for musical accuracy in the lower octave as compared to boom, there shouldn't be a great difference between them. Given your configuration, if I were you, I'd get the RSW-12 and take the $400 you saved and move the RF-5's to 7's. You will get more performance for your dollar with that change. Oh yeah and I'm not just saying that cuz that's my setup. 3.gif


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Yep good advice,move on up to the RF7's.Or better do like me and get two pairs of RF7's,one front and one rear duty.I also use a pair of RF5's as side sourrounds! LOL RC7(what else?)as center.

For sub duty the RSW10/15 with five Sunfire subs(tow Carver Knight Shadow in this).To the sub bass

To say the least its EARTH moving and efortless. 1.gif

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