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New Room - Upgrade and repurposing older RP Line


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Hello All, 


I just moved to a new home and we have a large den area 18' L  x 30' W  x 7.5' H. This is a shared space so the home theater area will be something like 18' X 14'.  The illustration has the TV area and a game table.




I currently own a 5.1.4 setup of all Reference Premier. It hasn't let me down over the past 7 years. I'm thinking of repurposing my existing speakers and upgrade my front sound stage. I can also split items and move them to other parts of the house.


  • 2 x RP-250F (L/R)
  • 1 X RP-250C (C)
  • 2 x RP-150M (RS)
  • 4 x RP-140SA (Atmos)
  • 1 x R-112SW (Sub)


Looking at Crutchfield they have both the RP-8000F and RP-8000F II available. The first gen has a deep discount. Same goes for the RP-504C and RP-504C II.


I would need to upgrade my AVR as well. I was looking at the Onkyo RZ-50. However, I'm open to other brands Denon, Marantz, etc. if it is worth it.


A few questions:


  1. For a space this big would you stick with 5.1.4 or go to 7.1.4?
  2. Are the Gen II of the RP-8000 worth the extra amount? They are nearly double the cost.
  3. Should I save the money and upgrade the sub?
  4. Will this new front stage pair well with the rest of the setup.
  5. Will the RP-140SA do the job for Atmos, should I upgrade to in-ceilings or mount them as heights instead of up firing?




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