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Everything posted by sunburnwilly

  1. Thundering cover of a favorite 90's rock tune
  2. Always dug this 90's tune
  3. Best Aerosmith song of the where's Joe period
  4. I'll be down for that in the fall ! Right now with what I have going on I can't really ask for vacation time .
  5. What on earth would I do with 2 more 🤷‍♂️. But thanks for the offer Billy you're one of the good ones !
  6. This cat covers a huge variety of stuff . Check out his YouTube channel 👍
  7. Good luck man and yeah steroid time is no sleep time for me as well . Good thing it's only before and after chemo .
  8. Feels like blu-rays are dieing a slow death . Prices are up and deals are few .
  9. Yesterday I had transurethral prostate resection surgery . Doc says it went well and I should have some long needed relief from my issues . Man , today before I left the hospital I felt pretty good and then the meds wore off . Wow , I've not experienced a kidney stone but the feeling has to be similar . Got phenoxopyridine to help but it hasn't kicked in yet . The pain is fairly intense when I urinate but mostly subsides after a few minutes . Stream is much stronger but darn if I don't feel that I've had a Urethral Rootering .
  10. Those shouldn't last long at that price 👍
  11. From my biopsy in February my six samples came back as 3 - 7's , 2 - 8's and a 9 ; all high grade prostate cancer . I'm scheduled for a prostate resection on the 24th and I was also curious why not just take out the whole thing . Oncologist said it was much riskier with a greater chance of complications . He feels that I'm already pushing it having the procedure 10 days after chemo but I was adamant about getting it done and he signed off on it . I really need the relief !
  12. Ain't no money in the cure , the money is in the treatment ! I have my second round of chemo tomorrow . Almost $20K a pop but my insurance covers around $2.5K so I've got that going for me 😳 . Been looking at medicaid and their website mentions most hospitals can help getting the ball rolling . Will try to get something started after my infusion is complete .
  13. If you feel somethings not right get it checked . I procrastinated thinking a lot of guys have the same issues and I'll get around to it . I waited too long and now I have to fight . Don't be like me .
  14. Thanks and best of luck to you sir !
  15. Car ish ? https://jalopnik.com/craig-breedlove-dead-86-spirit-of-america-land-speed-1850304864
  16. Not the quickest on the mountain but muy macho 👌
  17. That's way cleaner than the interior of my 2016 STi ! Mines lucky if I dump out the sand on the floor mats .
  18. Thanks man I'm strong , active and should be a good candidate to beat the odds .
  19. The talent is obvious 👍
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