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Children of The TallCorn


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Let's try that one again -

I’m wanting to embark on a "starter" DIY project as a warm up to a
more complicated DIY project. I’d say for
certain I’m better with wood than I am at enclosure design. At least I’ve cut down some trees with ye
merry chainsaw. I’ve fiddled with (or
tried at least) Horn Resp, AJ, and WinISD. You know all the free stuff.

I’m leaning toward something similar to JC's TallCorn project
using BC cast woofers in a direct radiator ported box.

Box size I wind up with is 226 liters (8+ cubic foot), 39 Hz
tune should provide 38hz at -3db, (2) 4 inch ports. Frankly if I go down to 180 liters or so it
doesn’t give up a lot, but the 3 db drop heads north of 40 Hz. Freq response looks pretty flat to me above and beyond.

Probably use 1” MDF with a simple side to side brace and an
intersecting side to rear brace (aka JC) unless that isn’t enough or it vibates enough to chase me around the living room.

For my purposes I’m trying to get below 40 Hz and give it
a go w/o a sub.

I’ve read a lot (not necessarily absorbed) about woofer boxes. Man some of those white papers are over my
head. A Cornwallish box seems a good starting place and
I’m thinking TallCorn on roids.

It looks to me to be somewhere around the dimensions below to
minimize standing waves. Not a perfect ratio
due to Altec 511b horn size (that horn can ring a lil). Box is a proportionately a bit wider than Corn for the horn's appearance. Otherwise, I’d just clone an Altec 19 box I

W 24"
H 39”
D 15”
8.21 cubic feet
232 liters

Is it a bad idea to put the tweet between the woofer and midrange
horn? The Altec is a rather wide sum-bxxxx
and there’s plenty O’ real estate in the box.
Otherwise, the top end gets taller to perch the tweet topside. Worth the effort?

Anyone have thoughts/comments/corrections/ etc., before I hack up some
MDF and plug my lungs with fiber for a couple weeks? All thoughts are certainly appreciated and please do holler if you think I'm up to something silly here.


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Is it a bad idea to put the tweet between the woofer and midrange horn? The Altec is a rather wide sum-bxxxx and there’s plenty O’ real estate in the box. Otherwise, the top end gets taller to perch the tweet topside. Worth the effort?

It is better to vertically orient the MF & HF with the woofer for time alignment reasons. The sweet spot will be wider and the image will shift less if you move your head. If you have to locate the tweeter to the side, make the other box a mirror image.

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Nice to see you looking into this project. The goal with my TallCorns was to get the tweeter and midrange up to the height of Khorns and to make a cabinet narrow and tall for "WAF" or "Wacorn". Anyway.....who know about the WAF part.


Anyway, with my build, the only drawback was the little bracing I placed in the bass bin. I could always add more but those speakers aren't really used for any "critical" listening at this point. At my lake house playing some OLD Rock N Roll when needed. Also OLD school funk for giggles at times.

Anyway, I use the 811 so that I could narrow the cabinet to 18" Width. That horn would barely fit in the HF enclosure.

My box was probably tuned to lower than 40Hz and it sounded fine.

I've seen people put their tweeter below the midhorn on Khorns. Such as when they put some big altec horns on there.

What network will you use??




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Those look great in that photo JC. I guess mine will wind up a
little wider holding 23.5" versus your 18.5" horn. That kinda took me
away from Cornwall basis really, but I'm still following a similar
path, just bigger. I've read about your various builds and this one
seems like the right one for me. I figure if I screw it all up I can
stuff the guts into a real Cornwall cab! I know Mark has your Jube
cabs, I bought his KHorns. I'm also very interested in Dana's large Vb
project too. I think I recall you build one of those. TallCorns first
for me.

Thanks for the tip on bracing, I can beef that up a little. Make My
Funk The P-Funk. Ever hear the remake of "Word Up" by Korn? Who'da thought ...
sounds great. Not generally a Korn fan, but that one suprised me.

Putting the tweeter low definitely helps on keeping the vertical height
down a bit, I'll have do draw some boxes to see how they look. I don't
want to do anything that by design sounds bad.

I bought 2 Crites
type B's to get everything working and I'll probably start tweaking
from there. On the K-Horns (since sold) I had Al's extreme slopes
courtesy of Mark's work and experiences. I really liked those. I'd
never heard of them before Mark. I think my first objective is to just
get it all working and go from there. I might try DIY crossovers at
some point, but that's new territory for me. I can solder, but not too
swift with schematics. Can stare at pics and connect dots though.
Prefer to get them working ala BC before I dive into DIY "complicated
for me" networks.

Might grab an electronic crossover to fiddle
a bit and see if I can model what I need. I'm not experienced at
quantitative measurement (other than when the Police show up banging on
the door). Have some of the gear but need software.

Woofers arrived yesterday, have the Beymas and Altecs. Getting ready ...
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