Hey all,
there's a lot of information in this tube section to go through, but had some straight up questions to start with if anyone can chime in or point me to some specific threads that could help.
I've been a straight receiver/SS amp guy since i've gotten into this hobby since i've always been a mix of HT and music, but now i'm starting to get some urges i'd like to explore. i'm tube "curious".
There's no way for me budget or space wise to setup a dedicated 2 channel system. My music is always integrated with the home theater.
Current mains are the original RF-7s, but looking to upgrade in the future to the RF-7iiis or Cornwall IVs as the next evolution.
once my basement is done in a few weeks and the system re-setup i'd like to start exploring tubes potentially.
questions below:
1.obviously i don't wanna use a tube amp full time for TV/movies as it would be too much mileage.
So to integrate tubes, i was looking around and saw a few products where you can connect 2 amps to a switcher and output to 1 set of speakers.
Using a switch like this i could connect my receiver's Front L/R speaker out (or if i had an external SS home theater amp, those speaker outs) to this switcher, and then using a zone 2 pre-out to a tube amp connect the speaker outs to this switcher and essentially be able to swap back and forth for HT/music.
main zone woulds be HT and zone 2 use the tubes for 2 channel. am i missing anything on this setup, anyone use these sort of product before, does it degrade quality a lot?
2. If this solution works, seems strange to use nice cables when in the beginning path you have a separate short section to this switcher, any advice?
3. using this setup, i guess the next question would be, would there be a big difference between using a straight tube amp vs a tube integrated?
essentially using the receiver i could use my turntable and cd player through the receiver to a tube amp, but technically i could run the analog out of the cd player and my turntable into a tube integrated and run it that way using the switcher method described above as a pure "analog" stream (obv disregarding cds are digital). but at least from the outputs of each source. what are the benefits/cons?
Thank you if advance, and let me know if there's any questions i can answer to help pinpoint where to go from here.