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Forte damage question


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A dented voice coil dust cover in itself poses no problem. However, if the seal around its edge is torn loose or the dent has produced a tear in the dust cover, then you will have problems, eventually. They are called dust covers for a reason...the keep dust out of the voice coil area of the driver. If dust gets into the voice coil, it will eventually act like sandpaper and wear down the parts inside as they slide against each other, kinda like throwing a handful of sand into a wheel bearing. When this happens, you will eventually HEAR the rubbing voice coil and the driver will have to be replaced. Although dented dustcovers are not a problem, they are generally a sign of lack of attention when handling the speakers, or when having the protective grilles off the speakers. Sometimes this same lack of attention by owners denotes a similar lack of attention when powering the speakers, such as over-driving them, driving the amp powering them to clipping, etc. Me?...Would I buy them? That depends on the asking price, and my first-hand impression of the previous owner...I have always been pretty good at first-hand impressions!

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You can try a shop vac on the dust cap. If that doesn't work. Poke a hole in the center with a safety pin. Bend a paper clip into an L and work it into the hole and pull. Repeat as necessary. Then take some clear nail polish to the tiny hole. Won't look perfect, but it won't be as obvious.

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Since passive radiators (drones) only use back pressure off the actual active radiators (drivers)in the enclosure to provide their energy force (ie., no WORKING voice coils involved on drones), the dust cover dents are no problem, BUT they still should not have any tears in them or leaks in the seals on them so that the back pressure that drives them can't leak through that opening, thereby reducing the affectual pressure that drives those drones.

Active radiators are "drivers" whereas passive radiators are "drones"...slang terminology commonly used in speaker manufacturing.

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