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A little quality time listening and playing...


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It was a long 4 day weekend with Easster and all. I was quite desperate to relax and listen to a record. This is never easy with my daughter around (2 last week - I mentioned it here), but I decided to try anyway.

So I fired up Beethoven's 5th Piano and settle down to listen.

15 seconds pass.

"I want to watch Winnie the pooh."

"Not now darling - daddy is listening to music."

"I want to watch Winnie the pooh!!"

"In 5 minutes"


"In 5 minutes"

"Now, how long is 5 minutes?"

"Good question - daddy is listening to music."

"Where is the picture?"

"There isnt one - this is a record."

"OH - where's the picture?"

Thinks. Decide to pick up daughter and carry her over to the TT to see the record spinning round - dog and phonogram in the middle.

"There is the picture - in the middle of the record - see?"

"Its turning. I cant see it." Slams little hand down on vinyl to bring it to a crashing halt before I can react, "Oh there it is."

Fortunately she only bounced the needle - but I didnt know that at the time.

Daddy starts to cry.

One and a half hours later I have given up on listening and we have watched Winnie the Pooh, twice.

I turn off the video and on one of the Greek Channels there is a program from the BBC - walking with Dinosaurs, that looks interesting (always been a mug for dinosaurs).

"I want to watch Winnie the Pooh"

"Oh God help me."

"Now, not in 5 minutes."

"No, watch this with daddy - look at the animals - look at the dinosaur's long neck."

"Where's Winnie?"

"He's on holiday."

Staggeringly this was accepted. She wanders off around the living room. I am not watching the show - I am watching her. She picks up the headphones and a CD (Dire Straits - still a favorite of hers). Surely not...

Yup - heads over to the CD player on her own. Plugs in the headphones, switches the unit on (the Marantz as it happens), opens the CD tray and the CD box, transfers the Cd into the machine, correctly, right side up, presses play and puts phones on her head. She is well ahead of her mother!!

A quick squeal of delight from her as the music starts and she sits down (as only kids can - with a plomp) in front of the machine to listen.

Joy - I can now watch the Dinosaurs. Hah!!

Every now and then she presses buttons on the other equipment. The DVD player starts up. There is a disk already inside it that auto-plays with kids music. I get up and transfer the headphones from the Cd player to the DVD player so she can hear that.

She listens, amazement writ large across her little face and then she spies the TV.

"Where's the picture?"

I think I am going to cry again when she hits play on the video. There is a slight pause and my TV automatically retunes to the video.


Headphones flung to the floor - races over to sit on my knee and we watch Winnie all over again.

Sometimes, its not easy being an audiophile.....

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I grew up on Winnie the Pooh - House at Pooh corner (I dont think the film had been made when I was growing up). I like the way disney did it but it gets a little tiring after several run throughs in a day.

It is also a little odd that the whole thing is in Greek, but she likes it.

Fortunately we now have quite a number of videos and DVD's for children in the house so it isnt quite a boring as it might have been - but if I never saw Lady and the Tramp 2 again that would be fine by me...

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Hilarious Max! Makes me fondly remember the days when my daughter watched The Wizard of Oz 2 or 3 times/day. With my son it was Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. Don't ask me why a 4 yr old would want to watch that 3 times/day but it's true. I still have all their vhs tapes although they haven't been played in years.

When my son was 2, he turned the volume of my 160 wpc kenwood to about 2:00 then turned it on. The cornwalls SCREAMED. It was sooooo loud that my son screamed for an hour afterword. Never touched it again until he became a teenager that is).

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