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Everything posted by oldenough

  1. Duder, I have an "Ed Saunders" stylus on my other V15 iii, but I didn't like it as much as the original that I am now trying to get a replacement for. Don't really know what it was about the Saunders replacement, but it sounded kind of thin in comparison, but for $49 it is still very good.
  2. They have legions of fans for good reason Marty, hence me wanting to hold onto mine. The chances of it going bad aren't worth betting on....
  3. I need a new stylus for my V15 iii, checked out the Jico site and there are a few different types on offer. Anyone have any experience to offer me ? I like the idea of the $78 elliptical, but is there big improvement to be had by moving up the ladder a bit?....Thanks. PS....Maybe the question should be...is there any reason for not buying the $78 elliptical stylus ?
  4. Non existant budget eh ....hmmmm, pop along to the grocery store pick up a couple of sturdy cardboard boxes, and I guess you must have some duct tape laying around somewhere.
  5. I agree, I was under the assumption Max had already had these "alloy prints" done, after reading it again I see I was mistaken.
  6. I prefer the original, but I know that you have to see the "alloy prints" with your own eyes to appreciate them, the effect doesn't come across on a 'puter screen... PS, I do appreciate a nice pair of legs tho'....thanks.
  7. Mark, he sure is entertaining, my wife has been watching him for hours, he's just hanging out, makes a few chirps, goes to the feeder, chases off the other males. Must be that time of the year, needs a good woman! Edit: My mistake, that is a female....
  8. I have been watching this little guy for the last few days, Hummers can be quite territorial but this guy is taking it to another level, he is standing guard over the feeder and taking on all comers.
  9. I used to love spending time in New Orleans, it was my get away place just 100 miles or so along I-10.
  10. I really like that Fuji, my wife wanted something like that and ended up with a Nex-7, I enjoy using it and it is always in the car ready to use. I have only recently moved to digital and I am finding the learning curve tougher than I thought it would be, photoshop is just frustrating for me. Oh how I miss my darkroom....lol
  11. JL, did you look into the Youngo flashes, I've had some friends purchase them and so far the results and reviews have been good. Can't beat the prices either.
  12. Ain't that the truth! Still trying to explain to the wife why I needed to spend the equivalent of a decent used car on a lens...
  13. Great idea being in the body, I only have in one lens a 300mm and was shocked how well it works, I would now look for it on any lens I would be interested in. Yup! no matter what lens I use, whether it be one of my old Nikon, Minolta, Canon etc it is stabilized, and yes it does work well.
  14. Sony are really turning out some great cameras. I was a looong time Nikon user (film) but the Sony Alpha a77 and a99 made me a believer. I really like the electronic view-finder (evf). The "G" class and Zeiss lenses are for the most part superb, and comparable to anything the "2 big boys" put out, another big plus is that the stabilization is incorporated in the body rather than the lens, so regardless of the lens used you have Image Stabilization. I also enjoy seeing the look of disgust on fellow photogs faces when they realise I'm shooting with a SONY DSLT!!!!......
  15. Very nice Amy, you've got a good eye...
  16. This Hummingbird made it back to Canada, amazing to think that these little guys travel the distances that they do.
  17. That is one darn fine cell phone camera Schu...Very nice.
  18. The "Song Sparrows" have arrived...Spring is here...
  19. Mach1, I looked at some of your other work on-line, very nice. The "Ice Fishing" photo is superb.
  20. Just checked the pantry...yup!...plenty of popcorn in there....
  21. Just wanted to share this handsome guy with you.
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