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Upgrade and rebuild or sell off and move on?


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Howdy all, been a lurker on this forum for a while and need some advice.

I have a pair of La Scala's sitting in my storage building. They have sat unused and unloved now for almost 6 years.... 8.gif

I am pretty sure the cone material is dead, and the wood itself is in pretty bad condition. Now I am not woodworking inclined so restoring them would have to be a job I would either pay someone to do or make a friend who knows how to do this and pay them in pizza and beer to come hold my hand while I learn (which I would really enjoy learning to do this properly).

All seems pretty simple so far right? Well here is the difficult part, I am military and PCS'ing to Germany in May. I am also an only and E-4 so I will be living off base but I will not have the money for a large place or to spend on having the speaker professionally redone........

So to recap~


1. I love them

2. They are very impressive speakers

3. I love them

4. Uhhh, Did I mention I love 'em?


1. Low budget

2. Probably small space in which to use

3. Carting 100# speakers all over the planet sucks

4. No woodworking skills, so any repairs will require money or other people

5. I know I could still sale the pair for $500 or so pretty easy, and I could really use the money

I know its my decision but I am really leaning towards selling them. I will be taking some sood shop classes in Germany just because I want to and I know I could either build a pair or find some used ones and rebuild them at a later date....

Anyways, Thanks in advance for any advice!

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Why do you think the woofers are bad? Those woofers are not known to just "go bad." The cone material doesn't go dead, sounds like you're thinking about some woofer that has a foam surround, Klipsch woofers are not made like that. If the voice coils are not burnt it's not likely there's anything significantly wrong with them.

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The woofers worst enemy is moisture and MICE. If in a barn there could be literally no cone material left. Please open the enclosure (from the bottom access panel) to assess damage, as even playing them would not necessarily tell if there was a hole chewed in them..

WHat state are you located in? We try to let a nearby buyer have first dibbs since these usually like to be picked up personally. Also can you post photos so we can assess wood damage?


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Thanks for the replies you guys. I cannot get pics at the moment as the speakers are in a storage building in Altus, Oklahoma and I am stationed at Osan AB, South Korea. I am positive one sub was blown by an exroomate while I was one vacation. I had taken the bottem off of that speaker and tested it for sure, but as I was living in a situation where I couldn't even use these I had never replaced it. I am just assuming that the elements and mothers nature have done these no good in my absence, so I am expecting the worst by saying the cone material is eaten/molded off on both as its been 2 years since I have even seen these speakers.

Currently I am really leaning towards selling them as I have projects that are more important to me(looking to get my '99 Trans Am into the 9's next summer) and will not have the time or money to invest in these for a few years.

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