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Everything posted by T_Shomaker

  1. ---------------- On 6/27/2004 8:51:25 PM fini wrote: I want to know a bit more about the curse word thing before I join. Does every sentence have to have a curse word? Can you build up curse words? Like, if you have a post with 10 sentences and no curse words, can you then make another post with eleven curse words (10 from before, plus 1 for the new sentence)? Please get back to me soon, as I am itching to cut loose! ---------------- Curse words are optional and are not required. You can't build up curse words but there can be a member vote on that. I would like to keep most of the rules of the forum decided by the members.
  2. There are now 17 members but we still need some more
  3. I went to a party and there was a bose wave radio being used as the stereo. It was really loud and when I walked in I was looking for a huge stereo but all I saw was the wave radio and I was very suprised.
  4. ---------------- On 6/26/2004 9:22:30 AM NOSValves wrote: Taylor, Before you know it you will be entering the work force. Enjoy your youth while you still can. What about mowing lawns or a newspaper route ? That is what I did at your age. Craig ---------------- Well now all the papers are delivered by people in cars so that won't work. I was going to mow lawns but there are no old people that need their grass cut. Our neigborhood is new so there are just a lot of younger people that all cut their own grass. I tried to shovel snow but that didn't work either. This one lady even slammed the door in my face
  5. You can flame but you just can't cuss as much as you want. You can only have as many curse words as sentences. 5 sentences=5 curse words. That is the certain extent that I mentioned
  6. Well I guess I won't try doing that and I'll just have to go to garage sales and find stereo equipment then put it on ebay. I wish I was able to get a job
  7. Well the new forum just went to crap, Dean joined
  8. I agree with you 100% Trey and I'm not trying to rebel or anything from the forum I just want a little place for people to be able to say what they want(to a certain extent)
  9. ---------------- On 6/25/2004 10:30:08 PM Tung-Sol Lamp Works wrote: Taylor, Save your money. Admiral made low budget consoles and table radios, none of them are spectacular or anything to get excited over. If you want a nice tube radio, save your money and get a Philco 90. The Admiral is either all tube or a hybrid (tube tuner and tube front end, with push-pull germanium transistor outputs). To my knowledge, the real Admiral never made an all solid-state console. RCA and Magnavox made better consoles. TS ---------------- I was thinking about parting out the console and trying to make some money off of it. Ryan did you get my PM on the other forum? Thanks, Taylor
  10. We now have 10 members and are hoping to get a lot more. We have decided to let people curse to a certain extent so it might be easier to get your point across sometimes.
  11. I should have added that the lady said that it was stereophonic. I don't have a digital camera or I would take a pic. If I do go out to look at it I could tell if it is tubes or ss. I'm just asking here because I don't want get my dad to drive me there and it ending up being ss.
  12. There was a console radio for sale in the paper and it said circa 1960 so I decided to call for some more info. I talked to the lady that was selling it and she doesn't know if it is tubes or not. She said that it has a turntable that plays 78's and 33's. She said that it was in really good condition and that she would give it to me for fourty bucks. Does anybody know if this thing is tubes? Thanks, Taylor
  13. The host site was messed up but now it is fine. There are now 9 members on there.
  14. I think the host website might be down right now because I can't get into the website
  15. ---------------- LOL Sure anyone who posts dealer costs and works in the business is mad drunk.Cutting the branch they sit on. ---------------- I didn't really think that it was that big of a deal sheesh
  16. ---------------- On 6/24/2004 11:41:20 PM dantfmly wrote: thanks for making a new forum. i think i like the way the navigation on the website works better. thanks again ---------------- If I do eventually do the software upgrade it will make the loading of the site a lot faster. I'm suprised 100 people didn't sign up when I mentioned the possiblity of a raffle sometime. As of right now there are 7 members on the forum.
  17. If you go onto the site you would see that there may be some raffles sometime soon on the forum but I'm going to need more people to join. That should get some more members
  18. Okay I have 6 members right now. I guess that's a start
  19. ---------------- On 6/24/2004 7:29:35 PM Fish wrote: You think Yamaha is bright,and it is,imo.The 7200 is worse than any Yamaha I have ever heard(treble set at -3,imo.I had a 7200 and prefer my garage HK125(100 bucks lightly used) by far.If you want some sense of fidelity at least try the Denon 3802/03,about 4 to 5 hundred for a good used model and they are super reliable imo,I owned Denons for years.It is a fact we all prefer what we own(rightly so) but I no longer have a Denon and am not owner bias,just giving my solicited opinion,good luck. ---------------- So I guess that Harman Kardons don't sound the way that they used too
  20. ---------------- On 6/24/2004 7:05:25 PM jzoz01 wrote: deeply discounted ---------------- I knew that I was just hoping that you could tell us the what the dealer cost is.
  21. I think that Yamaha sucks on heritage. If I were you I would be looking at Harman Kardon or Denon.
  22. What is cost for these subwoofers?
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