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Everything posted by Ozz

  1. Ozz

    need advice

    Thankyou for the replys. I think I just may go with the RS35's since I am already using them now for my side surr. I'm sure RS will sound great, better than what I have now anyways. Thanks again!
  2. Ozz

    need advice

    Thanks guys! Im not sure the RF35's will work for my placement issues as mains but If I were to leave the RS35's as surr. for now and go for another set of RB35's for back surr. would that work? Is that something others have done or is it usally advised to stay all RS35's or all RB35's? The RF35 idea sounds tasty but just won't fit up front. I would also have a hard time with placement issues on my side surr. as well if I went RB35's to the side. I guess I will have to stay with the RS35's on the side for now so my next best choice for back surr. would be RB35's? or RC 35?
  3. Ozz

    need advice

    I am ready to replace my back surround speakers (Bostons) with some more Klipsch but I need some advice. I currently have RB 35's for mains, a RC35 center, and RS35 surr. I will be replacing my back surr. but I am not sure which way to go. Should I go with all RS35's or should I put a RC35 out back or maybe two more RB35's? I watch movies mostly and my room dimensions are 13X22FT. Those poor little bostons need a rest.
  4. Spanky, I have RS 35's for my surround speakers and I ended up placing them just about 3Ft. above my ear and just forward of my listening postion. Came up with that position partly because it was the best place to hang them for my wall set up, but honestly with them just forward of my seat the sound kinda seems to hang there in front of me while my rear speakers pull the sound towards the back of the room making the rear speakers sound more detailed to me. My 1,1/2 cents worth anyway. If ya can try move'in em around to hear the difference.
  5. Digital Video Essentials
  6. It's a great movie, very real period stuff. Those canons are are very cool but I thought that the guys running around above deck honestly sounded as though there was crew members on my roof. THATS A TWO THUMBS UP.!!!
  7. Watched it over the weekend. Looked and sounded good but what a strange story line.
  8. I guess what I meant too say was that it just all blended together better compared to the lame surrounds I was using. It sounded more balanced. Sorry, Im new here.
  9. ---------------- On 7/28/2004 4:15:50 PM edgecrusher wrote: If I keep the the RS-25s, I would have, SF-3 Floors, SC-3 Center, KSW-12 and RS-25s. The main thing I would use the everything for is movies, but I'd probably listen to music on them too. What is sonically/timbre? Things would sound wierd? I can take them back and I do still have the oppurtunity to get a pair of SS-3s for $350. If you could please reply to this as quickly as possible I would appreciate it. ---------------- I think the ss-3's are what you want due to timbre matching for those speakers. Timbre matching simply means that all of your speakers will have the same tonal qualities which will yeild a better listening enviroment. I just got the RS 35's for my RB35's. I was running some boston surrounds with my set up, but with the RS it all sounded much smoother and to me the dialog was more clear. Hope that helps some. Im sure someone will come along soon with a better explination than that so hold fast.
  10. ---------------- On 7/26/2004 12:08:25 AM pinipig523 wrote: i dont understand how people can lose respect for someone if they divorce.... thats his decision. his personal life is not in question here - he won 6.... thats all i care about. 50% of marriages end in divorce, so it aint surprising. better question, if u had a divorce, would u lose respect towards yourself? another thing, it seems that everyone is so quick to blame someone for "faults" they may have. "i lost respect for him because he divorced his wife." how about the fact that he is raising 22,000,000 for cancer research this year? does anyone ever talk about that? better yet, does anyone here do anything this great for their community? and yet, conviction and judgement is such a luxury for those of us in the sidelines. ---------------- I did'ent lose respect for Lance, I mountain bike ( in real mountains) about 400 miles a month and full well know the sacrafice it takes to gain 1% of the conditioning that lance has reached. Lance is the best cyclist on earth, no doubt about it. I believe that at this level of compition or any level of compition it's not only important to just train hard but to set the standard as well in all aspects of your life. Cycling is not ordained by God but marraige is and I would think that one who trained so hard to be a winner would have given more effort in his marriage. While its true we do not know the details of his decision I find it sad that his divorce is justified by the fact that "50% of marriages end in divorce, so it aint surprising". This attitude concerning divorce is evidence of the results of this 50% number. While it's true that Lance has helped greatly with cancer research(my mother just beat cancer)it's not true that this accomplishment somehow relieves him of his duty to his family. Like I said, I know not the circumstances surrounding his break-up but to shack up with sheryl crow(he's not married to her) so quickly say's alot about where his heart may be. I realize that this is not a perfect world and sin is a desease that afflicks us all, life can be a struggle at times, but for a guy with such God given talents and in a time when wrong seems to be right and right wrong, it's just to bad his victory's come with baggage. After all, it was Lance who put himself out there, he made a decsion in the public eye and now it's public, he left his wife or she left him, it dos'ent matter who left who, what matters is that it's finished and it appears to at least some of us that cycling, and living with sheryl crow out of wedlock takes a front seat to his marriage. I mean, it was'ent like he hooked up with crow after his divorce was put to bed. On the contrary, she was on his arm before the ink was dry so that to me sounds as though it was in the works and not somethng that befell him. Would Lance have 5 tour DE Lances victory's if he would have split after the first one with his wife? Im sure the support she gave him helped him to be the great cyclist he is. Now only to shack up with a woman. I was not judging and convicting him, I was just sad to see such a great accomplishment for an American Hero degraded somewhat by his personel choice of divorce. And yes, whatever the circumstances would be surrounding a divorce for myself, it would always be a point of sorrow and failure on my account. If I so quickly ran to a greener pasture, than more so.
  11. ---------------- On 7/25/2004 10:11:16 PM paulparrot wrote: It's not like he stabbed his ex-wife to death, like that one football player did. I do agree that Sheryl Crow is a nasty bird. ---------------- hehehehehehehe, poor ole O.J. Ya I hear what your saying though. It's just to bad for his kids and stuff the way he hooked up so quickly with crow. It just seems kinda hollywooded out to much for such a great cyclists.
  12. ---------------- On 7/25/2004 1:11:05 PM Istari wrote: Teriffic for Lance Armstrong! That is quite an accomplishment for anyone. Too bad he threw away his marriage and three kids to achieve this fleeting glory. "No outside success can compensate for failure outside the home" ---------------- I second that. I love cycling very much and followed Lance but when he dumped his wife and kids for sheryl crow I lost interest in his victory's because he failed the most important race of all.
  13. I just got one. I like it! It go's good with the Klipsch. Real lame remote and instuctions but other than that I can't think of any reason a you would'ent be happy with it.
  14. ---------------- On 7/6/2004 2:48:57 AM white_shadow wrote: I need to buy a new camera. ---------------- That was great!!!!
  15. Ozz


    ---------------- On 7/6/2004 12:45:35 AM Scp53 wrote: I don't have much experience with these speakers but one thing that im pretty sure about- keep it all klipsch. mixing the infinities in will mean there not voice matched... do you care about timbre/voice matched speakers in you HT ---------------- I will be all Klipsch soon, but for now I must use these infinity's for just a little longer. Kinda hate to see em go, I've had em for 10 years now but they won't hang with the Klipsch. I was just wondering if the old infinity center speaker would do better than my infinity mains for surr. back. The reason I ask is because I did some researched on the surr. back question (one or two speakers) and a lot of guys here were going with a center speaker fot their surr. back. Just trying to get your educated input before I put another hole in my wall to mount. I like the look of two speakers for back surround, looks more impressive but sound quality is my goal. If I do stay with two back surround speakers, how far apart sould they be? I was also thinking about buying a RC7 to replace my RC35 and then move the RC35 to back surround duty. What do think about this? Gotta tell ta, I sure have been having fun working all this HT stuff out and thanks again to for all the reply's to my novice questions.
  16. Ozz


    I am in the process of replacing my surrounds to RS35 and maybe a new RC7 to replace my RC35 and then put the 35 at the back surr. position. As things stand now I am running my old infinity mains which are two way bookshelf set-up for my back surr. and was wondering which is better for back surr., my old infinity mains or the infinity center channel at the back? I have been searching out all this surronud placement stuff half the day and it seems that experimention is the final word. But what do you guys mostly do for surr. back? One speaker or two? My room is 13x22 with a vaulted ceiling running the length of the room. My T.V. goes along the short wall and that would put the surr. back about 12 feet behind me. Also, if I keep the two speakers for surr. back, what would be the correct distance apart on the back wall? Should these speakers point down towards the sweet spot or flush with the wall? I have the bookshelf infinitys on the back wall now but even with 6.1 dvd's It doen't seem to fill the back of the room very much. I did use the spl meter and calibrated all the speakers to 75db and really had to crank up the infinity's to keep up with the RB35's but still don't hear em much back there. Do you guy's recomend using a RC35 for the back surr. and if so will the RC7 sound right with the RB35's? Thanks for the direction!
  17. ---------------- On 6/30/2004 7:39:32 PM Thors1982 wrote: Actually, I have watched most of the DVE disk. I definatelly learned a lot. Mainly I just need to know how to use the SPL meter Such as: What range 120-60? Weighting A or C? Response Fast or Slow? Can I use it for other tests such as the "Buzz & Rattle Test", "Frequency Sweep", "Bass Management Test", again what range for each of these I assume for the main test I am supposed to put the SPL meter in the listening position and facing straight up while I do the "Band Limited Pink Noise for each speaker and get each to register the same on the SPL meter??? Sorry, I should have been more specific the first time on the help i needed hehe :-) ---------------- I just calibrated mine. I set the spl to c weighting and slow then ran the dve disk's fullbandwidth pink noise and set the meter to 80 on the dial and shot for 75db starting with the left speaker followed by the center, rf,right surr.,surr. back and so on. Also its been advised to set your sub 2 to 4db hotter than your other speakers.
  18. I know your just trying to help me out. Thanks Ironwood for your input, I really am just learning about HT and very much appreciate all your responses. I think he will get a Denon so I will give him a heads up on the 3802. Thanks Schwock5. I was just now looking around on the best buy site cause their klipsch are on sale but could'ent find Rb35's or Rs35's there. Is fedral stereo any good to order from? It seems like I heard some bad stuff about dealing with them. Wish this forum had a page of shame or fame for members looking for deals and service on the internet. It prolly does and Im to dumb to figure it out.
  19. Ozz

    RS 35 or SS-3

    ---------------- On 6/28/2004 8:40:01 PM yromj wrote: NP, fun to "help". You could always put two of RBs back there. My rear center is going to be relatively far behind me to, compared to my fronts. I'm hoping that this will help "pull" the sound behind me since my surrounds are slightly in front of my seating position. John ---------------- I never thought of it like that.(pull the sound behind me) My surr. are at my side exactly and maybe that would work even better than the hanging two Rs35's from the ceiling. I would end up hanging the RB's about five feet apart on the back wall and that way I would end up with all RB's all the way around keeping the center as is. Man, next im going to need a SVS. Thankyou again for your help.
  20. Ozz

    RS 35 or SS-3

    thankyou for all your help, that could work to but I have to hang these rear surr. from the ceiling so I think I will follow your advice and go with a set of RB35's and then get the RS35's after that. If I did go with all RB35's I would have to hang the one back surr. on the back wall which would place them about 12ft. behind me and Im thinking that would be to far away in relation to the rest of my speaker placement. I sit 7ft. from the Rightfront,center,leftfront,and surr.speakers now. I also was thinking that two back surr. was better but I'm sure your right anyhow about going with just the one RB35 out back. Thanks again for the direction.
  21. Ozz

    RS 35 or SS-3

    I was thinking about another set of RB35's, in fact Im thinking more and more about it right now. Yes, Rb 35's it will be. Would the RS 35"s work well with back surround to complete my 7.1 system? I would end up hanging them from the vaulted ceiling directly behind me and pointing down to the sweet spot. Would this work? Thanks yromj
  22. Ozz

    RS 35 or SS-3

    I would like to replace my Boston surrounds but am some what torn between the RS 35 and the SS-3. I currently have RB 35's fronts, RC 35. The two sets of speakers are priced about $60.00 apart but why does the SS-3 have a wider frequency range than the more costly RS 35's? The 35's I'm sure are a better choice for my system but could I get more from the SS-3? Plus they cost less to. The SS-3's go from 57Hz to 20KHz. The RS 35's from 81Hz to 20KHz. I am leaning towards the 35's but I guess I just need some aid and comfort before I lay out some cash. These speakers would go directly to the side of my seating position approximately 7FT. to each side. My room is about 13ft. wide and 22ft. long and I have a small wall on each side of the room that extends out towards the center of the room by about two feet right at the center of the 22ft. mark of the room. These speakers would be mounted about 2ft. in front of this. Would this work or are these the wrong kind of speakers for my set-up alltogether? Any and all replys are welcome and thanks in advance.
  23. ---------------- On 6/24/2004 7:06:37 AM ironwoods wrote: Hi, why is your Bud looking at amps when he really likes the sound of your Klipsch speakers? Analogy-I like the way a particular car handles.... what motorcycle should I buy? I do agree that amplifers can sound somewhat different sonically, but a speaker can make a world of difference. Why do you think we would know what sounds good with Paradigm/Definative anyways? ---------------- Yea, Its the speakers he likes the sound of. But his amp is buzzing and he feels it is do for replacement anyhow so for now, He will go klipsch eventually so I was thinking Denon. I guess I was just asking if Denon would go well enough with Difinitive for the time being as well any other info. that might be helpfull for him. As far as thinking you all would know what sounds good with paradigm&difinitive I will just put It this way, I'm new here, don't know as much as the least of the forum members and just thought someone would have some experence with a simular set up.
  24. Hey everybody, My buddy has a sony amp powering his Paradigm&Difinitive speakers. He's ready to replace his amp and he really likes my Denon with Klipsch. I learned here, (new guy) that some amps don't go well with certain speakers, that is to bright, to warm, ect. Could someone help me direct my Bud in the right direction concerning a good amp choice for his set-up. He heard my klipsch set-up and drooled so now he is on the hunt for a new amp. He likes mostly HT. He's got about 600.00 bones to spend give or take. Any suggestions would help greatly. Thankyou in advance.
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