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Everything posted by Tarheel

  1. And that reminds of a college girlfriend (hippie type) that used fabric softener as a hair conditioner and diluted Clorox as a teeth whitener. Wonder how she looks these days?
  2. And most shampoo brands tell you to lather and rinse your hair twice....never do!
  3. You never know where Ben will turn up. Pop in more often my friend!
  4. At LF's suggestion we retired the Bunn coffee maker. Never could get the timer right. A friend of hers has a Cuisinart that she loves so we got a "grind and brew" and set the timer for 6:15am. Coffees ready when we get up. Glad you folks are okay dtel!
  5. I guess it may be a few days dtel but check in when you are able!
  6. Okay then remember the 3 B's. Batteries, booze, bath tub. The tub is to have flushing water or to dunk in after yard clean up. Be safe and get the chain saw ready..........
  7. Yeah and bring those Humming birds in.
  8. Yeah and bring those Humming birds in.
  9. I like sweaters.....all cotton crew necks since wool irritates my neck. Better in cooler weather though!
  10. Try to bring the Hummingbirds in. They are light and may blow away.
  11. Tarheel

    What I Got Today!

    Do you have 2 PL's or did you buy spares?
  12. Think I'll go upstairs to shoot a game of billiards with LF and have a Yuengling Black & Tan.
  13. Just remember it's the thought that counts! Doesn't make toast....but counts!
  14. If I win I may upgrade the prize to toaster ovens!
  15. Morning grasshopper! Poor old Swanky is scared to death of electrical storms. Had to put him in the master closet with the lights on and tried to sleep on the floor with him. Storm finally calmed down after a couple of hours😑 LF playing tennis....one hour late start as the courts were wet. Powerball up to $290,000,000. Bought 3 tickets😃
  16. Glass shortage at Jack Daniels......still can't get half gallons here😐
  17. Welcome to the forum cz606🙂
  18. You may need to send that young man a new toaster!
  19. Those pork butts looks tasty dtel! Dave Mallette would have been 72 today. Quite a character and gone too soon😪 Gonna be a rainy day again here. Last scheduled trip to the Chiropractor at 10:00. I know they will want me to continue but I'm going to take a break. Washed the bubble wearing a lumbar belt with no ill effects. Actually loosened me up some.
  20. Looked up "exercises for low back pain" and found a list by Kaiser Permanente. Got out the exercise mat and did a few exercises a couple of times. Bien! Helped a lot to stretch out the back some. And all along I have been very careful and resting my back rather than moving it a bit😐
  21. Yep but I'm not like them.....I'm a wimp for pain!
  22. Thanks Randy H and Dave. Dave when you get a chance tell me more about the procedure, discomfort, performed in office or hospital, and other info you think I need to know. Either here or in a PM. Thanks
  23. I think the "cash cow" remark (meme) was a response to my statement about Chiropractors keeping you in treatment forever to have "cash cows". Nothing to do with politics what so ever.
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