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  1. Dave- I took a look at your tri-amping posts....Wow, that kinda blew my mind. Wait, not kinda, nah, it blew my mind. That is enough research to start your own company producing a line of your own speakers. Myself, I'm defaulting to adding Solid State amplification to my low end by finding some self-powered SVS subwoofers and call it a day since the rest of the amplification is done via my Decware tube amp. I figure the tube amplification to the Klipsch LaScala woofer dies out at 50htz and will be lost and unheard when the SS subs are employed. Call me lazy but it is a LOT easier and exponentially cheaper. I guess if you wanted to "improve this specific setup" you could buy brand-new drivers for the squawker and mid-horn from Crites? I'm open to suggestions here. I'm just ignorant on where the line is for diminishing returns. That is, just how much better will the squawker and mid-horn sound with new drivers? At the moment my biggest challenge is to find the right finish for the birch plywood that doesn't blotch or darken the wood too much. Also, I'm considering building a speaker grill to cover the squawker and mid horn but can't seem to find the right kind of birch moulding that is flat (not half-round) for the frame. I'm searching for iron-on birch banding with adhesive back to cover all the front-facing 7-ply birch plywood to give it a solid wood look. -b
  2. Hey Dave, Eh, nice job on those speakers, you hoser;) lol;) That's was for all you lurking SCTV Canadian fans out there...Long live John Candy... Here's what I like about your job. Blacking out the bass bin is a personal decision and quite frankly a gatekeeping function since veneering would require quite a bit of skill. Personally I like the lines of the bass bin and plan to use a light-colored oil rub of some sort (still seeking suggestions) on these speakers. I'm leaning toward keeping these speaker light in color to blend with our off-white walls. My question is how much better does it sound than stock? You decided to add a subwoofer. It that because the stock or Bob Crites x-overs did not provide enough bass? If I remember correctly these speakers' stock only go done to 50htz? Does the front mounting of the squawker really make a difference? Is it just a process of widening the hole?
  3. ANyone have contact infor for Deano ?
  4. OK, yes, I own a pair of 1980 LaScala's with rebuilt ALK x-overs by the Grinch who stole Christmas, I assume you all know about Al. Anyhow, these birch cabs are not in superior shape. The theme in my listening room would be closer to walnut modern-looking furniture. The blond-looking unfinished birch wood with its 7-ply showing sides seems out of place. I thought about finding a wood-wooker to apply walnut veneer but I am having problems finding anyone local who is qualified to do such a job. Plus, I have no idea what that would cost. I also thought about doing something less complicated and just building a tweeter and mid horn speaker grille like shown on the attached image plus covering the exposed 7-ply on the front-facing edges with a flat mould. Of course, I don't know where to buy the speaker fabric as shown in the picture. I was wondering if anyone else on this forum has been through this same exercise in trying to make these Cornwalls more appealing to their wives with the modifications mentioned above?
  5. Yes, there is something wrong in my system. I just need to establish a sequential troubleshooting list to try to track it down. The Decware Tube amp is brand new. Yes, I will A/B a wired ethernet connection to see if that makes a difference. I thought the suggestion that a woofer may be out of phase was a really good and thoughtful suggestion;) ALK x-overs were bought directly from the grinch who stole Christmas (you all know about Al, I assume) Any suggestions on a sequential troubleshooting list would be appreciated. Thanks, bob ----------------------------------------------- I included an image of my hardware setup. The only hardware component missing now is a phono pre amp. I'm pretty much at a loss when it comes to software issues. Plex Media Server does not provide any support. Best bob
  6. Yes, there is definitely something wrong in my system. I just need to establish a sequential troubleshooting list to try to track it down. The Decware Tube amp is brand new. Yes, I will A/B a wired ethernet connection to see if that makes a difference. I thought the suggestion that a woofer may be out of phase was a really good and thoughtful suggestion;) ALK x-overs were bought directly from the grinch who stole Christmas (you all know about Al, I assume) Any suggestions on a sequential troubleshooting list would be appreciated. Thanks, bob
  7. I thought I might post here since there are a lot of experts here. My system is very simple. I have a Wiim Pro Plus that receives a wireless network signal then delivers it into my Deware Rachel tube amp then to my 1980 La Scala's outfitted with new rebuilt ALK crossovers. When I access my FLAC music files on my NAS drive using the Wiim app the music sounds weirdly thin. Not sure where the weakness is in my audio chain. Thoughts?
  8. Unfortunately, I bought what I thought were upgraded x-vers called the Super AA crossover from Al KapPenPainInTheAssBerger. What a joke. Al K. is a joke. Don't waste your time, effort or intellectual curiosity on Al. He is a village idiot. -bob
  9. Deang -I bought a pair of Super AA's from AL they sound worse than the stock 40 yr old ones I replaced. Al took my old x-overs in trade so now I'm stuck with worse sounding x-overs. I was reading his marketing copy regarding the SUper AA's being a huge upgrade and now I just feel like I was grifted by Al. In fact, I reached out to Al and he just doesn't care. So sad. Please advise if the x-overs I have are salvagable.
  10. I recently acquired some vintage 1980 LaScala's. I immediately called Klipsch to order a pair of fresh K33 woofers. The crossovers were tired and I think leaking so I upgraded the x-overs. After listening to the speakers they seemed too bright and a bit shrill with a tab bit of distortion. Is the answer as simple as Do I replacing my diaphragms in all my horns or is it a problem with the x-over? Please advise.
  11. Sorry, I'm a noob. What does 9,5 Ohms minimum mean? Did you intend a period instead of a comma? i.e. (9.5 Ohms)
  12. I have some 1980 LaScalas and I replaced the woofers and would like to test the tweeter AND the mid horns. Does anyone have the acceptable ohm min/max range for the tweeter and mid horns? thanks bob
  13. I have some 1980 LaScalas and I replaced the woofers and would like to test the tweeter AND the mid horns. Does anyone have the ohm min/max for the mid horns?
  14. Klipsch La Scala K33 15" Speaker - $20 - needs recone
  15. I have a circa 1980 K33B Square magnet woofer out of a La Scala. It needs a re-cone. I was wondering what the current value of this speaker is currently as a non-working speaker that needs a re-cone?
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