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Synergy SLX...which surrounds?


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I'm brand new posting but have read here a bunch. I did a search for the new SLX synergy speakers and didn't get any hits...which surprised me. I think they are supposed to be released in April.

Anyway they appeal to me a lot because with my soon-to-be-done front projection setup I want to mount the LCR speakers on the wall and don't want to use floor speakers. (On a side note it's amazing to me how few good speaker manufacturers even make any slim LCR speakers designed to be wall-mounted given the popularity of wall-mounted screens...)

Anyway I had thought about getting synergy bookshelf speakers but I really don't want to go through the hassle of mounting 10-inch deep bookshelf speakers on the wall because I don't want to drill holes in the speakers and the speaker mounts and small shelves I've seen don't look to me to be nearly as classy as do speakers designed to be wall-mounted.

So I'm thrilled that Klipsch is coming out with slim speakers designed to be mounted on the wall next to a screen, and if they sound like the specs would suggest I'm definitely buying them for my front three speakers.

My dilemma is what to get for rear surround speakers. I want dipole speakers for the rear rather than direct speakers (due to my seating config), and so I presume I'd get a pair of either s-2 or s-3 speakers. I know that in general the "synergy" line is designed to be used together (i.e. "matched" timbre-wise, correcct?) and so can be mated with no problems, right? Please correct me if this is wrong.

But I wonder if that presumed compatibility between synergy-line fronts and surrounds extends to these new Synergy SLX speakers...how can I tell? I notice that the S-2 surrounds have the same power-handling specs as the SLX and the most similar sensitivity rating to the SLX speakers, and the closest crossover frequency... does that mean they will mate the best with the SLX speakers?

Any advice would be much appreciated...also by any chance have any of you insiders had a chance to listen to the SLX speakers?!?!?



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Yes I had seen that press release...when I said I had searched and not found anything about the SLX speakers I meant that I hadn't found any hits in the forum where people were discussing them...sorry for being vague. Any advice on mating them with surrounds?


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From the article, it Seems as though you would use 5 of them.........If you other speakers are synergy's....I don't think you'd have any probs -you'd just need to test it out.

You are the First person Ive seen who posted about these babies. I found the specs and it seems they are for TV, Not music- But I am probably wrong............ Good Luck.

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Yes, they look to be awesome.

My only concern is the price seems a bit steep ($350 each from the press release IIRC) Figure, $700/pr. is the same as a pair of F2's! $250 each and it could get interesting.

Not a lot competing with them at Best Buy, so that will help.

I am saying this because I am concerned about sales - $1,050 for the front three seems a bit steep.

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Yeah, I agree...I was a little surprised to see the MSRP...but I'm thinking they're likely going to be sold for a little less at Best Buy, right? I guess we'll just have to see. I think I'll probably buy them anyway since they fill a niche that I need filled.

B&W also makes a similar speaker (the VM1) that costs $200. I was going to buy them for my LCRs but there aren't any dipole surround speakers even remotely matched to them. It's a little tough to shell out $1150 for three SLX's when the B&W's would have cost $600, but looking at the specs I think these Klipsch's may be better speakers anyway...


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I wonder the same thing...going by the specs the SLX's actually have a wider frequency response...(82hz-23khz vs 92-20) (note the slightly bigger subwoofers in the SLX's...4.5in vs 4 in), greater sensitivity (95 vs 94db), greater power handling (75 vs 100w), and a lower MSRP (400 vs 350)...the reference 42's were just reviewed in sound and vision, and although the graph wasn't included the reviewer said they rolled off below 80hz...of course 80 is different from 92 so maybe the specs on the klipsch website are conservative.

Still it is interesting to note the differences there...I'd love to hear from someone who has heard one or both of them...


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