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Roger Waters DSOTM live concert in Surround Sound


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I just got back from the Roger Waters concert featuring the entire Dark Side of The Moon.I'm a big PF fan but not too hot on Roger but it was free so.....To my surprise the concert was in Surround Sound complete with concrete shaking lfe.I never thought about a live show in surround but it really helped the show,lots of crazy effects from surrounds.It was at Verizon in Indy,pretty cool.

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Oh, it was only AWESOME! sold out crowd, great band- 3x guitarists, 3x choir, pyro, movies, flying pig with political expressions written on it- including FREE AT LAST that flew across the audience then released, explosions, laughter and voices coming from speakers surrounding the audience (yes even the lawn had surround sound), perfect weather. The half moon (the real one) was rising over the horizon and the clouds cleared just as DSOTM came on. About 2:15 of solid music.

He played Vera Lynn and during the 'bring the boys back home' part added some extra orchestration before the final 'bring the boys back' line. Very anti-war and politicial- when he sang that line in his very expressive voice I couldn't hold back the tears. Lots of people were sobbing at that point.

It's beautiful when music can move you so greatly.

It was a perfect show, rain held off until the trip home.

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Emerson, Lake and Palmer's Brain Salad Surgery Tour in 1974 was in Quadraphonic Sound which was basically surround sound. The technical experts here may know the difference but there were surround speakers at the back and the music swirled around the arena. Pretty awesome.

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For the Waters show they were used mainly for special effects, the madcap laughter and spoken 'found voices' type of tracks. There were two stacks very widely spaced for the lawn area and we were midway between. I couldn't decide if they were discrete tracks or not because they were used sporadically and sparingly. I thought they were effective and didn't distract except when they really meant to. In a crowd that size, it would be very difficult to mix the entire show into the surrounds, because of the disparate distance most listeners have from various stacks.

Our sound mix was extraordinarily clean, but could have had more punch. The Verizon music center just doesn't have a very powerful setup for the lawn area. At times Roger's vocals were a bit to electronics-laden for my tastes.

There were three sets of surround speakers for the main pavilion area.

On the area of special effects, the computer generated round-screen film for On the Run was bizarre. At one point the sequenced tracks stopped for a second, it looked like the film broke or something because the screen went still for a bit, and this excruxiating squeal let out of the PA. As we were discussing- WTF happened? and about 30 seconds later there was another 'interruption' in the sequence, then another where the graphics stopped, gunshots rang out of the speakers and bullet holes appeared onscreen. I'd hate to be tripping during that scene- it was fcked up! A real mind-blower!

There was a very interesting projection used to open and close the show that had a unifying theme, but I wont spoil the surprise. It certainly left everyone wondering during the opener.

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Michael,I think you described the show pretty well.The effects you spoke of the super loud"squeal"was really cool.I was in the Pavilion about center and the surround effect was discrete,the concrete was shaking,it was the best part of the show for me.To me the best song was "Have a Cigar",best version I've heard.The best vocal was the "chick"on Great Gig in the Sky"very passionate and sounded right.

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I also liked Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun during the early part of the show- the 'Syd Tribute' section. The combination of the Soprano Sax solo and Snowy White playing those microtonal bits with the wammy bar on a Les Paul (who on Earth puts a whammy bar on a Les Paul?) gave the song a very 'Eastern' feel. I really enjoyed when they took chances and deviated from the LP/CD. That shows REAL musicianship and confidence in the band.

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This was a free concert? Sounds nice. And all in all was a good sounding concert. Similar to Pulse sound?

completely different show. Except some of the band are the same. Jon Cairn on Keys, slide and vocals and Snowy White on guitars and Andy Fairweather-Low on Gtrs/bass/vocals (who did an amazing job on some of the Gilmour vocals).

and Fish- we had no low end out in the cornfield [:(] I mean it was clean, but I took my earplugs out and was comfortable with very little ringing this morning. I bet it was really punchy where you were- that rear center stack was like a mini-pa in itself!


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This was a free concert? Sounds nice. And all in all was a good sounding concert. Similar to Pulse sound?

It was "free" for me.A friend had an extra ticket and called me up,an offer I could not refuse.The sound was quite good,the highpoint of the concert for me.To be honest I'd rather see pulse live but who can complain with a free ticket?

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This was a free concert? Sounds nice. And all in all was a good sounding concert. Similar to Pulse sound?

and Fish- we had no low end out in the cornfield [:(] I mean it was clean, but I took my earplugs out and was comfortable with very little ringing this morning. I bet it was really punchy where you were- that rear center stack was like a mini-pa in itself!


From where I was it was like gettin' kicked in the chest,the sound quality was impressive.

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This was a free concert? Sounds nice. And all in all was a good sounding concert. Similar to Pulse sound?

It was "free" for me.A friend had an extra ticket and called me up,an offer I could not refuse.The sound was quite good,the highpoint of the concert for me.To be honest I'd rather see pulse live but who can complain with a free ticket?


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