Hit a fork in the road
YT has gone scorched earth on accepting ADs
Not sure I want to pay
not sure I want to drop the force fields either.
WDCB Swing Shift was great today
posted playlist and link in RTM section
Excellent show, Swing feat Benny Goodman
Great female vocals on tracks
Martha Tilton (sp) is great
Helen Forrest sounds great
It will be up for 2 weeks, then gone
Swing Shift
Oct 14, 2023 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
For some reason, the R Ch is missing in the first part of the show
probably didn't have mono set correctly.
Thought it might be my just rebuilt tuner, but it's missing on the digital version too.
Set my pre amp to copy L to LR, for the first half hour ?