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OK, guys. Advise me again!! RF-5 or RF-35??


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I know i had posted this before..But still dont noe wat to buy.. My listening area is about 3m x 3.5 m.. Tink will be pairing up with aragon stage one and 2005.. 70% movies 30% music.. As my dealer only have the RF-35 4 demo, i could not hear the rf-5 setup..And is the RSW-12 need a lot of space in placement?? Heard that it could not place near walls.. Is it true?

Btw,Rsw 15 did not have the 230v wersion so i could not get it..And wat sub will u guys remmommed me if i am not getting klipsch sub.. How abot hsu??

Tks guys for advising a noob like me.. Pls advise..

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Mileage does very from room to room and system to system, but I had my RSW-15 in my front right corner and did a frequecy test. I didn't like it so I talked to forum members and I moved it up about a foot and got a smoother frequacy response. So I may suggest about a foot away from the corner but you can keep it parrellel with the wall about 6-10 inches away. Again mileage varies. You could get an RSW-15 if you don't mind buying a transformer. Annoying I know as I use to live in Germany. A good one may weight in at about 40 lbs. Just a thought. I hope this helps.


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On 10/9/2004 5:15:08 AM caveboy wrote:

Does the Rsw-12 need a lot of space in placement, like it cant be put near walls?? How true is this??


The passive radiator needs room to breathe. For the rsw12 one foot may be enough as it is for mý sunfire.

You've got lots of reasonable advice to your other questions in your recent thread. Want some more confusion?2.gif

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I've said this before, but i've owned all the floorstanders at one point. RF-5 ALL DAY LONG. Everything about it is better. The vocals are much larger sounding, the bass is deeper...to be short, it's refined, a lot. Also, as I always mention, I could never tell at the dealer that there was that huge of a difference b/w 3 and 5. Set up at home though, the difference (and where all the extra money went) was very obvious to me and the roomates I had at the time as well. No mysticism to it at all.

You MIGHT be happy with rf3/35, but you WILL DEFINITELY be fully satisfied with the rf-5. Why compromise if you don't have to?

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