The Sylvania JHS 12AX7 is very warm sounding.
There is a 12AX7WA version which is quite thin sounding so do not confuse between the two as they look exactly the same.
Hi and welcome,
I'd try to replace the RCA 12AU7 with a CBS HYTRON 5814A. It has the tightest bass I've ever heard from a 12au7. It gives an excellent focus as well. Overall I think that it will balance the colored character of the 300b.
Well, that guy, Tossie, published over 200 projects
He was quite known in Japan until he passed away in 2007.
Have you built 200 or more amps?
Very nice Williamson circuit (or close to one). The output tansformer seems identical to that of the Radio Craftsman C-500 amplifier.
I have bought 3 pairs of these with my best friend. but never had a chance to listen to them as he had suddenly passed away. He only finished restoring one pair and claimed the they easily rival his MC-30s.
I already left the US and went back to Israel due to family reasons and the amps and rest of his gear were sold by his widow 😕..
Interelectronics was a small NY based company aimed to compete with Marantz. Rumor has it that later it changed its business direction to become Intel...
To my ears the Ken Rads are far too mellow.
I really like the Sylvania 6SN7W or these which are the best I've heard but are quite expensive.