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Posts posted by Kriton

  1. OK, jumping in here...

    First, the crossover cap refresh for a Heresy is pretty easy using

    Bob's method - I took my time and came out with a pretty decent job on

    my H1.5's that I am refinishing - you absolutely have got to get the

    crossover off the terminal cup, as Bob suggested...it is a cramped

    mess. The sound difference in refreshed caps, whether you do it

    yourself or have Bob do it for you, is really pretty marked - as has

    been mentioned. You can TELL the difference in one sitting, trust

    me - not an esoteric change here.

    Second, Heresy's kick - and they will sound better than any speaker out

    there with a good (or even mediocre) amp, that is until you turn up the

    Cornwalls next to them. I never fail to have folks jaw drop when

    they hear the Heresys, and then smile even wider when the Cornwalls are

    turned on...I have models spanning the range of years from brand new

    H2's to 80's H1's and while all different, they are each spectacular in

    their own ways. I can't beleive the KG would put those speakers

    to shame unless something else was wrong.

    Your Heresys shoudl NOT be that problematic...and one suggestion that I

    would throw out there that no one has mentioned - did you check each

    driver to make sure the tweeters weren't blown? Stuff a sock in

    the horns in order, make sure the drivers are all working - you would

    be surprised how often I have thought a speaker sounded weird, only to

    find out that the tweets or mids were messed up...Sorry if this is

    rudimentary, but the simplest solution is often the best.


  2. Fritz,

    Wow - cool, I think I understand.

    Those amp numbers by the by are for my Sunfire 400/7 amp, directly from their owner's manual - but this is a strange animal, so I used it for the hypothetical...

    The sensitivy of the RF-7's that I am running is 102dB @ 2.83 volts/1 meter, which is all the more confusing. I can not see even coming close to mustering a watt as the volume would be incredible.

    I need to get the calculations down...

    Thanks for taking the time to explain it...


  3. OKOK, now I am really confused - so label me the village idiot - let me give you a hypothetical:

    Say I have an isolation transformer that is rated at 500 watts

    continuous, and I have an amplifier that has rated consumption of 40

    watts rest, 580 watts at normal use, and 1800 watts max before clipping

    - I am going to assume that plugging this thing into THAT transformer is

    big mistake?

    I mean, how many watts can be consumed by an amp which is powering a

    pair of klipsch speakers with 98dbs for 1 watt? There is little

    way I am going to run those things hotter than that, so do I have to

    worry about the consumption being that marked? If the amplifier

    does go beyond the 500 watts, the circuit breaker in the isolation

    transformer trips - will that hurt any of the components????

    While amps are dynamic, what about pre-amps? And how is the wall

    outlet able to deal with these huge spikes in wattage?

    I am trying to get a handle on these things too, and I really liked the

    DYI pages on the balanced power supply, read the papers, and I

    understand in theory, but ...

    Thanks -


  4. Ditto and ditto - have several dozen yards of all kinds of wire from

    these guys, the interconnects are good quality, bare wire is relatively

    cheap, fast shipping, no problems ever after at least 5 orders - and

    the locking banana plugs they have for $5.25 a pair are EXACTLY the

    same as the locking plugs Cobalt Cable sells for $14.95 a pair - should

    tell you something.

    I recommend the Belden in-wall too, good price and tough stuff.


  5. OK, I will weigh in, long time reader, first time poster...

    I heartily agree with UO, can't believe someone is still listening to

    that album..."Sister Havana" is one of my test songs too...

    I have a new test cd though, and it is fairly new -

    Nickelback, All the RIght Reasons - this rock cd well, rocks...the

    first song (Follow You Home) starts with a drum riff that will scare

    the hell out of you if you don't watch the volume - but it gives your

    woofers a fantastic work out...this is a pretty loud album that you

    will just want to keep turning up...

    "Next Contestant", and "Animals" deserve particular mention, but the

    whole album is rocking - you like UO you will like this cd...


  6. But wait! There's more!

    I have two pairs of CW 2's, and one pair (87's) are made with PLYWOOD

    and the other pair MDF, both have front mounted drivers and

    sealed backs...so the confusion goes on and on...


    Edited to add...Some folks claim the older CW 1's sound better (esp.

    alnico magnets, etc...) but then others (like DeanG) will tell you that

    the CW2's were a superior speaker from the driver performance and

    crossover standpoint (higher tweeter, lower bass, front mounted driver

    reducing dissipation, etc.) ... I love my 2's, they absolutely

    rock. Can't say about CW1's, but I wouldn't kick them out of


  7. OB, yes, I just had a daughter (2 months old, so just is merely in my

    screwed up time frame), and thank you for your well wishes. She

    is already a pip, and I expected no less.

    Agreed, one of these days when HT's death is not so recent and the

    wounds have healed someone will have to do a real biography of the man,

    I agreed that it had to come from somewhere, but a lot of the folks

    that knew HT said that he really was like the man in F&L...

    Just finished the Libertine, seems I was closer to the end than I

    thought...hmmm...a rather strange and disconcerted ending.

    Syphilitic, he really doesn't have the redemption that I thought he

    would have, no revelation, no repentance. He does a good thing

    for the king, but it is really for himself, and dies with his ever

    loving wife that he has so cruelly mistreated and nothing else.

    Movie made me want to shower...harkens back to "The Cook, The Thief,

    His Wife and Her Lover" - nobody is innocent, nobody wins, all is

    *&^%, and the world spins on...

    Excellently acted, pretty amazing acting I thought from the whole

    cast. An exercise in shock theater...good for a first watch, but

    not on my list for a second any time soon.


  8. Hey, congrats on the new SACD player...I bought my Denon just for the SACD capability, and I have enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Places to buy SACD's, best are www.elusivedisc.com and www.acousticsounds.com - but be forewarned, they can be pricey.

    I have had some good luck on older SACD's at www.overstock.com, beleive

    it or not - except of course for the fact that they screwed up one of

    my orders (sent me a cd (non-SACD) entitled "Oh That Cello" when I had

    ordered an SACD sampler...took me forever to get it fixed and

    credited)....BUT they have some decent titles at relatively good prices.

    As far as some discs to get...I have to tell you that for testing your

    system, and for the sheer cool factor, the SACD version of Dark Side of

    the Moon is awesome.

    As far as good classical albums, I think that the format shines with

    classical music AND jazz...remember that (if you don't already know)

    SACD could refer to any number of channels of re-mastered music.

    For instance, some SACD's have only two channels, but they are recorded

    at higher bitrates, and are therefore better sounding

    (sometimes). Often, with the jazz, it is the front three channels

    that are live, without the rears. I mention this because it took

    me a while to figure out I had not been hosed...you probably already

    know this...

    I don't have my stereo in front of me, or I would tell you what I was

    listening to last night, but I definitely do have some suggestions -

    depends on your type of tune.

    Have fun.


  9. Respectful of Hunter Thompson? I mean, I love the "gonzo

    journalism" thing, and I find his writing to be painfully direct,

    historically important and disturbingly hilarious ("As your attorney, I

    must advise you to take as many drugs as possible") - but he was a

    tortured suicidal nihilistic amoral walking coma - Where the Buffalo

    Roam is just plain fantastic, though...Kind of like appreciating Dharma

    Bums with really liking Kerouac very much...I idolize the writing, but

    I would not have been to happy to be related to him. Remember too

    that I beleive it was Depp who threw a major private send off bash for

    HT, and was in contact with him for the making of F&L...I am just

    glad that he is at peace, the peace that he was not able to obtain with

    drugs and booze.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Depp's acting is superb, loved F&L, he

    was brilliant in Benny and Joon, I rather liked him in "From Hell"

    - he is NOT the same person in every movie, like say Julia

    Roberts, who is always Julia Roberts whether she is in 17 century

    England, a hooker in Hollywood, running away from her wedding, or

    making pizzas on the east coast. I just don't care for his

    political views and the clear loathing he has demonstrated for the

    United States (even though it was we who made him who he was).

    There are a lot of things wrong here, yes, but stay and fix don't leave

    and pontificate. With Downey Jr. and Edward Norton, I think Depp

    is one of the best of the younger players, just waiting for the right



  10. Has anyone seen this flick? I started it and got a good portion

    of the way through it, but since I was watching with my MOTHER, I had

    to trun it off...she thought is was too "gross and disturbing"

    Have any of you developed an opinion on this one?

    Just curious - while I think Depp is a nimrod, I beleive he is still

    one of the best actors of this generation, what do yall think?


  11. Hmmm...I just watched it, and I too was mildly dissappointed -

    First I have always like Hugo Weaving - since his "Priscilla, Queen of

    the Desert" days to the inimitable Agent Smith in the Matrix...HE is a

    good actor - even with a mask...BUT...

    I don't get the whole Natalie Portman thing...she was awful in the Star

    Wars movies, just unbeleivable - and while she is more so here, her

    accent is shaky at best, and she just doesn't have the chops, she is

    cute in a tiny slip of a girl sort of way, but just doesn't work for me

    - I liked her best and last in "The Professional" - and "Jersey State"

    she was ok, but she did not blow me away - in a manner of speaking...

    I thought the premise of V was decent...but I expected more...more plot

    development, more back story about the plague, more development with

    the police inspector, the friend who disappeared for having a copy of

    the Koran, more ties to mid-twentieth century fascism, and I expected

    at least a nod to PF's "The Wall", who did a better job I thought

    depicting the exact same atmosphere that V was trying to go for and


    was a glorified music video...(The Wall still screws with my head

    sometimes, even now...for what it is, I thought the Wall was a fatally

    imperfect but fantastic and influential piece of film-making, IMHO).

    V ended too abruptly, got there too quickly, left too many threads, and

    the story was too easy to figure out - I cannot beleive that (given the

    conspiracy theorists that we have grown used to today) that there

    wouldn't have been a massive underground movement, a (more) brutal

    oppression of that underground, and a more fanatical ruling class...I

    didn't get that here...Portman was just too cute and too "normal" and

    her indignation too minimal for having gone through what she did, given

    she saw her mother bashed and removed with a bag before her eyes, and

    she was sent to a "camp" for reprogramming....Also, why did her hair

    stay short for months after she was shaved? Just a cool look, or

    what? She leaves V, gets and apartment and her short hair just

    somehow makes her invisible? In a society like they were trying

    to convice you existed, wouldn't she have to do a crapload more to

    "fall off the grid"? AND V just happens to pull a working subway

    car out of his , um, fanny filled with fertilizer based

    explosives? Now THAT would be a good stage trick...Just didn't

    buy it..sorry...I bought the

    first Matrix far far more than this....

    I appreciated the Shakespeare references, but without context, they

    were just so much filler, I spent more time stopping the disc and going

    back to hear the monologues and trying to place the play then watching

    the movie...

    This was one of those where everyone in the room was saying, "I bet you

    the government was the one that gassed its own people", and "I bet she

    is going to get caught and cleansed, but it will be V that does it",

    and "I bet he is going to use that armored statue in some interesting

    way before the end"...and most of the predictions were true...Just

    dissappointed with this one - I was expecting better.

    Lastly, had I heard that Larry Wachowski was undergoing a "gender

    reassignment" and that he was calling himself Linda...does that mean

    that they are the "Family Wachowski" and not the "Wachowski Brothers"

    anymore? (Not that I have the least bit of problem with the

    "gender variable", I was just curious - and more so about this than the

    movie, if that tells you anything).

    Good sound though, explosions woke the baby...


  12. Of course, I found that little tidbit after I purchased the XLR cables

    - and the TGIV - I tend to massively over research even after I buy the

    items -

    It was a review fo the TGIV that I read on an audio website, maybe

    audioholics? Can't say right now, but I know I read it


    But here is my deal...I would pay (on average at least with the Blue

    Jeans XLR's) the same as some good RCA cables...and I don't know

    about you, but not all RCA are made the same - have you ever had an RCA

    male so tight that the female would just not fit on? I have been

    afraid of pushing the male right through the back of the damned

    amp! Some are tight fitting others are not - get out the needle

    nose pliers and hope you can enlarge them to get them to fit with over

    enlarging...etc. OR they are so loose that you are afraid you

    will not get a good connection, and you do NOT want to have to crawl

    back behind all of those snaking cables in the dark bowels of your

    system to tinker with it, do you? I sure don't.

    You get the picture - The XLR's on the other hand, fit like a glove

    pretty much everytime and are held in by clips - I didn't have any

    worries about seating them, damaging the back of the amps, or being

    able to get them off without cracking my knuckles...

    I remember seeing a TGIV for sale on Ebay a stretch back which had a

    *bent* rca jack on one of the speaker outputs - it looked like someone

    got overly frustrated and just bent the hell out it of trying to get it

    on (and those RCA on the Sunfires are heavy duty too!) - none of the

    others were bent or damaged at all - so I didn't think it was caused by

    a careless foot or being dropped - you just don't see that with XLR's -

    so...that is how *I* justify the cables...YMMV - ;)

    My 2c.


  13. Huh?

    Wow, your set-up is almost the exact same as mine! How did that happen?

    I run XLR's in my Sunfire setup - bought them from Blue Jeans too -

    good cables, pretty cheap...now can I tell you that in such a short run

    I heard a difference from the RCA's that I started out with?

    No...BUT all of the XLR's are bundled together and if they are better

    at noise reduction, seems to me that they might be better off than

    similarly bundled RCA's?

    Who knows...I frankly like the way they lock in the connectors, no pulling these bad boys out.

    Really just your preference....if you read the manual (or maybe I saw

    it on the net) the XLR ports on the SUnfores are not *really* balanced

    outputs- apparently the XPR and RCA jacks are internally connected, and

    so the XLR jacks are not really balanced in the accpeted sense of the

    word...so I don't know if you are getting the bang for the buck or not

    - i think it is just a preferential thing at this point.

    Hey, you want to trade your rs7's for a pair of refurbed Heresy's??


  14. Hmmm...

    I like this movie - it came and went incredibly fast in the theaters, if was ever in the theaters.

    Story about an older pensioner (legendary Bill Munro) with heart

    problems (played by Anthony Hopkins) from New Zealand whose life long

    ambition is to run his 50 year old souped up twin cylinder death trap

    Indian motorcycle at Bonneville, and his travails and travels to get to

    Bonneville (including the he-she who helps him, and ground up dog balls

    - don't ask).

    I enjoy pretty much anything Anthony Hopkins is in...I still expected

    him to try and eat the kid always hanging around his shop...He IS the

    movie of course, and while the story drags a bit, the race scenes and

    the speed trials kept me on my edge (having broken a few laws on a

    motor cycle in my younger days).

    I thought it was an overall solid effort, and a good showcase for

    Hopkins. Has a few suggestive scenes (he seems to do pretty well

    with the ladies he meets) , but I think it is about as PG as they come

    these days, good "follow your dreams" flick for families. I recommend

    renting it this weekend.


  15. Of course the folks who know me know that I would have to weigh in on

    this a little...Also those of you who have met my wife know that I got

    lucky, and I tell her often. My five day old daughter Elise is a

    strange occurence in what was otherwise a terribly comfortable and

    understanding relationship - but as I told my wife, loving my daughter

    is easy, if for no other reason than because she is just an extension of my wife...

    But don't be fooled - I had/have deep misgivings about relationships

    (somehwat of an occupational hazard), and I have seen everything vile

    that people who claim to love each other can do to one another and

    their kids...it took until I was 35 to marry (after at least two failed

    engagements earlier in youth), after living together for

    5 years...When we met I was at the lowest point in my life, I moved


    another state, gave up everything, was living like a rat - but I got

    involved in something

    I really used to enjoy doing, and met my wife who was also involved and

    passionate about the same activity, and it was really over pretty

    quickly...I got very

    lucky - but so can you. All I can say is that I am so glad I

    waited till I was ready, because I know that if I had married anyone

    else there would have eventually been a war to end all wars.

    Nothing is forever, and to think that

    anything will last forever is to doom yourself to disappointment,

    whether it is folks just growing apart or the death of a loved

    one. Communication, to the point of distraction and boredom, is

    the absolute key, I think.

    Now lets dispel some rumors - first, Texas at least is a "community

    property" state, meaning that there are a few ground rules - first, what

    you had prior to marriage, what is given to you as a gift during

    marriage, and any **inheritance** - is yours - and cannot be divided upon

    divorce, unless you put it in a joint bank account, write joint checks

    and pay joint bills (thereby making it indistinguishable from her funds

    or funds you have made during the marriage). Keep it separate, it

    stays separate (with a few very minor exceptions, like interest income - but

    that is very specific). SO lets say you had a 58 Belaire that owned

    prior to marriage, and you sell it after marriage to put a down on a

    house - if you can show where it came from you would be entitled to get

    that down back first - before everything is split, get it? ALSO,

    at least here 50% is NOT the usual split. The courts here can

    split the community estate in any manner that they deem "just and

    right", meaning that they could (and often DO) give you or your spouse

    more than fifty percent of the community property or value, which makes

    sense in most cases - say you earn 200k and you spouse earns 20k - to

    split the estate fifty-fifty doesn't take into account the disparity in

    earnings between the parties. HOWEVER, every state is different!!

    The reason I mention this is most of us learned about divorce from what

    we have seen on Knott's Landing or Falcon Crest or "Cruel Intentions",

    and most of the time it just doesn't work that way... AND it changes

    every single time the individual legislatures get together and tweak

    the family code (hundreds of changes to Texas family code on average

    every two years) - My point is, call a good attorney in your

    jurisidction before it becomes an issue, and get your facts straight -

    call it a "prophylactic" meeting, and put those fears aside. Pay

    them for an hour of their time to tell you what the state of things

    are, and protect yourself - THEN, go get get that woman that makes

    you sing, they are out there - man, if a PIA like me can find one,

    friends - so can you. AND even if it doesn't last, god forbid -

    the good times have still been the best moments of my life so far.

    Just my insignificant 2c.



  16. Hmmm...actually I have found that the birch takes stain fine,

    especially if the grain has been open forever, and the pores are

    screaming for stain...I would like to go the reveneering route myself

    on my pair of old beater H2's, but there is just something about that

    whole process that just makes me want to take a drink...

    I will tell you what I have done...I like black speakers, don't know

    why, but especially in my theater I just dig black speakers, something

    about not knowing they are there - distraction of pretty wood things

    ...don't know, but I like them alot -

    NOW, while regular stain seems to have worked well in the non-black

    projects, black stain on sanded birch looks like crap! Comes in

    very brown-not quite black looking...just assume that any stain that

    you use it iwll be lighter in birch than it should be -

    I ended up getting some Behlen black wood DYE, they make other colors,

    but this stuff was like ink man, and the blackest black you have ever

    seen. The H1 i used it on shined up to a satin, and it looks

    really fine - so that might be an option for you?


  17. OK, hold on - lets try to fix the speaker first...

    First, I feel your pain - when I first got my RF7's, there was a woofer that was not working on my right, and I was pretty disappointed (to put it MILDLY). We need to try to fix the speaker, because frankly, sendng them back is really not an option - it will be a roll of the dice whether they will get there in one piece, and back again in one piece, it just makes my head hurt to think about it...AND if your RF's were absolutely pristine like mine were, the thought of some ape man handling them makes me even madder..

    OK, first, have you been able to isolate which individual driver is not making up for the sound? Are all the drivers putting out sound, just not enough?

    These speakers had (have?) a nasty tendency to come loose in their connections - in other words, my problem was that the cable came off one of the woofers in transit, and all it required was taking the driver out, hooking up the wire and putting it back together, carefully. If all of the drivers are making sound - then it sounds like maybe a crossover problem? In that event I would pull the crossover out of the one that is good, swap with the bad speaker, and fire it up using your meter to measure at the same volume the SPL...and determine that way whether it is in the crossover or the actual drivers...If that doesn't reveal something then you are dealing with a blown or substantially altered driver - and that -individual- component is all that has to be replaced or repaired - it may be just a diaphragm in the tweeter...This is really the same work that your authorized dealer would do were you to haul them somewhere, and you will be a lot more careful with them. You will need a star head for your screw driver, the drivers are surprisingly heavy so be careful when you remove them - if you want to avoid that, try to stick your hand in the tuning port and as far up as you can to check the cable terminals on the woofer you can reach.

    ALSO, just for giggles, make sure that the foam placed in the bottom fo the cab is not blocking one of the ports thereby muffling sound..

    OK, if you know all of this already and have tried all this yourself, then I am sorry for telling you what you already know - I just never knew any of this stuff until my went south, and I wanted to share ;)

    NOW as far as the warrantees, nope I think at least through the retailer you are screwed. Go read the fine print on the contract, I bet you they gave themselves an out in case they went under. Those warrantees are one of the biggest money makers they have, and while I have in the far past bought them myself, I would never bother these days. I have heard that Klipsch is good with customer service, but the only experience I really had with the technical service was over a set of Promedia computer speakers that were very expensive, that were notorious for having the amplifiers fry, took me months to get it back, cost me $60.00 bucks to have the thing reworked and was a generally overall BAD situation.

    HOWEVER, after being on this forum, I can say that Amy and Trey have gone out of their way to help and secure excellent response to folks with problems, and I would suggest that you send Amy a private message and explain the problem, after doing the torubleshooting.

    Hope that helps.


  18. OK, dammit -

    I am with WooDog on this one, you guys are killing me!

    Man, if I could sneak out, I would be there - but there are signs that

    the birth is really imminent...Well at least I already put the Heresys

    in her room...she will have a pretty kickin' little system before she

    is even born...

    At any rate, if you guys can pick me up any good picts or memorabilia, I will make it worth your time!

    Trey - I have been working too - will PM you shortly.

    Don't have too much fun or I will ahve to come after you ALL...


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