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Preamp Choices for a Dynaco ST 70

Mike Frankel

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I am setting up a two channel system with a pair of KLF 30's that I just got hooked to a Dynaco St 70 Amp. I was wondering what preamp to use. I have narrowed it down either to a Scott 130 or an Eico HF 85(with the possibility of a Dynaco PAS 3)

Can anyone help with which of the two(or three if you prefer the Dynaco PAS 3)I should use?

Thanks in advance for any input.



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How do you like your Apogee DAC?

I'm thinking about trying a DAC in my system.

I was looking at Audio Note.

A nice pre amp is an AES AE3. I have been using one for the last 2 years with a pair of Wrights. In the next couple of months I will be rolling a pair of Mark III's into the mix.


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Out of the 3 you listed here would be my pecking order and I've heard all three side by side.

1) Scott 130 Very nice especially if you use a Phono section (Also the Scott LC21 is a nice option some try to say its the same unit but it is not in anyway the same)

2) HF-85 this one is a close second in the Line stage area but the phono section lags behind above option considerably

3) Pas 3 there okay for a budget setup but require tons of work to compete with above and I mean even close.

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This one http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3072235137&category=3284&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBWA%3AIT&rd=1 was sold moments ago for $250.


Most vintage prreamps (with the exeption of the Marantz 7, and maybe Mac C22) are pieces of pure junk.

With the money you need to invest in them in order for them to sound nice, you can have a real good modern preamp like a Lam or Mapletree or AES or a used CJ, VTL and the list goes on......................................


The Apogee dac is just great. I've been using Apogee's gear for the last 10 years, switched to Burmester and Wadia in the middle, and gotten back to Apogee. While, not as good as the Burmester, Their dac is at least as good as the Wadia (I think it's better) and costs less than $1k. It is very natural sounding with excellent resolution and no hint of harshness.

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